
Thursday, November 28, 2013

SEEK WISDOM (from the Word)


Psalm 111:10; The fear of the Lord is the beginning

               of wisdom: a good understanding have all
               they that do his commandments.

Proverbs 4: 7; Wisdom is the principal thing; there-
               fore get wisdom:  and  with her get under-

Proverbs 23: 4, Labour not to  be rich:  cease from

               thine own wisdom.

James 1: 5, If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask
             of God, who gives to all liberally and with-
             out reproach, and it will be given to him.
                                           see also, Matthew 7: 7 

Although Scripture does not have a once for all 
definition of wisdom,  the Bible is  the principal 
source.  It  was somewhat disappointing to find 
my dictionary trying to define wisdom using the 
word "wise" within the definition.
     An accurate, comprehensive definition might be:
"The quality or ability of judging rightly and follow-
ing the  soundest  course of  action  based on know-
ledge,  experience,  understanding,  good judgment 
and sagacity."   Prerequisites to wisdom:  learning,
knowledge and  erudition.  In  the past, wisdom was
regarded as having the ability to discuss, discourse;
teach with  sound  understanding.  A  weak synonym
may be information. Perception, judgment and fore-
sight  might  be  even  better  synonyms  since these
words are used to define sagacious.
     With all  this in mind, how does one acquire wis-
dom? When you look into the Scripture above; "fear 
the Lord,  obey his  commandments, cease from fol-
lowing your own "wisdom," and  "...ask of God..."       
     When the child of God humbly asks  for  a thing, 
and it is good; it is given, when the request is made 
in faith.  Hebrews 11: 6, "Without faith it is  impos-
sible to please him, for he that cometh to God must 
believe that  He is,  and that  He is a  rewarder  of 
 them that  diligently seek Him."  (Wisdom of  man  
comes to one naturally and is not  a "bad" thing; it 
is in no way a substitute for true wisdom from God.)
There is also this; One who is wise will seek the bles-
sing  of  our Lord.  The  word  blessed  may  be  des-
cribed, if  not defined; knowing  the  right and doing
it. The way to blessing then; when one learns how to
please the Lord through wisdom, he obeys.
   This obedience has a  three-fold purpose/result.  It
blesses, or honors  the Lord, the child of God is bles-
sed and subsequently, all who will, as they associate
with this  Child of God are potentially blessed. They
are exposed to Truth. This gives them opportunity to
know our heavenly Father, through the Son, as Sav-
ior, Jesus the Christ.  It also affords them wisdom to
know the right, and to  do it, and  be further blessed.
It is impossible to know Jesus Christ apart from His
"Word."   "And  the Word was made flesh and dwelt
among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of
the only  begotten of  the Father,)  full of grace and 
truth."    John 1: 14

 In Proverbs 23:4 there is a principle implied if not 
stated.  The Child  of  God does not live his  life for 
personal gain. Wisdom is to know  things we see as 
temporary and unseen as permanent.

     Finally, wisdom is not only positive in it's result; 

there is the negative.  Exercising wisdom keeps one 
from actions dis-pleasing to the Father, being sepa-
rated from  fellowship with  his Lord and adversely 
impacting his family and friends.  So, by God given 
wisdom  one avoids the  pitfalls of life that can ruin 
his testimony and wreck personal relationships.

You might also check the link below:

 donporter  11.28.13  (edited 12.24.14)   

Monday, November 25, 2013


There are several different themes developed in Luke chapter 22. At 
this time there are three, in particular, that have caught my eye.  The 
first has to do with Judas Iscariot, who had been with Christ for some 
three years  along with  the other eleven disciples.   In verses 1 thru 6, 
Judas approaches the chief  priests and captains of  the people, with a 
plan to betray the Son of  God at a time to avoid the large numbers of 
people who  normally followed Him.  These leaders  feared the people,
since most of the "common" people  thought Christ  at least a prophet 
and miracle worker.  Jesus, aware of his soon coming death;  verse 15-
16 says,  "With fervent desire I have desired to eat this Passover with 
you before I suffer;  for I say to you,  I will no longer eat of it until it is 
fulfilled in the Kingdom of God."

   In verses 19 thru 20 he serves the bread and wine of the Passover 
then says this,  "But behold,  the hand of my betrayer is with Me on 
the table; and truly the Son of  Man goes as it has been determined, 
but woe to that man by whom He is betrayed."  Verses 21-22) In the  
verses that follow there is  a surprising  response to  this declaration.   
"Then they began to inquire among themselves, which of them it was  
who would  do this thing.  Now  there was  also a strife  among them,  
as to which of them should be accounted the greatest.
                                                                                        (Verses 23-24) 
 Is it not just like us as "Church People," to miss the point of a Word 
from the Lord and begin to consider selfish interests? Here the Lord 
indicated  His eminent  betrayal by one of  his close friends" and His 
imminent death.  After  briefly discussing who it might  be that would 
 betray the Son of God, the disciples began their own self promotion.  
We have not changed very much...

      Just as earlier,  Matthew 20:20-28 the brothers,  James and John, 
with  their mother  asked  Jesus  to give  them  seats  of  honor  in His 
Kingdom.  The Lord  explained  how  things  are  in  the  Kingdom.  In 
Luke 22:25-27  we read; 25.   "The kings of the gentiles exercise lord-
ship over them, and those who exercise authority over them are called 
benefactors.   26. But not  so among  you;  on  the  contrary,  he who is 
greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he who governs as
he who serves. 27.  For who is greater,  he who sits at the table, or  he 
who serves?  Yet, I am among you as the One who serves."  The  pas-
sage gives the  attitude of one who is to be great in His Kingdom, but
the lesson was apparently lost on these disciples, as we see here.  He
again explains the disposition of one who would be greatest among us/
them.   The lesson seems to be lost on the church of today, as well.
We call our leaders "ministers," indicating that they serve.  Are there 
times when the one, who is minister  becomes an overseer?  His autho-
rity is the instruction of God's Word and does not reside in himself. It 
is also true in government.  One is appointed to be Minister of Defense.  
Does this mean he is servant of all?  No, this title is used to give autho-
rity over the Department of Defense;  control of  resources of the mili-
tary and over the lives of thousands of people who serve in that depart-
ment.  We still refer to this person as a minister or "servant."  It is the 
same in the church.  This was never intended in the Scripture.  Another 
view of this is the fact that Pastors have authority within the Church of 
God.  The authority is not  their own and is wrapped in their adherence 
to  Scripture.  As  long as a Minister,  Pastor,  or  other who serves the 
Flock of our Lord Jesus Christ ministers according to the Word of God 
he  has all the authority of  the Lord God with him.  That ministry must 
be tempered with humility and love of the Lord and the brethren...

In Luke 22:31-34 Christ explains to Simon Peter  how he would deny Him.  
Along with the idea that this disciple (later an Apostle) would deny Christ, 
the Lord then said something quite telling. Verse 32: "But I have prayed 
for  you,  that your  faith should  not fail;  and when you have  returned to 
Me, strengthen your brethren." Judas was a "devil" from the beginning, 
never a true follower. Simon Peter, a true follower of our Lord, was weak 
in faith just as we all are at times.  One other  thing about these disciples.  
They were not, as yet, filled with the Holy Spirit and were operating in the 
flesh.  In the first chapter of Acts of the Apostles, there is the account of 
the Spirit of the Lord God coming upon these men (the eleven) and they 
were all transformed.

     The lesson here for us is to make sure, as we follow Jesus Christ, 
      our lives are typified by a reliance on the fullness of the Spirit in 
       and on our lives, and the resultant humility that brings.   Other-
         wise we will fail and that may be disastrous.

Please click and read the link below....

                                                                                            donporter 11.25.13