
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

"LET NO ONE SEEK HIS OWN..." (Law or Grace?) First Corinthians 10:24

"All things are lawful for me, but all things are
not expedient:  All things are lawful for me, but all
things edify not." I Corinthians 10:23, kjv

I Corinthians 10: 24-33, nkjv

"Let no one seek his own, but each one the
other's well being."  (vs. 24) 

"Eat whatever is sold in the meat market, asking
no questions for conscience sake.  For the earth is the
Lord's and all it's fullness". (vs. 25-26) 

"If any of those who do not believe invites you to
dinner, and you desire to go, eat whatever is set
before you, asking no question for conscience sake."
(vs. 27)

"But if anyone says to you, "This meat was offered to
idols," do not eat it for the sake of one who told you,
and for conscience sake, for the earth is the Lord's,
and all it's fullness." (vs. 28)

"Conscience' I say, not of your own, but that of the
other.  For why is my liberty judged by another 
man's conscience?" (vs. 29)

"But if I partake with thanks, why am I evil spoken
of for the food over which I give thanks."  (vs. 30)

                    "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever
                       you do, do all to the glory of God." (vs. 31)

                    "Give no offense, either to the Jews or to the Greek
                       or to the church of God."  (vs.32)

"Just as I also please all men in all things, not see-
king my own profit, but the profit of many, that they 
may be saved."  (vs. 33)

  The passage quoted here has primarily to do with the offen-
ding of others and is not focusing on any law breaking on the 
part of believers. "All things are lawful.." Since law breaking 
is not the subject,  what are we to do with this passage.  First, 
just  because a thing  may be  lawful, does not  mean we must,
or should involve ourselves in it.  The matter  might not be the 
best  use of time,  talents or  resources.  Everything  the Child 
of God does  will be  brought to  the  light,  Jesus Christ,  who
brings   clarity to  every  situation.  Nothing  will  arise in our  
lives except  it has in  some way  been addressed  in  Scripture.  
My primary responsibility is to become knowledgeable  of and  responsive to the Word of God through regular, conscientious application of that Word to my life. 

     The  next  duty/privilege of  the  Child  of God is 
communication with his Heavenly Father in prayer 
and finally to follow the admonitions of the prayer-
ful consideration  without regard to  gain or loss to 
oneself.  Living  a life that is not offensive to neigh- 
bors,  family or those with whom we may share the 
Gospel  of  Jesus Christ is critical.  Furthermore, to 
bring a reproach upon the name of God the Father,
God the Son, God the Spirit or the church  of Jesus
Christ must be avoided at any cost. 

 In all our study, prayer and doing, the glory goes 
to our Heavenly Father in the Name of the son...

 "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and  
 honour and power; for thou hast created all 
 things and for thy pleasure they are and were 
  created."                                  Revelations 4: 11

  In  Hebrews 11: 5-6  we find  critical  doctrine 
relating to the pleasing of our Heavenly Father.  
"By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did 
not  see  death, and  was not found, because God 
had taken  him;  for before he was taken  he had  
this testimony, that he pleased God.
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, 
for he who comes to God must believe that He is, 
and that He is a rewarded of those who diligently 
seek Him."        See Romans 14:23...

   That brings us to this question; How much pleasure 
does  my life  bring to  the one to whom I will  give an 
account at the Judgment seat of Christ.  My  response 
to  these questions will  require much prayerful consi-
deration  along  with a commitment to keep ourselves 
free of the influences of the culture of our world. 

God bless you and me as we think about  this question 
and come up with a righteous response.  
                                                ... thanks for looking.

donporter,sr   10.08.14  update 11.30.14

Saturday, October 4, 2014

"MARK OF THE BEAST" Microchip? as in Revelation 13: 16

       This post was copied from News Alert #291
     from the internet news organization, Absolute 
         Rights.  We received it as an email.  
                                                        * * * * *  

    Remember the "mark of the beast" from the Bible?  
Well, guess what? Looks like it might finally be com-
ing to pass.  Americans-of all religious backgrounds 
(and  the non-religious) are about to get  marked  by 
the massive beast of government.

    The "mark of the beast" was referenced in the book 
of Revelation, 13: 16.  "He causes all, both small and 
great,  rich  and  poor,  free  and  slave, to  receive  a 
mark on  their  right hand or their foreheads."  

  Revelation continues by telling of a time in the pro-
bable  near-future  when  nothing  may be  bought or 
sold  without that  "mark."  Theologians and  others 
have  long speculated  about  what  that mark might 
be tatoo, perhaps; an arm or head band, maybe?

     No, it seems as though  modern technology has 
solved that riddle: something  implantable  like  a 
small chip in one's  hand.  The chip could interact 
with your  body  while  at  the  doctor's  office, for 
example.  One scan and the doctor could measure 
your blood  pressure, blood sugar, heart rate and 
other  vital information, (as  well as your medical 
hisory and  present  wherabouts.)  The chip could 
serve as a way to enter or leave your home; swipe 
the chip and  your front  door may lock or unlock.  
No  keys to  lose and no  worries  about; someone 
else finding it and using it to get into your home.  

     Such chips  might also interact with your car.  A
swipe to start, swipe again to shut the engine down. 
No more car thefts, in  theory.  Of course, your chip 
could be mated with your bank account.  When one
goes  to  Wal-Mart, the  grocery,  or parts store, the 
movies, etc., You could pay with a swipe of  a hand, 
just like the book of the Revelation foretold.

     No  debit  or  credit  cards,  no  more  fraud,  no
theft.  Okay, so  really, how  far off  is this senario?
Not very.  In  fact, IBM has been getting  the  public
primed  for  years.   Understand,  IBM  has  earned
billions  over the years from organized information,
even  before the common use of computers.  During
World War II, for instance, IBM leased punch card
machines to the Nazi's in Germany for their concen-
tration camps.  The  machines, which had to be ser-
viced monthly, were punch card systems that corre-
spond to the number of  the tattoos on  the  arms of 
prisoners.  Keep in mind; early on there was  men- 
tion of  requiring an RFID chip in the "Affordable"
Care Act, but  good  citizens raised  such ire over it
the idea died..., for now.

     So, what is stopping this technology from being
 imposed on all Americans? For now, the Constitu-
tion of the United States of America and its Fourth
Amendment  guarantees  privacy.  Given  Obama's
incessant  trampling  of  the Constitution--and our
feckless Congress, that  permits the  usurpation of
it's power--how far off, really, is the "mark?"

     Would  you sucumb to  the Mark of  the  Beast?
What  if  it becomes the "law of  the land?"  Is  this
no big  deal or something  that will make life more
convenient?   ( End of copied material)
                                     * * * * *

             (It might also be the mark described in
              the book of revelation that brings with 
              it the eternal destruction of a soul who 
              receives that mark.)

(There were five places where editing was needed
to  clarify this information, but  the post is true to 
the original...) Statements in parenthesis are from 
the editor.
   My wife and I recently viewed the latest "Left
   Behind"  movie.  We re-watched the original.
   The  new movie is, of  course,  higher budget
   and graphically superior,  but we  still prefer
   the original.  We are glad we made the effort
   to  watch the new movie, since it is well done.
 donporter, sr  10.04.14  ed.11.08.14, 6.30.16...


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


                                       Ephesians 5: 21-33
                                   (vs. 21)
  " ...submitting to one another in the fear of God.

                                   (vs. 22-23)

     Wives, submit to your own  husbands, as to the
Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also
Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior
of the body.
                                    (vs. 24)
   Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ,
so let the wives be to their own husbands in every-
                               (vs. 25-27) 
   Husbands, love your wives,  just as Christ also
loved  the church and gave himself for  her, that 
He migh sanctify and cleanse her with the wash-
ing of water by the Word, that  He might present
her  to  himself  a  glorious  church, not  having
spot  or wrinkle or any such  thing, but  that she
should be holy and without blemish.

                                   (vs. 28-29)
    So husbands ought to love their own wives as
    their own bodies;  he who loves his wife loves
    himself.  For no one ever hated his own flesh,
    but  nourishes  and  cherishes  it,  just  as the
    Lord does the church. 
                               (vs. 30-31)
         For we are members of his body, of his
     flesh and of his bones.  For this  reason a
    man shall leave his father and mother and 
    be  joined to  his  wife,  and  the two  shall 
    become one flesh.

                                      (vs. 32) 
    This is a great mystery, but I speak concer-
    ning Christ and the church.

                                        (vs. 33)
    Nevertheless let each one of  you in particular        
    so love his own wife as himself, an let the wife     
    see that she respects her husband."
     *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * 
   To everything in the Kingdom of  God, even on
   the earth, there is a order.  This  proper, ratio-
   nal  order is  designed  by  our  Father, YHWH,
   the Lord God, Jehovah.  When we digress from
   His order, things fall apart. Marriage is one of 
   those  things  belonging to our Lord.  When the
   government, or any other entity seeks change to
   pervert the structure or  marriage it is destined
   to fail.

When we look around us we cannot deny the facts.
The frequency of divorce is at alarming rates, but
when you factor into this the statistics of men and
women  living  together outside of  marriage, it is
even  more staggering.  Scripture  allows in some
instances for divorce in the case of adultery.  See
the Word of  God on this.  Living apart  from the
Word of God can never result in a successful life.  

     This passage of Scripture deals with paral-
lel subject  matter,  "Marriage" and "Church" 
or the  Body of  our Lord,  Jesus Christ on the 
earth.  Keep in mind,  the church as the princi- 
ple subject,  and marriage as  an earthly entity 
representing Christ and  his  Church.  Another
entity representing Christ is  the presence of a
physical  manifestation, the  Church  that is in
evidence.  The love of  man for woman, Christ
for his  Church,  and  submission of  a  wife to
her husband, the Church  for  Christ,  is a pic-
ture on  earth of  Christ  and  his Church.  For 
that, no  government  or other entity,  has  any
business trying to make changes  for marriage 
as is  happening in this  great land in which we 
live  and  in  other countries.  Just as  mankind
constantly  ignores or  tries to change  Biblical
truth of  God's Holy Word,  it was  inevitable it 
would  happen to  a critical institution created 
by our  Lord.  Marriage,  as defined  by  God's
Word is the  best,  the only way,  for a man and
a woman  to  live together  in  peace.  The term
Holy  Matrimony must  have   been  coined  for
that reason.  Marriage,  as we see  everywhere,
breaks down when  the plan of  God is not  fol-
lowed and man  goes his own  way, as  he does
in most all things.  Where is  there to be found
a  definition of marriage outside of  the Bible?

There are some who take issue with the princi-
pal of "submission" to the husband on  part of 
the wife.  I believe that  may be one reason for
vs.  21 which  is  part  of  the  passage  before. 
vs.17-20. Verse 21 finishes a sentence started  
in verse 17, but  sets up the passage discussed 
here.  As a wife is  instructed to  submit to  her 
own husband, we are all instructed to submit to 
each other in the fear of the Lord.   

   How difficult  is it to submit to one who is,       

under God, in  submission  to you and loves 
you as  Christ loves  his  Church.  One  other
thought;  Is there  a source, except  for Holy
Scripture, where one leans of love,  it's  defi-
nition   and  application.  There  is  none  of 
which I am aware.  As  a point of  fact, love 
would not be known without the entry, into 
the  world  of  our  Lord,  Jesus  Christ, who  
defined  and  demonstrated  his love  for his
creation by  his sacrificial life, death, resur-
rection,  ascension  and  his  intercession on 
our  behalf.  (the world)  This of course  has 
been  recorded  for  our  edification in  Holy 
   Men; How is your marriage?  It is in your hands.
How closely are you following God's plan in this? 
"Doing the same thing over and  over, and expec-
ting different results is  the definition of  insanity.
    (This sensible thought is not from Scripture.)

donporter,sr 10.01.14