
Thursday, June 27, 2013

“THE TEST OF FAITH” James 1, Psalms 3, Jonah 2

  (James, chapter 1 kjv)                           (6.03.13)                    6.27.13

   “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.  But let 
patience  have her  perfect work,  that ye may  be perfect and entire, 
wanting nothing.” (vs. 2-4)

Blessed  is the man that endureth temptation:  for when he is tried, 
he shall  receive the crown of life,  which the Lord  hath promised to 
them  that  love  Him.”   (vs.  12)  {My  understanding   of  the  word, 
perfect  here  is  used in  the sense of  reaching  the stage where one 
might  be useful  in  the kingdom  of God,  not sinless,  nor Spiritually  
perfect.  {A level of maturity...}

Today I was privileged to have lunch with an elder; retired Pastor of 
Free Will Baptist Fellowship. We had worshiped together at a local 
conservative fellowship and were discussing Spiritual  principle.  He 
was  discussing;  I  listened to  my eternal profit.  Afterward,  I came 
away with a renewed sense of the teachings from James chapter one, 
although  this was not  the specific topic of conversation.   Life seems 
to come together  and this was the passage that came next in my rea-
ding through the Scriptures tonight.

   If my understanding is correct,  one comes to a more perfect under-
standing of how our Lord works, as  he faces  trials,  temptations and 
struggles of life.  Our Scripture  bears this out very  clearly.  Conver-
sely,  if  one were not subjected to these  “forces,”  there could be no 
progress toward Spiritual  maturity.  This principle is  born out in the  
life of  a child or an animal.  With  work  or struggle through depriva-
tion or  hardship,  whereby we are  exercised,  comes the strength  to 
face the next step in  our development.   It  applies to  the spiritual as 
well as the emotional and physical and is consistent in  each of  these 
areas of  life.  Recalling my youth, there were instances when a more 
perfect understanding of  the way  the Lord  works, would  have kept 
me from error and even sin in my walk.   At  times there were serious 
doubts about  my personal salvation because of  my  failure to "fully" 
understand this fact:  The work  of  Christ on the cross is sufficient to 
save me.   (The word "fully" here,  is used, only in the sense of  more 
fully or more perfectly.  We can  never,  with our mental, physical and 
emotional limitations,  expect to be fully advised or knowledgeable on 
any subject and  even  less so  in matters of  the  Spirit.   So, my many 
failures to follow Him as would a mature child of God, had no bearing
on  my security as  a believer.  Our Lord is not dependent upon you or 
me to earn  or work toward  our salvation.   The problem was,  my fail-
ures  kept  getting in the way of  faith.   As  I begin to  understand  our 
Salvation belongs to the Lord.   It will  become  mine.  This one  belief  
has delivered me  from some of those early struggles.  One part of the
doctrine of Salvation we must all  learn is;  Like Sanctification,  Salva-
tion in the life of  the believer is  a continuing  process  and in  a sense, 
will  not be  complete  until we  see our Lord  Christ,  face to face.  We 
are saved from the penalty of our  sin.  We are  being  saved  from the 
practice of sin.  We will  be saved from the very presence of  sin.  Now 
to  work on other  areas of  Spiritual  immaturity toward "perfection,"
 I will need your prayers.

Thanks for looking and praying.  "Arise, O Lord; Save me, O my God!  
For you have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone; You have bro-
ken the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongs to the Lord.  Your bles-
sing is upon Your people.  Selah** Psalm 3: 7- 8  

"I, even I, am the Lord, and beside me there is no Savior." Isaiah 43:11 

"Those who regard worthless  idols forsake their own mercy, but I will 
 sacrifice to you with  the voice of thanksgiving;  I will pay what I have 
 vowed; Salvation is of the Lord.  Jonah 2: 8-9 (nkjv)

(*The book of  Psalm is by it's nature musical or to be sung.  The word 
   "Selah," is used to show suspension of  musical accompaniment.  
    We say acapella or "in the Church style.")

                                                   edited 2.06.17,  donportersr   10.17.16     


Sunday, June 16, 2013


November: Spiritual Warfare and Sin
That Incredible Christian, 51.
"/tozertxt.html" A. W. Tozer November 13


Spiritual Warfare and Sin: Wrong Judgment
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man 
 sows, that he will also reap." --Galatians 6:7

Sin, I repeat, in addition to anything else it may be, is always an act of 
wrong judgment. To commit a sin a man must for the moment believe 
that things are different from what  they really are; he must confound 
values; he must see the moral universe out of focus; he must accept a 
lie as truth and see truth as a lie; he must ignore the signs on the high-
wa y and drive  with his  eyes shut;  he must  act as if  he had  no soul,
and was not accountable for his moral choices.
Sin is never a thing to be proud of. No act is wise that ignores remote 
consequences,  and sin always does.  Sin sees only today,  or at most 
tomorrow;  never the  day after  tomorrow,  next month or  next year. 
Death and judgment are pushed aside as if they did not exist and the 
sinner  becomes for the time a practical atheist who by his act denies 
not only the existence of God but the concept of life after death....

The notion that the careless sinner is the smart fellow and the serious-
minded Christian, though well-intentioned, is a stupid dolt altogether 
out of touch with life will not stand up under scrutiny. Sin is basically
an act of moral folly, and the greater the folly the greater the fool. 
Man: The Dwelling Place of God, 47-48.
                                                  (End of Tozer's remarks)

 From the Scripture we find sin to be a damning and debilitating prac-
tice of life.  It not only separates one from God the Father, it causes  
grief in the life of the believer and the unbeliever alike and alienates 
us from friends, family and  our God.  There are  also emotional and 
physical  scars (self)  inflicted on the sinner,  leaving  marks for the 
duration of life. 

1.  What is Sin to you?
a. breaking of God’s law (10 commandments)
b. moral lapse, committing an act we are aware of to be wrong.
c. a foolish act, thinking of self to the  detriment of another
2.  What can/must be done when one becomes aware of sin in their life?
a. confess this act or attitude to God in prayer. (1 John 5: 1 - 5)
b. agree with God that it is sin, ask forgiveness of the Lord and
the individual against whom one has sinned. (1 John 1: 9)
c. accept forgiveness and turn (repent) from the sin.(1 John 5: 10 - 13)
3. After one realizes sin in his life, handles it with the Lord and the one
 who might have been injured by the sin, what's next? 1 John 5: 14-15
 Forgiveness of confessed sin is in God’s will.  Believe you are forgiven
 according to your prayer for His will.
4.What is the part of the Holy Spirit? (Ephesians 5: 18)  “Be not drunk
with wine; wherein is excess, but be ye filled with the Spirit.  (Ongoing

I previously stated on this blog the intent to publish the web address; 
the source of Dr. Tozer's teaching.  Herein, the address of the CMA 
version.  To subscribe to Tozer Daily Devotions:  

                                                                                                                                              donporter 6.16.13