Psalm 111:10; The fear of the Lord is the beginning
of wisdom: a good understanding have all
they that do his commandments.
Proverbs 4: 7; Wisdom is the principal thing; there-
fore get wisdom: and with her get under-
Proverbs 23: 4, Labour not to be rich: cease from
thine own wisdom.
James 1: 5, If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask
of God, who gives to all liberally and with-
out reproach, and it will be given to him.
see also, Matthew 7: 7
Although Scripture does not have a once for all
definition of wisdom, the Bible is the principal
source. It was somewhat disappointing to find
my dictionary trying to define wisdom using the
word "wise" within the definition.
An accurate, comprehensive definition might be:
"The quality or ability of judging rightly and follow-
ing the soundest course of action based on know-
ledge, experience, understanding, good judgment
and sagacity." Prerequisites to wisdom: learning,
knowledge and erudition. In the past, wisdom was
regarded as having the ability to discuss, discourse;
teach with sound understanding. A weak synonym
may be information. Perception, judgment and fore-
sight might be even better synonyms since these
words are used to define sagacious.
With all this in mind, how does one acquire wis-
dom? When you look into the Scripture above; "fear
the Lord, obey his commandments, cease from fol-
lowing your own "wisdom," and "...ask of God..."
When the child of God humbly asks for a thing,
and it is good; it is given, when the request is made
in faith. Hebrews 11: 6, "Without faith it is impos-
sible to please him, for he that cometh to God must
believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of
them that diligently seek Him." (Wisdom of man
comes to one naturally and is not a "bad" thing; it
is in no way a substitute for true wisdom from God.)
There is also this; One who is wise will seek the bles-
sing of our Lord. The word blessed may be des-
cribed, if not defined; knowing the right and doing
it. The way to blessing then; when one learns how to
please the Lord through wisdom, he obeys.
This obedience has a three-fold purpose/result. It
blesses, or honors the Lord, the child of God is bles-
sed and subsequently, all who will, as they associate
with this Child of God are potentially blessed. They
are exposed to Truth. This gives them opportunity to
know our heavenly Father, through the Son, as Sav-
ior, Jesus the Christ. It also affords them wisdom to
know the right, and to do it, and be further blessed.
It is impossible to know Jesus Christ apart from His
"Word." "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt
among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of
the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and
truth." John 1: 14
In Proverbs 23:4 there is a principle implied if not
stated. The Child of God does not live his life for
personal gain. Wisdom is to know things we see as
temporary and unseen as permanent.
Finally, wisdom is not only positive in it's result;
there is the negative. Exercising wisdom keeps one
from actions dis-pleasing to the Father, being sepa-
rated from fellowship with his Lord and adversely
impacting his family and friends. So, by God given
wisdom one avoids the pitfalls of life that can ruin
his testimony and wreck personal relationships.
You might also check the link below:
donporter 11.28.13 (edited 12.24.14)
Psalm 111:10; The fear of the Lord is the beginning
of wisdom: a good understanding have all
they that do his commandments.
Proverbs 4: 7; Wisdom is the principal thing; there-
fore get wisdom: and with her get under-
Proverbs 23: 4, Labour not to be rich: cease from
thine own wisdom.
James 1: 5, If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask
of God, who gives to all liberally and with-
out reproach, and it will be given to him.
see also, Matthew 7: 7
Although Scripture does not have a once for all
definition of wisdom, the Bible is the principal
source. It was somewhat disappointing to find
my dictionary trying to define wisdom using the
word "wise" within the definition.
An accurate, comprehensive definition might be:
"The quality or ability of judging rightly and follow-
ing the soundest course of action based on know-
ledge, experience, understanding, good judgment
and sagacity." Prerequisites to wisdom: learning,
knowledge and erudition. In the past, wisdom was
regarded as having the ability to discuss, discourse;
teach with sound understanding. A weak synonym
may be information. Perception, judgment and fore-
sight might be even better synonyms since these
words are used to define sagacious.
With all this in mind, how does one acquire wis-
dom? When you look into the Scripture above; "fear
the Lord, obey his commandments, cease from fol-
lowing your own "wisdom," and "...ask of God..."
When the child of God humbly asks for a thing,
and it is good; it is given, when the request is made
in faith. Hebrews 11: 6, "Without faith it is impos-
sible to please him, for he that cometh to God must
believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of
them that diligently seek Him." (Wisdom of man
comes to one naturally and is not a "bad" thing; it
is in no way a substitute for true wisdom from God.)
There is also this; One who is wise will seek the bles-
sing of our Lord. The word blessed may be des-
cribed, if not defined; knowing the right and doing
it. The way to blessing then; when one learns how to
please the Lord through wisdom, he obeys.
This obedience has a three-fold purpose/result. It
blesses, or honors the Lord, the child of God is bles-
sed and subsequently, all who will, as they associate
with this Child of God are potentially blessed. They
are exposed to Truth. This gives them opportunity to
know our heavenly Father, through the Son, as Sav-
ior, Jesus the Christ. It also affords them wisdom to
know the right, and to do it, and be further blessed.
It is impossible to know Jesus Christ apart from His
"Word." "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt
among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of
the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and
truth." John 1: 14
In Proverbs 23:4 there is a principle implied if not
stated. The Child of God does not live his life for
personal gain. Wisdom is to know things we see as
temporary and unseen as permanent.
Finally, wisdom is not only positive in it's result;
there is the negative. Exercising wisdom keeps one
from actions dis-pleasing to the Father, being sepa-
rated from fellowship with his Lord and adversely
impacting his family and friends. So, by God given
wisdom one avoids the pitfalls of life that can ruin
his testimony and wreck personal relationships.
You might also check the link below:
donporter 11.28.13 (edited 12.24.14)