
Thursday, September 25, 2014

GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT, Acts 1-2; 1 Corinthians 14

                 In response to a query from a friend, the
         following post is offered from Acts 1-2,
        1 Corinthians 14, Hebrews 11, Matthew 12.

    According to legitimate scholars of Scripture, the
term, "unknown" as applied to the gift of tongues in
1 Corinthians, can  be  misinterpreted.  "Unknown" 
was used by translators (kjv) to indicate  the person 
who spake under the influence of the Holy Spirit did 
not know the language, but there were always unbe-
lievers in the audience who spoke  that language.  
   Acts 1:8, "But you shall receive power when the 
Holy Spirit has come upon you; and  you  shall be 
witnesses to  Me  in  Jerusalem,  and  in all Judea 
and Samaria, and to the end of the earth"

 The prophecy was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost 
when the disciples were baptized of the Holy Spirit 
and spoke in "other" tongues.  

 On this  high and  holy day, there were " Jeru-
salem Jews, devout men, from every nation under
heaven. And when this sound occurred, the multi-
tude came together, and  were  confused, because
everyone heard  them speak in  his own language.
  (The language of  their  birth.)  Then  they  were 
  amazed  and  marveled,  saying to  one  another.
   'And how is  it that we  hear each  in our own
  language in which we were born.?" Acts 2: 5-8.
     Then there was a list of the areas from which 
they came.  See verses 9 thru 12. nkjv 

I have a close friend of 40 years, a retired pastor, 
active in missionary  work to the areas of Mexico, 
Central America and  in  the US.  He has what he 
calls, a prayer language.  That  has  not been  my 
experience, but  there is no  reason for me  to dis-
count  his personal testimony in  this.  Although I 
do not have the same experience, to fail to affirm 
his testimony would be for me to "judge" him......
That would be sin on my part. 
  As one reads chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians, there
is a  definite emphasis upon  the gift of prophecy.
We find the gift of  "tongues" to be way down the
list.  There are no indications in Scripture that a
gift of  any  description is  required  for the  new
birth, except for the Gift of  the Holy Spirit,  the
original gift,  and "Holiness'"  As a point of  fact, 
Matthew 12:39-40 finds Jesus Christ Saying:  
"An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a 
sign,  and no sign  will be  given  to it  except the  
sign of Jonah.  For  as Jonah  was three  days in  
the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man
be three days and three nights in the heart of the
earth."  nkjv 

So, the sign given, is the death, burial and resur-
rection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, God the Son.

"Without faith it is impossible to please God..." 

Hebrews 11: 6a.   To say Salvation, in every case 
is accompanied by signs such as the gifts  demon-
strated by the disciples on  the day  of  Pentecost, 
is not found in Scripture.  (Ref. Mt. 12: 39-40)
The indication in this passage is that we must not 
seek  after signs  and  accept  the gift of  Eternal
Eternal Life based on the sacrifice of our Savior.
To exercise faith  in Him and His sacrifice is our

    There have been those of  our local churches in
years past who believed speaking in other tongues
was a prerequisite to salvation and/or having been
baptized of the Spirit.  I do not think of these belie-
vers as lost, I simply do not hold to this  particular 
doctrine.  It is also a  fact;  perfect doctrine is not 
required of one to be a Child of God and  follower
of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  I  suppose  one  might
look  into  the  beliefs  of  every  known  group  of
believers in the USA and  find  common ground as
long as Jesus Christ is  the focus.  Just  like  in the
doctrine  of election and predestination;  It is very
possible  to be in  error on either side  of  this and 
still be born again.  My view of this Bible doctrine
is different from a close  friend who  could be des-
cribed as "Calvinist." He spoke at a Bible Study in
our church and although we hold a different views
on  some  minor  points,  everyone appreciated his 
insight and we learned much

  "Not perfect, just forgiven. Praise the Lord!!

Praise God and lighten up.  Everyone does  not have
to  agree with me on every  point  for fellowship.  As
you may have seen, if  you follow this blog, my posts
do not, necessarily, follow  any denominational doc- 
trine.  That is not  important  to me.  Since  my Lord 
has placed me  in  Baptist Fellowships all of  my life,
it is not  difficult to  have a somewhat  different doc-
trinal  view from other believers.  All Baptist fellow-
ships are  independent;  there  is no  hierarchy.  I do 
try to be true to the Word of God as understood, and 
that is critical... That is also a Baptist understanding.
Our  cooperation with  other  bodies through  means
afforded by the "joint ventures,"   we engage and the
work  of  missions,  local, state, national and  world-
wide  does not  require absolute allegiance to  every
doctrine we  hold.  There will be plenty of  "time" to
sort  this out in eternity, and our God is able.  I rea-
lize time will not be a factor in "eternity." 

  Persons with a different view on any of these posts 
  are welcome to respond.  If the response is true to
  Scripture  it  will be posted, with your  permission. 
  Respond to  I will not ridicule
  any response.

The Lord God uses believers in Jesus Christ, who are
filled with His Spirit, to be witnesses in all the world.
Would it not  be a shame if  He were to  be limited to
folks like you or me?

God Bless You - Thanks for looking...               
                                                    donporter,sr  9.25.14 


Friday, September 19, 2014


     Bring Them to Christ

     There is a soft cover book written by R. A. Torrey 
with the title;  "How to Bring Them to Christ." (Pub. 
Whitaker  House, 1984)  Torrey  has  been  with our 
Lord for years. I have an interest in older books and 
 picked up a copy recently, in a used book store.
     The following is a paraphrase of advice he offers 
on the first page of the  book we might  keep in mind 
before endeavoring to lead a soul to our Lord;  

     In Preparing to win souls one must turn  from all 
sin, worldliness and self interest from the heart, and 
yield the lordship over our thinking, our actions and 
purposes to  Jesus Christ.  If  we insist on going our 
own way  we will  never have the power of the Holy 
Spirit on our lives.  Those we might have won could  
be lost  forever. This principle is applicable to every 
situation in the life of a child of God. 

   This principle has given me pause, when reflecting
on my life, thoughts, and lifestyle in a real way. If we
are  concerned  with  the condition of our culture, we
will be  willing  to get  among our  friends, neighbors
and  acquaintances with  the healing message of  our
Christ.  The  need  to  develop this attitude  is critical. 
We find preparation for this effort  is  likened  to war- 
 fare by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6: 11-19. 

     From here I will continue reading this book and
     would counsel you to obtain one where possible.

donporter, sr                                                9.19.14     

Thursday, September 11, 2014


          The following is  comment on the book, 
        "Knowing  God,"  by  J. I. Packer, Inter-
        Varsity  Press, 1973.   I  trust  this short 
        introduction  will  persuade you  to  pur-
        chase a  copy  and  read  this important,
        literary effort that has  been so meaning-
        ful to those who have read it. It may still
        be purchased through ebay on internet.

"The highest science, the loftiest speculation, the
mightiest philosophy, which can ever engage the 
attention  of   a  child  of  God, is  the  name, the 
nature, the person, the work, the doings, and the 
existence  of  the great  God  whom  he  calls his  
Father."  Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1855, quo-
ted in the book, "Knowing God,"  by J. I. Packer,  
Intervarsity Press, 1973.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon lived in the 19th century, 
but  was  known to  read and  refer to  books of  the  
17th  century.  It was widely  thought by  persons of 
the era that books  written in "modern times," were 
hardly worth reading because of the creep of moder-
nism.   In  many  pulpits  today,  "Modernism"   has  
given way to contemporary  preaching  and worship
styles  with  little  doctrinal  or  substantive  content.
That is  not to say  there is  not still Christ  centered, 
Scriptural  commentary  from many  pulpits, but the 
erosion is there. The book, "Knowing God,"  addres- 
ses  many of  the concerns  of  todays  conservative, 
Bible based followers of Jesus Christ.  
With the release of  a new  Barna survey,  ministry 
leaders believe people in  the pews  are not always 
hearing what they need to hear from the pulpit.  

According to a study, 90 percent of pastors surveyed
believe  the Bible says a lot  about pressing  political
and  social issure, but  less than ten  percent actually 
preach about such  topics.  Sam Rohrer of  the Amer- 
ican  Pastors'  Network  (APN)  tells  OneNewsNow,
America's culture is suffering because of that. 

Rohrer, Sam (PPN)"When those in the pulpit choose 
not to preach the controversial  portions or the por-  
tions that  really affect our culture and the people in 
the pew, when that is done, confusion reigns,"  Roh- 
rer  contends. "And I  would say  the  pastors in  the
pulpit  have  sinned, and  they're  going  to have  an 
awful lot to answer to before God himself when they 
stand before him."

      The  study  suggests  that  pastors  do  not want 
to offend  people  and  want  their congregations to 
leave feeling warm and fuzzy, so they fail to preach 
about sin, "about the necessity of living a righteous  
life,  making   biblically  based  decisions,  because 
those  tend  to be  uncomfortable and  challenge us,
the  APN  president  submits:   "But  that is  exactly
what  the Word of  God is to do. If  we do  not chal-   
lenge people in their lives, in their choices by what
God  says, we  are  failing  in  the  pulpit to  deliver  
what God says; our culture  will suffer the results."
(Our culture is  suffering the results.)  Roehr adds;
"If pastors do not speak to the culture in their ser-
mons, then  people will  not be equipped to impact
the culture."  

The answer to the fourth question in the Westminster 
Shorter  Catechism, "What  is God?" "God  is a Spirit, 
infinite,  eternal,  and unchangeable in His being, wis-
dom,  power,  holiness,  justice,  goodness,  and  truth. 
(The  above  answer is  not  an  attempt to  define our 
Lord, since He is  beyond the  understanding  of man-
mankind,  and cannot be  defined.  On the other hand 
it is  simply information  we  might  internalize to bet-
ter know him.)
  *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   

      Before embarking  on a study  from  God's  Holy 
Word, we  must ask ourselves two questions: 
What is my ultimate aim and object in occupying
my mind with these things?"

What do I intend to do with my knowledge about
God, once I have gotten it?"

If we pursue theological  knowledge (knowledge of
the Lord God ) for  it's own sake,  it is bound to go 
bad on us; make us proud and conceited.  The very
greatness of  the subject-matter with intoxicate us,
and we shall  come to  think of  ourselves as a  cut
above, because of our interest and grasp of it.  We
shall  look down on those whose  theological ideas
seem, to us, crude and inadequate, dismissing them
as  very  poor (specimens)  representatives  of  the 
Word of God.

       (Taken from "Knowing God,"  J. I. Packer)

"Knowledge  puffeth up, but charity edifieth.  And  
if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he kno-
weth nothing yet, as he ought to know it." 
                                           I Corinthians 8: 1a-2

Yes!  You can know God...Here's how:
     As you study the Scripture,  pray and  listen to
the declaration of the Word, you get to know God
of  the Bible through  believing in  his Son,  Jesus
Christ.  Knowledge about God is not enough. You
must  have a  personal  relationship  with  God by
believing in his Son through faith.  He is God and
is known through the Word of God. Jesus Christ is
that Word, fleshed out in a person.  So faith comes
by hearing and hearing by the Word.  (of God, the
      "The Word of faith is  night thee, even in thy
mouth, and in thy heart, the Word of faith which
we  preach:  That  if thou  shalt confess  with thy
mouth and  believe in  thine heart  that God  has
raised him from  the dead, thou  shalt  be  saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteous-
ness and with the mouth, confession is made unto
Salvation.   Romans 10: 8a-10...

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the
Lord shall be saved."  Romans 10: 13;  That name
is "Yeshua," Jesus, the Christ who is God the Son.       
                                donporter,sr  9.11.14