
Tuesday, April 21, 2015


       "In the beginning God created  the heaven and the
      earth.  And  the  earth was  without  form, and  void;                  
     and darkness was upon the  face of  the deep.  And 
     the Spirit of God moved upon  the face of the waters. 
     And God said, 'let there be light'.  And  God saw the
     light, that it was good; and God divided the light from
     the darkness. And God called the light Day, and  the
     darkness he called  Night.  And the evening and the 
         morning were the first day." Genesis 1: 1-5, kjv   

      The Scripture quoted above covers the beginning,
or creation of  the earth and universe as we know it.
Outside of  the Bible, we  could not  know events  of
prehistory.   Scripture  is  our  only  source.  Every-
thing outside of the Scripture is sheer conjecture.  It
is not  wise to speculate about  that  since  it has, in
the past, led  to the development of cults, witchcraft,
and  fanciful stories with no basis in  fact.  We must
recognize that our  faith is in  the God of  the  Bible,
and  the validity of  Scripture.  The Lord  God is the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit; three persons,one God.

   Our salvation is based on faith in these things that
reveal to us our Lord Jesus Christ, who obtained our
salvation through  his  sacrificial death on the cross.
There  are, however,  proofs  as  one  absorbs  God's
Word, believes it and acts on  that belief.  The proofs
are  highly  individual and  personal, even subjective.
We  do  not  "look"  for  proofs, since  the  truths  of
God's Word,  must be accepted  by  faith.  The proof
appears as  we place  faith in  God and in his Word.
We then have a growing assurance of these things as
we mature in the faith and see what our Lord does. 

    Scripture knows nothing of the word, "Trinity," 
    since  the word is not used in the Bible in refe-
    rence  to  the  persons of  the Godhead.  Three 
   persons of  God are called Jehovah, God, God
   the  Father,  God  the  Spirit, God  the  Son  or
   Jesus Christ.  He is also the Spirit of  Jesus the
   Christ, and  the  Holy Spirit.  There  are  times
   when He is called  Lord (Jehovah) or the Lord
   God.  These  names are  translations  from the
   Hebrew and  Greek into English.  Understood
  properly each furnishes insight into the person 
  of God, who is Spirit. He has been made mani-
  fest in the person of Jesus Christ, God the Son, 
  in the New Testament. There are pre-incarnate 
manifestations of God the Son in the Old Testa-
ment.  One is thought to be "Michael," an arch-
angel, then  King  Melchisedec, to  whom Abra-
ham paid tribute on his return from the slaugh-
ter of the  kings, Genesis 14: 18, Hebrews 5: 4, 
and in Luke 20:37-38

 But even Moses showed in the burning bush pas-   
sage that the  dead are raised, when he called the
Lord 'the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and
the  God of Jacob.'  For He is not the God of  the 
dead but of the living, for all live to Him. 

   "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and
they follow me.  And I  give unto them eternal life;
and they shall never perish, neither shall any man
pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave
them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to
pluck  them  out  of  my  Father's  hand.  I and  my 
Father are one."  John 10: 27-30, kjv

      "Ye worship ye know not what; we  know 
     what we worship.  
     For salvation is of the Jews. But the hour                    
      cometh, and now is, when the true wor-
     shiper shall worship the Father in spirit 
    and in truth:  For the Father seeketh such 
     to worship him. 
    God is a Spirit; and they that worship him                    
     must worship him in Spirit and in truth."  
                                          John 4: 22-25, kjv

        There are many ways in which facets of the
       character and personality of  the Lord God
       are revealed.  One memorable instance was
       when Jesus is called the 'Word Made Flesh'
       in John 1:14, and called "the only begotten  
       of the Father, full of grace and truth."

   Since  He is of  the of  the Father,  He is Deity 
(God);  Although He became a man, flesh, even
in flesh, as a man, He retained as  much of  the
glory of God, which He had with the Father, as
could be safely viewed by mankind.  
                                                    John 14: 6-7
 Reads as follows: 
 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth 
   and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, 
    but by me.  If ye had known me, ye should 
 have known my Father also; and from hence-
   forth ye know him, and have seen him." 
                                                   John 17: 11

 "And  now I am  no more in  the world, but 
  these  are in  the world and I come to thee. 
  Holy Father keep through thine own name 
  those whom thou  hast given  me, that they
 may be one, as we are."     
                               See also John 17: 21

      I trust you understand the above is not intended
to be exhaustive, or a complete  explanation of the
three  persons  of  God.  There is  one God.  As  we
are able,  we will add to this post.  In order for the
truth of the matter to be real to you; find it by your
own  research and study of  the Word of God, and
reading books on the subject by renowned authors
who are trusted  by Bible scholars.  You may start
                             Charles Spurgeon,
                             J. Oswald  Sanders, 
                             Francis Schaeffer,
                             W. A. Criswell,  
                             Elton Trueblood; 
to name just a few... 

God bless and keep you by His mercy and grace
through faith in Christ Jesus.

 "But without faith it is impossible to please him;
For he who comes to God must believe that He is
and that He is a rewarded of those who diligently
 seek Him."  Hebrews 11:6  

                                                     donporter,sr  4.21.15 


Saturday, April 11, 2015

WISE? or FOOLISH?....... Matthew 7: 21-27

    "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the
Kingdom of  Heaven,  but he who does the will of My Father in
heaven.  Many will say to Me in that day,  'Lord, Lord, have we 
not  prophesied in Your name, cast out  demons in Your name, 
and done many wonders in Your name?"

     "And  then I will declare  to them, 'I never  knew  you;  depart 
from Me, you  who  practice  lawlessness!  Therefore , whoever 
hears  these sayings of mine, and does them,  I will liken him to 
wise man who built his house on the rock; And when the rain 
descended,  the floods  came and  the winds  blew and  beat on 
that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock."
  "But everyone who hears these sayings of mine, and does not 
do them will  be like  a foolish man  who  built his  house on the 
sand;  And the rain descended, the winds blew and beat on that 
house, and it fell.  And great was it's fall." 

     Then in Matthew 7: 28-29 we find this:  "And so it was, when
Jesus had ended these sayings, that the people were astonished 
at His teaching. For he taught them as one having authority, and
not as the scribes."

     This verse closes  Christ's  teaching  from the Sermon on the 
Mount of  Olives.   When you read chapters  5, 6, and 7,  you will
will find  the seeming  essence of  the  teaching of  Jesus Christ 
and there we  find what our Lord  expects of  his  followers.  We 
first find the behavior causing our Lord to bless in verses three
through twelve.  We  find  his support for  the  Law of  God from
Exodus 20.  He  reiterates his commitment to  that Law.  (He did 
not come to annul the Law,  but to fulfill it.) He  also expounded 
on it,  as to just  how one is  to observe it.  An example from the 
law about  murder, where He  elevates  that  behavior to include   
anger  with a brother without  cause  or  calling  one a fool. This 
teaching elevates an understanding of the Law to include one's
attitude and careless talk.  I am convinced Jesus' interpretation 
of Law raises the  standard, not only of behavior, but  takes our 
thought lives to new levels. 

       Whereas, the Spirit of God would come upon the patriarchs 
that were before Christ, enabling them to do his work, today the 
Spirit of Christ is available in every believer.   When one is filled* 
with the Spirit of God,  (In Christ,) he has abilities beyond those 
that are innate.  These gifts enable one to serve our Lord in His
power, and to live a life that is above reproach; does not reflect 
poorly on the Lord God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit or Church 
of Jesus Christ.  As  followers of our Lord Jesus Christ,  we are  
about good  works He  planned for  us and are  pleasing to Him.
Without  the power of God, the Holy Spirit, on and in us, we are 
incapable of  doing "anything"  that brings glory to  Him and we 
will, invariably bring reproach on our Lord, His Kingdom and His
Church.  We would be operating in the "flesh," in our "wisdom," 
in weakness, not strength. 

 See below for a comment on the verb, filled.  (Edited on 6.19.16)   

   In Ephesians 5: 15-21 we find, "See then that ye walk circum-
spectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because 
the days are evil."

(Circumspect:  "Careful to consider all relating circumstances 
before acting, or deciding."  Synonyms:  Cautious, careful.)

     "Wherefore be ye not unwise,  but understanding what the will 
of the Lord is.  And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; or 
(dissipation) but be filled with the Spirit;" (This passage may well 
read; " ye being filled  with the Spirit;")  So, being filled  with 
the Spirit (God) is not a once for all experience, but  a  continuing 
act of  God as the water in a moving stream constantly renews to
ensure freshness and vitality.

  "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, 
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord: Giving thanks
always  for all  things unto God  and the  Father in  the name of our 
Lord  Jesus Christ;   Submitting  yourselves  one to  another in  the 
fear of God."

donporter,sr                             4.11.15   ed. 4.14.15

  *After posting this piece, there came a pastor on radio reminding 
me of  a principle I  learned in  1972.   As we were part of  an event
sponsored  by  Dr. Bill Bright  of  Campus  Crusade for  Christ, we 
were taught the importance of being "filled" by  the Spirit of Jesus
Christ, in order to serve our Lord. Along with other passages from
God's Word, we are reminded of Ephesians chapter 5.  The Pastor  
on radio said the verb translated "filled" in English, was more com-
prehensive in the Greek.  (Apparently  this is not unusual  in trans-
lation.)  In order to give a more perfect understanding, paragraphs
would be required.  Brieflythere are three elements to this verb in
Greek, mood, tense and voice.  In the Greek,  the mood is  impera-
tive,  (a command)  the tense is  present or  continuing,  the voice,
passive.  With  additional  understanding  we  find  " ye filled." 
Filled, might be translated as " ye being filled, or a continuous
filling." ye being filled is required of us from our Lord,  and we
cannot serve Him without the filling. The voice, passive, means we
cannot, of ourselves, effect a change in our lives. We must depend
on the Lord God.  ("God is a Spirit...")   This  leads  one  to the con-
clusion;  Everything the child of  God does must  be  controlled  or
empowered of the Lord.   In ourselves we are unable to do a  thing
 of  significance in  the Kingdom of  God.   We  must never  attempt
Spiritual  service  within ourselves,  for  that would  be  iniquity;  or
taking the name of the Lord in vain.  One other element  missing in
the life of an individual without Christ is the blessing of "wisdom."  
A life controlled and empowered by the Spirit of  Jesus Christ  has
the wisdom of God, as it is refreshed by daily study of the Word of
God, Scripture.   ("...with the washing of water by the Word."  Eph.
2: 26)  See Exodus 20 or:  

  One other word; In order for one to  have the power of the Lord
God on his/her life, he  must confess and repent all known sin to
our Lord and  He will  cleanse from  the sin.  Secondly, one must
purposely ask the Lord to fill him with His Spirit. Finally we must
believe we are filled;  and thank Him for the Gift.  It is a gift and in
no way must we ever come to a place to believe we are qualified 
for such a blessing.  (Grace, Mercy & Love)

     In 1 John 1: 8-9 we see, "If we say that  we have no sin, we
    deceive ourselves, and the truth is not  in us.  If we confess
    our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to
    cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

    In 1 John 5: 14, "Now this is the confidence that we have in 
    Him, that if we ask anything, according to his will, He hears 
    us.   And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we 
    know we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."  
                               NKJV... Read, believe, ask, and thank Him.

donporter,sr  4.14.15

Monday, April 6, 2015


This link came to me stating in an email that Judge Napolitano was released
by Fox Network for making the video.  In following up on this message we
see the Judge is still around.  The video is well worth watching and passing
along, whether or not Napolitano was fired.

Subsequent to posting this, I learned the "scoop" from Alex Jones, Info-wars.  The 
Judge was fired from Fox News because of pressure from Soros and the White House.
He still appears as a guest on certain shows, but we will see how long before he is
 persona non-gratia... 3.07.15

Subsequently I found this from the Huffington post...

Napolitano is still with Fox, but the show on Fox News Network was cancelled...
See the link below:


By the way; the Judge is more popular on youtube that he ever was on Fox.
He should just have his own show with or without Fox News. Watch any of 
his videos on YouTube and get an in depth study of the Constitution of the 
USA.You will learn things we need to know in order to survive the coming..

donporter,sr 4.06.15

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A. W. TOZER on Christian Leadership

      And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you 
are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing  is
needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not 
be taken away from her."   —Luke 10:41-42

...every real Christian, however practical, is in some degree a 
mystic, his mysticism lying on the upper side of his life. He 
prays, meditates on spiritual things and communes with God 
in the invisible world. Also, every  Christian, however he may 
be dedicated to the  holy art of  prayer and  worship, must of 
necessity descend to work and eat and sleep and pay his taxes 
and get on somehow with the hard world around him. And if 
he follows on to know the Lord he must serve in every useful 
way outlined for him in the Scriptures of truth. To be a Chris-
tian it is necessary  that he serve his  generation  as well as his 

    The big problem is to keep the two elements of the Christian 
life in proper balance. Martha and Mary are sisters and we need 
both...Today the Christian emphasis falls heavily on the "active"  
life...The current vogue favors "Christian action."  The favorite 
brand  of Christianity  is  that  sparked  by  the man in  a  hurry, 
hard  hitting, aggressive and  ready  with the neat quip. We are  
neglecting the top side of our souls. The light in the tower burns 
dimly while we hurry about the grounds  below,  making a great  
racket  and giving  the impression of  wonderful devotion to our 
task.    The Price of Neglect, 45-47.