
Thursday, October 25, 2018

JAMES, the JUST, James 1: 1 - 8

"James, a servant of  God and of  the Lord Jesus Christ, to
the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.  My 
brethren, count  it all joy  when ye  fall into  divers tempta-
tions;  Knowing this,  that the trying of  your faith worketh
patience.  But  let  patience have her perfect  work that  ye
may be perfect and entire, wanting  nothing.  If any of you
lack  wisdom, let  him ask  of God,  that  giveth to  all men 
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."
(verses 1-5, kjv)

       It  seems this passage is  written to new  believers who 
were  having difficulty  dealing with  the temptation  to fall
back into Judaism.  This, of  course would also apply to us,
as gentile believers, who  might suffer a desire to return to
life seeking  pleasure and  need strength and wisdom from
the Lord, to resist the natural tendency to fall in a lifestyle
inconsistent  with one  who is following Jesus Christ.  Just
ask the Lord God in the  name of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
and he will give it without any chide or taunt, (upbraideth
not) but will give it lovingly and liberally.  It is impossible
to serve our Lord with any effect without wisdom. Wisdom
required for service to him, and to mankind, must be tried 
in the fire of experience, having overcome trials and temp-
tations of life. Then it may be infused with His Spirit (God
the Spirit) according to Ephesians 5: 14-18, 

     "Wherefore he saith,  'Awake thou that sleepest, and
      rise from the dead and  he shall give thee light.  See 
      then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as 
      wise, redeeming the time  because the days are evil.  
    Wherefore be  ye not unwise but understanding what 
    the will of  the Lord is.  And be  not drunk  with wine
    wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit."

    "But let him ask in  faith, nothing  wavering.  For he that
wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and
tossed.  But let  not that man think  that he will  receive any
thing from  the Lord.  A double minded  man is  unstable in 
all his ways."  (James 1: 6-8)

     This passage indicates our Lord's contempt for any who
are faithless and therefore unable to trust Him, without any
reservation, or answer a  prayer of  faith based on the truth 
of  God's Word;  Since  this one is not  trustworthy , he also
has issues of fully trusting his Heavenly Father to fulfill the
promises made in His Word. 

                                                          donporter,sr   10.25.18