
Saturday, February 28, 2015


       There are  theologians that teach prophecy  from the Scriptures
who believe the seven churches addressed in the second and third
chapters of Revelation (the final book in the Bible) represent seven
ages of the church of Jesus Christ on the earth. This is taught as a
progressive tour of the Church throughout  history beginning  with
the Church at  Ephesus, then  Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, 
Philadelphia, and finally Laodicea. Each congregation is complimen-
ted on it's degree of faithfulness, then given  critical analysis of any 
failure.  Where error is found, the offer to repent is always available 
with  the Lord. The final church addressed, Laodicea, is  the subject 
of our discussion here. Each of the cities addressed in this passage
are in Asia or Asia minor, are significant, and their whereabouts can 
still be established.  The link below is a map showing these cities;

     Revelation 3: 14-22, kjv
14. And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; 
     These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, 
     the beginning of the creation of God;
15. I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would 
      thou wert cold or hot.
16. So then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, 
      I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods and 
      have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, 
      and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
18. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou
     mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do 
      not appear;  and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou 
      mayest see.
19. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, 
      and repent.
20. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my 
      voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup 
      with him, and he with me.
21.To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne,
    even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his
22. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the

         As you see, above, this church was rebuked by the Lord God.
When you read the complete chapters of two and three Revelation,
you will find all of  the churches, with the exception of Smyrna and
Philadelphia were found to be in some degree of error.  The church
of  the Laodiceans seemed to be the most egregious offender.  It is
to be noted, that  each of  the offenders were  offered counsel from
the Lord to repent and  return fully to him as in verses 20 and 21 of
chapter three.  

 Since we believe the Laodicean church represents the final church 
 age,  there is evidence we are presently living in that era.  There is 
 reason to believe; in each church age of  the seven, there  are cha-
racteristics of every age, in individuals within those local congrega-

     So, what are  the characteristics for which we must look, if we
are to determine if this is accurate?  Is this  typical in churches of
today or is  this just a  poor  theory?  No one person  or  group of
people should be regarded as being completely knowledgeable on
this score,  but we can look at trends or tendencies from each  age
and see them within the church and in ourselves.  

 In vs. 15-16, there is a lack of  passion found in the congregation, 
maybe even the leadership, at  Laodicea.  "I will spue  thee out of 
my mouth," indicates the disgust  with which our Lord holds  this
people.   In vs. 17 there is failure of  this people to recognize their
poverty in the Spirit, and thus we find pride and conceit to be pre-
valent.  In vs.18 the Lord  offers all that is needed  for  restoration  
through discipline or chastening. In vs. 20 He gives the vehicle of 
that restorationtion;  

  "Behold I stand at the door and  knock, if any man hear my voice, 
    and open the door, I will come in to him, and will  sup with him,
    and he with me." See also 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, who 
    are called by my name,  shall humble themselves, and pray, and 
    seek my face, and turn from  their wicked  ways; then will I hear 
    from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  
    "...and His mercy endureth forever."    See Psalm 136...  (See the 
     link below for what's next...)

I heard the late Dr. Adrian Rogers today on radio.  He was teaching 
from the Revelation about  last days.  He is  finishing  the message
tomorrow, May 1st.....

I have received an email questioning whether Jesus Christ will really
come back to earth.  Whether  they refer to the "Catching  Away" of 
believers, or  the "Second Coming," when Christ will actually set his
feet on  this earth,  it  will  split, and  He  will  set up his Kingdom on
the earth.  He  will, according  to my belief, rule over  all of  mankind
from that time until a later time  when things  change again. There is
a statement  in the New Testament  saying,  men in the last days will 
question whether Jesus Christ will actually return, and that question
is being asked now.  When our Lord returns for his Bride, or church,
He will not set his foot on the earth, but will catch "us" up in the air. 

    Thanks for the question.  I hope this gives you a satisfactory 
     answer.  There is much controversy, some disagreement on
     this topic.  Dogmatism, however; is unacceptable...   

     Thanks for looking; donporter,sr 2.28.15 Edited 12.25.15, 5.7.16

Thursday, February 19, 2015

SPIRITUAL WARFARE AND SIN.......................... (A. W. Tozer)............... GALATIANS 6: 7

The text below was taken directly from a website containing many of the
short works of A. W. Tozer.  The site is named Literature Ministries, but it 
no longer publishes the Tozer Devotionals.  They still have devotions pos-
ted regularly. See the link below:

The Tozer Devotionals are published by Biblegateway see link:

Another link to Tozer...

That Incredible Christian, 51. 
"/tozertxt.html" A. W. Tozer, November 13 


Spiritual Warfare and Sin: Wrong Judgment
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he 
will also reap. --Galatians 6:7

      Sin, I repeat, in addition to anything else it may be, is always an act of 
wrong judgment. To commit a sin a man must for the moment believe that 
things are different from what they really are; he must confound values; 
he must see the moral universe out of focus; he must accept a lie as truth 
and see truth as a lie; he must ignore the signs on the highway and drive 
with his eyes shut; he must act as if he had no soul, and was not accoun-
table for his moral choices.

   Sin is never a thing of which to be proud.  No act is wise that ignores 
remote consequences, and sin always does. Sin sees only today, or at 
most tomorrow; never the day after tomorrow, next month or next year. 
Death and  judgment are pushed  aside as  if they did  not exist  and the 
sinner  becomes for  the time a  practical atheist  who by his act denies 
not only the existence of God but the concept of life after death....

  The notion that the careless sinner is the smart fellow and the serious-
minded Christian, though well-intentioned, is a stupid dolt altogether out 
of touch with life will not stand up under scrutiny. Sin is basically an act 
of moral folly, and the greater the folly the greater the fool. Man: 
"The Dwelling Place of God," 47-48.  (End Tozer's remarks...)

1.  What is Sin to you?
a. breaking of God’s law (10 commandments)
b. moral lapse, committing an act we are aware of to be wrong.
c. a foolish act, thinking of self to the  detriment of another

2. What can/must be done when one becomes aware of sin in his life?
a. confess this act or attitude to God in prayer. (1 John 5: 1 - 5)
b. agree with God that it is sin, ask forgiveness of the Lord and
the individual against whom one has sinned. (1 John 1: 9)
c. Thank God for the forgiveness and turn (repent) from the sin.
        (1 John 5: 10-13)

3.  After one has realized  there is sin in his life and confessed it to the 
     Lord and to that one who might have been injured by the sin, what's 
     next? (1 John 5: 14-15)
     Forgiveness of confessed sin is in God’s will.  Believe you are forgiven
     according to your prayer in His will. 

4.  What is the part of the Holy Spirit? (Ephesians 5: 8-20)  “Be not drunk 
     with wine, wherin is excess, but be ye filled (being filled) with the Holy 
     Spirit.:  (vs 18)
     Ask for that filling of the Spirit to empower you to live a life above 
     reproach (to our Lord) and trust the Lord to answer that prayer accor-
     ding to his word.  From there we just "Walk in the Spirit"  Romans 8:1
     II Corinthians 5: 7  "...we walk by faith..."  (This not a faith in "faith,"
     but faith in the one who has already paid the price for the sins of the
     world or every one who believes in him.)  1 John 2: 1-2
donporter,sr   2.18.15, ed. 2.26.15

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

LOVE NOT THE WORLD, LOVE THE FATHER.................... I JOHN 2: 15-17

     "Love not the world, neither the  things that are
in the world.  If  any man  love the  world, the love 
of  the Father is  not in  him.  For all  that is in the
world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of  the eyes,
and the pride of  life is not of  the Father, but  is of 
the  world.  And  the world  passeth  away, and  the 
lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of the Father
abideth forever.    
                                                 I John 2: 15-17 kjv

As we consider this short passage of Scripture
from the  first epistle penned by the disciple or 
(Apostle)  "whom Jesus loved,"  we  will  start 
with the close and  work our way to the begin-
ning of  the passage. (As this  passage speaks 
of  the "world,"  it  refers to the world system; 
the way people of  the "world," live  life apart  
from our Lord and his Word.  It is not a refe-
rence to the earth.)   

10. "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in 

    which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the 
      elements will melt with fervent heat, both the earth and the 
    works that are in it will be burned up." 
 (see Isaiah 51: 6, Revelation 20: 11)
11." Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what man-

    ner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,"
12.  "looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God,

    because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, 
    and the elements will melt with fervent heat?"
13.  "Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new 

         heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells."  
   2 Peter 3: 10-13  nkjv    
        Our Lord does not  overly concern himself with things that  
   are passing away.  In all of Scripture He has encouraged man-
   kind to occupy, meet challenges and serve in his present con-
   dition  and situation, but to look  past the way  things  appear
   (in the flesh)  to  those  things to  come.  (In  the Spirit.)  Even
   as we live in this body of flesh, (death) we  know the pathway 
   to  pleasing  the  Lord God (which is our hope) is in the Spirit.
  The Spirit lasts forever;  the flesh is passing away even now.

  "Ye worship ye know not what, we know what we worship: for 
salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when 
the true  worshippers  shall  worship the  Father in spirit  and in 
truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."  
                                                                          John 4: 22-23 kjv

   Things of the flesh, inordinate affection for that which appeals 
to the eyes, pride of  that  which is,  now, and  is gone tomorrow 
are of  this present world. They are the stumbling blocks to a life 
of contentment, serving our Father in the  Spirit.  
          "God is  a Spirit and  they  that worship  him  must 
            worship  him in Spirit and in truth." John 4: 24 kjv   
  Our Lord enables one who is  filled  with his Spirit to live above 
  the mundane, and identify with his Son, Jesus Christ as a Child
  of the Most High God. 

     From the beginning of these verses, 15, 16, 17, we  are  given
  the secret to  such a life.  We  must reject  instant  gratification 
  available though our  lust  for things  that  are  very  temporary.  
  Even  people "of  the  world" know  the pleasure in the  present  
  things is fading, but are powerless to pass them up. The fleshly 
  lusts, the  thing  that appeal to  the eyes, and  their penchant to 
 over value status, keeps them from dealing with the facts.  All of
 this is passing  and there will, one day,  be an accounting  of the 
 things done in the flesh.  Each must be informed of his future or 
(or lack of it) and directed to Scripture where we find answers to 
 life's questions and find life in the Spirit of  God in Christ Jesus.  
Within ourselves,  you  and I have no answers to  life's questions 
and  must always defer to the Holy Scripture.   (Hebrews 4:12) 

    Those of  us who know the Lord God in Jesus Christ, God the
Son, must  confront those  whom we  know to be on a dead  end 
street, with the Gospel of  Jesus  Christ, from  Scripture, or ... 
    "When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man thou shalt surely 
     die; if  thou dost not  speak to warn the wicked from his way, 
     that wicked  man shall die in his iniquity; but  his blood will I
     require at  thine  hand."  Ezekiel 33: 8  (read verses 8, 9, 10)  
 Do we even know what the "I will require at thine hand," entails?
 It sounds ominous...

    Thanks for looking and may the Lord God bless you and thrust
          you and me into the battle for men's souls. 

donporter,sr  2.18.15, ed. 6.23.16





Monday, February 16, 2015


Personal Life: Personal Holiness (A. W. Tozer)
    (This piece published by a group, online; see below for the link.)

But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 

because it is written, "Be ye holy, for I am holy." --1 Peter 1:15-16

You cannot study the Bible diligently and earnestly without being 
struck by an obvious fact--the matter of personal holiness is quite 
important to God!

   Neither do you have to give long study to the attitudes of modern 
Christian believers to  discern that by  and large we consider the 
expression of true Christian holiness to be an option:  "I have looked 
it over and considered it, but I don't buy it!  Holiness is not optional."

  I am of the opinion that we who claim to be apostolic  Christians do 
not have the privilege of ignoring such injunctions. I do not mean a 
pastor can forbid or  a church may compel.   If we are people of the 
Bible (Scripture) we dare not ignore the instruction, "Be ye holy."...

   But, brethren, we are still under the holy authority of the apostolic 
command.  Men of God have reminded us in the Word that God asks 
and expect us to be holy men and women of God, because we are the 
children of God, who is holy. The doctrine of holiness may have been 
badly and often  wounded--but the provision of God by His pure and 
gentle,  loving  Spirit is still the positive answer for those who hunger 
and thirst after righteousness and for a life well-pleasing to God. 

                           “SPIRITUALLY PURE, GODLY”
             “FILLED WITH POWER OF DEITY"(End of Article...)

This post was taken from a website featuring the Bible Knowledge
of the late A. W. Tozer, with permission, in 2012.  It is no longer
available there..."  

(End of Article...)
"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without
which no man shall see the Lord." Heb. 12: 14 

   donporter 2.16.15

Saturday, February 14, 2015


     This passage of  Scripture was written by
Isaiah, a prophet of God in the Land of Israel, 
who lived  and  prophesied 700 years before 
the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 
   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Isaiah 53: 1-12, (KJV)
         1, Who hath believed our report?
   and to whom is the arm of the Lord

       2, For He shall  grow  up  before  him
  as  a tender plant, and  as a  root out  of
  dry ground.  He  hath no  form  nor com-
  liness; and when we shall see him there
  is no beauty  that we  should desire him.

     3, He is despised and rejected of men,
  a  man of  sorrows, and acquainted with
  grief; and we hid  as  it  were  our  faces
  from  him;   He  was  dispised   and  we 
  esteemed him not. 

4.Surely  He  hath  borne  our  griefs and
  carried our sorrows;  yet we did esteem
   him stricken, smitten  of  God and afflic-

5.But  He was wounded  for  our  trans-
  gressions, he was bruised  for  our ini-
  quities; the chastisement of our peace
  was upon  him; and  by his stripes we 
  are healed.

6.All we like sheep have gone astray, we
  have  turned  every one to his own way,
  and the Lord hath laid on him the iniqui-
  ty of us all.

7.He was oppressed, and  he  was  afflic-
  ted yet he opened not  his mouth;  He is
  brought as a lamb  to the slaughter, and
  as a sheep before her shearers is dumb,
  so He openeth not his mouth.

8.He  was taken from prison and  from judg-
ment; and who shall declare his generation?
For he was cut off from the land of the living
For the transgression of  my people was He

9.And He made his grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death; because he
had  done no  violence,  neither  was  any
deceit in his mouth.

10.Yet  it pleased the Lord to bruise him. He
 hath put him to grief; when thou shalt make
  his soul and  offering for  sin, He  shall see 
  his  seed,  He shall  prolong his days,  and
  the  pleasure of  the Lord  shall  prosper in
  his hand. 

 11.He shall see of  the travail of  his soul,
  and shall be satisfied; by his knowledge
  shall my righteous servant  justify many;
  for He shall bear their iniquities.

  12.Therefore will I  divide  him a portion
  with the great, and  He  shall  divide the
  spoil with the strong;  because he  hath
  poured out his soul unto death; and He
  was numbered with transgressors; and
  He  bare  the  sin  of  many, and  made 
  intercession for the transgressors.

Could this passage of Scripture apply to
anyone other than our Lord, Jesus Christ?
How can anyone read this, aware it was
written some 700 years before His birth,
and not fall on his/her knees and submit
the whole of life and eternity to Him?  

"Today is the day of salvation..." 
                                 2 Corinthians 6: 2

                 donporter,sr  2.14.15

Thursday, February 12, 2015


                                       (see Matthew 5: 3-12)

   In  order to understand  the "Sermon on the  Mount,"  from the
Gospel of Matthew, we must come to know the depth, width and 
breadth of  the word "Blessed."  What  follows are  the results of 
being blessed of God and many of  the qualities of one who is so 
blessed. The knowledge comes only from Scripture and is found
throughout the Bible.   First,  we will consider the qualities of the
blessed, then we will look for a  Scriptural basis.  Since there are 
many,  we  look at  just a few.   I am at  a loss  to  define the word, 
"blessed."  There are  many examples  in the Bible;  we will  look 
at  them from History, Poetry, Gospels and the Epistles. This will 
give  us a clear understanding of  what  "blessed" entails.  It also  
gives  us  an idea  as to  whom  our  Lord  calls  blessed and  the 
characteristics of one with whom our  Lord is pleased. 

(I have yet to find the word, "blest" in Scripture...)

 "But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that com-
eth to God must believe that He is, and is a rewarder of them that 
diligently seek him."  Hebrews 11: 6

To be blessed one must  be able to please  our Lord;  so blessing
comes in every case through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.  That 
is where it begins.

Genesis 12: 3, And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him
that  curseth thee:  and in  thee shall all  families  of  the  earth be 

Psalm 1: 1-2,   Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel 
of the ungodly, nor  standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in
the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the law of the Lord,  
and in that  law doth he  meditate both day and night. 


Psalm 65: 4, Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and 
causeth to approach  unto Thee,  that he may dwell in thy 
courts:   we  shall  be  satisfied with  the  goodness of thy 
house, even thy holy temple.

Psalm 84: 4-5, Blessed are  they that dwell in thy house;  
They will be still praising Thee.  Selah
Blessed is the man whose strength is in Thee;  in whose 
heart are the ways of them.

Luke 6: 21, Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be 
filled.  Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh

Luke 12: 37, Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord 
when He cometh  shall find  watching:  Verily I say unto 
you,  that he  shall gird  himself, and  make  them to  sit 
down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

Luke 14: 13-14,   But when  thou  makest  a feast, call the 
poor, the maimed, the  lame, the blind: And thou shalt be 
blessed; for they cannot recompense thee:  for thou shalt 
be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.

Romans 4: 6-8, Even as David also describeth the blessed-
ness of  the man unto whom  God imputeth righteousness 
without works, Saying,  Blessed are they whose iniquities 
are forgiven, and  whose sins are covered.  Blessed is the 
man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.


Psalm 2:12, Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish
from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little.  
Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

Psalm 34:8, O taste and see that the Lord is good: Blessed 
is the man that trusteth in him.

Psalm 40: 4, Blessed is  that man that maketh the  Lord his 
trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside 
to lies.

Psalm 84: 12, O Lord of  host, blessed is the man that trusteth 
in Thee.

Psalm 112: 1-2, Praise ye  the Lord,  Blessed  is the  man  that 
feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.  
His seed  shall  be  mighty upon  the earth;  The generation of 
the upright shall be blessed.

Psalm 128: 1, Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that 
walketh in his ways.

donporter,sr   2.12.15

Blessed:  To be honest, to prosper, to confer benefit,  confer a 
                There is one other I would add;  The assurance of 
knowing the Lord God, knowing his will and doing that will.   
This is blessed...
Luke 11: 22,  When one  becomes a  follower of the Lord, Jesus 
Christ,  He  begins  to open the windows of  heaven to pour  all 
manner a  blessing on that one.  Along with the apparent  bles-
sings of personal integrity, blessing others, knowing and doing
His  will, there is a walk  with Him most  do not have.  There are 
answers to prayer, and we are capable of blessing others which
would be closed to us,  otherwise.  All of this is highly personal 
and individual.      

There is much remaining to discuss from Scripture on the topic 
of "Blessed."  Some of these topics are listed below:

Those:   who hear and obey our Lord.  Luke 11: 28
              who know, believe and suffer for him.  Luke 11: 22
              who endure temptation.  James 1: 12, 
              undefiled children of the just. Psalm 119:1, Matthew 5:8
              whose  sins are forgiven.  Romans 4: 7 

Proverbs 3: 5-10, "Trust in the Lord with all thine 
heart  and lean  not unto  thine  own under-
standing.  In all  thy ways acknowledge him,
and He shall direct  thy  paths.  Be not wise
in thine own eyes; fear the Lord, and depart
from evil.  It shall be health to thy navel and
marrow to thy bones.  Honour the Lord with
thy substance, and with the first fruits of all
thine  increase:  So shall thy barns be filled
with plenty, and thy presses shall burst forth
with new wine."   

      We might boil it down to this one  thing.  When our sins are 
    forgiven,  we discover the reason for the coming of  Christ in
    the first  place,  and are able in  His power and wisdom to do 
    service in  His  Kingdom.  We  are free from the terrors of sin 
    unforgiven, and know our eternal existence is to be with Him 
    in his  glory,  forever and ever and ever...  World without end,

 donporter,sr   10.11.16