This post was copied from News Alert #291
from the internet news organization, Absolute
Rights. We received it as an email.
* * * * *
Remember the "mark of the beast" from the Bible?
Well, guess what? Looks like it might finally be com-
ing to pass. Americans-of all religious backgrounds
(and the non-religious) are about to get marked by
the massive beast of government.
The "mark of the beast" was referenced in the book
of Revelation, 13: 16. "He causes all, both small and
great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a
mark on their right hand or their foreheads."
Revelation continues by telling of a time in the pro-
bable near-future when nothing may be bought or
sold without that "mark." Theologians and others
have long speculated about what that mark might
be a tatoo, perhaps; an arm or head band, maybe?
No, it seems as though modern technology has
solved that riddle: something implantable like a
small chip in one's hand. The chip could interact
with your body while at the doctor's office, for
example. One scan and the doctor could measure
your blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate and
other vital information, (as well as your medical
hisory and present wherabouts.) The chip could
serve as a way to enter or leave your home; swipe
the chip and your front door may lock or unlock.
No keys to lose and no worries about; someone
else finding it and using it to get into your home.
Such chips might also interact with your car. A
swipe to start, swipe again to shut the engine down.
No more car thefts, in theory. Of course, your chip
could be mated with your bank account. When one
goes to Wal-Mart, the grocery, or parts store, the
movies, etc., You could pay with a swipe of a hand,
just like the book of the Revelation foretold.
No debit or credit cards, no more fraud, no
theft. Okay, so really, how far off is this senario?
Not very. In fact, IBM has been getting the public
primed for years. Understand, IBM has earned
billions over the years from organized information,
even before the common use of computers. During
World War II, for instance, IBM leased punch card
machines to the Nazi's in Germany for their concen-
tration camps. The machines, which had to be ser-
viced monthly, were punch card systems that corre-
spond to the number of the tattoos on the arms of
prisoners. Keep in mind; early on there was men-
tion of requiring an RFID chip in the "Affordable"
Care Act, but good citizens raised such ire over it
the idea died..., for now.
So, what is stopping this technology from being
imposed on all Americans? For now, the Constitu-
tion of the United States of America and its Fourth
Amendment guarantees privacy. Given Obama's
incessant trampling of the Constitution--and our
feckless Congress, that permits the usurpation of
it's power--how far off, really, is the "mark?"
Would you sucumb to the Mark of the Beast?
What if it becomes the "law of the land?" Is this
no big deal or something that will make life more
convenient? ( End of copied material)
* * * * *
(It might also be the mark described in
the book of revelation that brings with
it the eternal destruction of a soul who
receives that mark.)
(There were five places where editing was needed
to clarify this information, but the post is true to
the original...) Statements in parenthesis are from
the editor.
My wife and I recently viewed the latest "Left
Behind" movie. We re-watched the original.
The new movie is, of course, higher budget
and graphically superior, but we still prefer
the original. We are glad we made the effort
to watch the new movie, since it is well done.
donporter, sr 10.04.14 ed.11.08.14, 6.30.16...
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