In response to a query from a friend, the
following post is offered from Acts 1-2,
1 Corinthians 14, Hebrews 11, Matthew 12.
According to legitimate scholars of Scripture, the
term, "unknown" as applied to the gift of tongues in
1 Corinthians, can be misinterpreted. "Unknown"
was used by translators (kjv) to indicate the person
who spake under the influence of the Holy Spirit did
not know the language, but there were always unbe-
lievers in the audience who spoke that language.
Acts 1:8, "But you shall receive power when the
Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be
witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the end of the earth"
The prophecy was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost
when the disciples were baptized of the Holy Spirit
and spoke in "other" tongues.
On this high and holy day, there were " Jeru-
salem Jews, devout men, from every nation under
heaven. And when this sound occurred, the multi-
tude came together, and were confused, because
everyone heard them speak in his own language.
(The language of their birth.) Then they were
amazed and marveled, saying to one another.
'And how is it that we hear each in our own
language in which we were born.?" Acts 2: 5-8.
Then there was a list of the areas from which
they came. See verses 9 thru 12. nkjv
I have a close friend of 40 years, a retired pastor,
active in missionary work to the areas of Mexico,
Central America and in the US. He has what he
calls, a prayer language. That has not been my
experience, but there is no reason for me to dis-
count his personal testimony in this. Although I
do not have the same experience, to fail to affirm
his testimony would be for me to "judge" him......
That would be sin on my part.
As one reads chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians, there
is a definite emphasis upon the gift of prophecy.
We find the gift of "tongues" to be way down the
list. There are no indications in Scripture that a
gift of any description is required for the new
birth, except for the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the
original gift, and "Holiness'" As a point of fact,
Matthew 12:39-40 finds Jesus Christ Saying:
"An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a
sign, and no sign will be given to it except the
sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was three days in
the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man
be three days and three nights in the heart of the
earth." nkjv
So, the sign given, is the death, burial and resur-
rection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, God the Son.
"Without faith it is impossible to please God..."
Hebrews 11: 6a. To say Salvation, in every case
is accompanied by signs such as the gifts demon-
strated by the disciples on the day of Pentecost,
is not found in Scripture. (Ref. Mt. 12: 39-40)
The indication in this passage is that we must not
seek after signs and accept the gift of Eternal
Eternal Life based on the sacrifice of our Savior.
To exercise faith in Him and His sacrifice is our
There have been those of our local churches in
years past who believed speaking in other tongues
was a prerequisite to salvation and/or having been
baptized of the Spirit. I do not think of these belie-
vers as lost, I simply do not hold to this particular
doctrine. It is also a fact; perfect doctrine is not
required of one to be a Child of God and follower
of our Lord Jesus Christ. I suppose one might
look into the beliefs of every known group of
believers in the USA and find common ground as
long as Jesus Christ is the focus. Just like in the
doctrine of election and predestination; It is very
possible to be in error on either side of this and
still be born again. My view of this Bible doctrine
is different from a close friend who could be des-
cribed as "Calvinist." He spoke at a Bible Study in
our church and although we hold a different views
on some minor points, everyone appreciated his
insight and we learned much.
"Not perfect, just forgiven. Praise the Lord!!
Praise God and lighten up. Everyone does not have
to agree with me on every point for fellowship. As
you may have seen, if you follow this blog, my posts
do not, necessarily, follow any denominational doc-
trine. That is not important to me. Since my Lord
has placed me in Baptist Fellowships all of my life,
it is not difficult to have a somewhat different doc-
trinal view from other believers. All Baptist fellow-
ships are independent; there is no hierarchy. I do
try to be true to the Word of God as understood, and
that is critical... That is also a Baptist understanding.
Our cooperation with other bodies through means
afforded by the "joint ventures," we engage and the
work of missions, local, state, national and world-
wide does not require absolute allegiance to every
doctrine we hold. There will be plenty of "time" to
sort this out in eternity, and our God is able. I rea-
lize time will not be a factor in "eternity."
Persons with a different view on any of these posts
are welcome to respond. If the response is true to
Scripture it will be posted, with your permission.
Respond to I will not ridicule
any response.
The Lord God uses believers in Jesus Christ, who are
filled with His Spirit, to be witnesses in all the world.
Would it not be a shame if He were to be limited to
folks like you or me?
God Bless You - Thanks for looking...
donporter,sr 9.25.14
following post is offered from Acts 1-2,
1 Corinthians 14, Hebrews 11, Matthew 12.
According to legitimate scholars of Scripture, the
term, "unknown" as applied to the gift of tongues in
1 Corinthians, can be misinterpreted. "Unknown"
was used by translators (kjv) to indicate the person
who spake under the influence of the Holy Spirit did
not know the language, but there were always unbe-
lievers in the audience who spoke that language.
Acts 1:8, "But you shall receive power when the
Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be
witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the end of the earth"
The prophecy was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost
when the disciples were baptized of the Holy Spirit
and spoke in "other" tongues.
On this high and holy day, there were " Jeru-
salem Jews, devout men, from every nation under
heaven. And when this sound occurred, the multi-
tude came together, and were confused, because
everyone heard them speak in his own language.
(The language of their birth.) Then they were
amazed and marveled, saying to one another.
'And how is it that we hear each in our own
language in which we were born.?" Acts 2: 5-8.
Then there was a list of the areas from which
they came. See verses 9 thru 12. nkjv
I have a close friend of 40 years, a retired pastor,
active in missionary work to the areas of Mexico,
Central America and in the US. He has what he
calls, a prayer language. That has not been my
experience, but there is no reason for me to dis-
count his personal testimony in this. Although I
do not have the same experience, to fail to affirm
his testimony would be for me to "judge" him......
That would be sin on my part.
As one reads chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians, there
is a definite emphasis upon the gift of prophecy.
We find the gift of "tongues" to be way down the
list. There are no indications in Scripture that a
gift of any description is required for the new
birth, except for the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the
original gift, and "Holiness'" As a point of fact,
Matthew 12:39-40 finds Jesus Christ Saying:
"An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a
sign, and no sign will be given to it except the
sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was three days in
the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man
be three days and three nights in the heart of the
earth." nkjv
So, the sign given, is the death, burial and resur-
rection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, God the Son.
"Without faith it is impossible to please God..."
Hebrews 11: 6a. To say Salvation, in every case
is accompanied by signs such as the gifts demon-
strated by the disciples on the day of Pentecost,
is not found in Scripture. (Ref. Mt. 12: 39-40)
The indication in this passage is that we must not
seek after signs and accept the gift of Eternal
Eternal Life based on the sacrifice of our Savior.
To exercise faith in Him and His sacrifice is our
There have been those of our local churches in
years past who believed speaking in other tongues
was a prerequisite to salvation and/or having been
baptized of the Spirit. I do not think of these belie-
vers as lost, I simply do not hold to this particular
doctrine. It is also a fact; perfect doctrine is not
required of one to be a Child of God and follower
of our Lord Jesus Christ. I suppose one might
look into the beliefs of every known group of
believers in the USA and find common ground as
long as Jesus Christ is the focus. Just like in the
doctrine of election and predestination; It is very
possible to be in error on either side of this and
still be born again. My view of this Bible doctrine
is different from a close friend who could be des-
cribed as "Calvinist." He spoke at a Bible Study in
our church and although we hold a different views
on some minor points, everyone appreciated his
insight and we learned much.
"Not perfect, just forgiven. Praise the Lord!!
Praise God and lighten up. Everyone does not have
to agree with me on every point for fellowship. As
you may have seen, if you follow this blog, my posts
do not, necessarily, follow any denominational doc-
trine. That is not important to me. Since my Lord
has placed me in Baptist Fellowships all of my life,
it is not difficult to have a somewhat different doc-
trinal view from other believers. All Baptist fellow-
ships are independent; there is no hierarchy. I do
try to be true to the Word of God as understood, and
that is critical... That is also a Baptist understanding.
Our cooperation with other bodies through means
afforded by the "joint ventures," we engage and the
work of missions, local, state, national and world-
wide does not require absolute allegiance to every
doctrine we hold. There will be plenty of "time" to
sort this out in eternity, and our God is able. I rea-
lize time will not be a factor in "eternity."
Persons with a different view on any of these posts
are welcome to respond. If the response is true to
Scripture it will be posted, with your permission.
Respond to I will not ridicule
any response.
The Lord God uses believers in Jesus Christ, who are
filled with His Spirit, to be witnesses in all the world.
Would it not be a shame if He were to be limited to
folks like you or me?
God Bless You - Thanks for looking...
donporter,sr 9.25.14