
Tuesday, May 5, 2015


From Matthew 24: 1-13:
   "Then Jesus went out and departed from the tem-
ple, And his disciples came up to show the buildings
of the temple, and Jesus said to them:
 'Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say
to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another
that shall not be thrown down."   

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples
came to  him privately,  saying,  "Tell us, when will
these  things  be, and  what will be the sign of  Your
coming, and of the end of the age?"
    And Jesus answered and said to them:
"Take  heed that no one deceives you.  For many
will come in my  name  saying,  'I am the Christ'
and will deceive man,  And you will hear of wars
and rumors of wars.  See that you  are not  trou-
bled;  for all these things  must  come  to  pass.
For  the  end  is  not yet.  For  nation  will  rise 
against nation,  and kingdom against kingdom.
And  there  will  be  famines,  pestilences  and
earthquakes  in  various  places.  All  these are
the beginnings of sorrows.  Then, they will deli-
ver you up to tribulation and  kill you, and you
will be hated by all nations for my name sake. 
And then many will be offended, will betray one
another, and shall hate one another.  And many
false prophets will arise and deceive many. And
because  lawlessness  will  abound,  the  love of
many will grow cold. But he who endures to the
end shall be saved."  

   In no way simple; there is a key for believers
who would  avoid the deceit and delusion com-
ing upon this world as part of "Last Day events.
As  much as  the  teaching of  our Lord on  any
matter is  plain, it can in no way be considered
simple.  To the sincere seeker,  the key is to ob-
serve  what is  happening around  him, keep up
with  current  events  and  find parallels  in the
     Prophets from the "Old Testament" wrote 
about events, some yet fulfilled.  The writers
of  the New  Testament  were  well versed  in
prophecy  from  their  forebears.   They  also
covered "Last Day" happenings and the con-
summation of the age.  There are many facets
to these prophecies. One could well spend the  
of adult life and still never fully comprehend
them.  It seems this is how our Lord  is work-
int with  His people.  He sets  the bar so high,
the  most  erudite  among  them must  stretch,
along with the rest of us to be knowledgeable
in these matters. In Matthew 11:29, we see on
the other hand,  He does not hide  anything of
worth from the sincere seeker who is willingly
faithful in studying His Word, follow precepts
from that Word and is not prideful.  The Word
of God is a closed book to those who are self-
centered who have not submitted to Jesus and
His sacrifice for our sin.  

One thing you might look into, is the coming
financial  breakdown in our culture and  the
potential devaluation of our currency. At pre-
sent,  the American Dollar is the most recog-
nized  and accepted  medium of  exchange of
the currencies of  the world.  Other exchange
mediums have value as  it compares with the
dollar.  According  to many,  dollar may fail
and who knows how currency will look in the
the  future.  With  that  in  mind,  instability
in  currency  may  bring on  heavy loss  and
even   bankruptcy  in   well  planned  stable
businesses  and  families.  Who can plan for

 "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
     for I am meek and lowly in heart.
   and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

Isaiah 29: 11, "And the vision of all is become
          unto you as the words of a book that
          is sealed which men deliver to one
          that is learned, saying, 'Read this, I
            cannot for it is sealed."   
         Isaiah 50:4,"The Lord God hath given
           me the tongue of  the learned,  that I 
           should know how to speak a word in 
           season to him that is weary: He waketh  
           morning by morning, he wakeneth my 
           ear to hear as the learned."

  To be a disciple is to be a follower and a learner. 
The life of a child of God that of  a student.  If we
would  understand  something of  the signs of  the
times, we must spend regular time in study of these
things from the Word of God.  We must also be 
aware of current events, so we are not unaware of
those things from the Word of God.  We must also
be aware of current events, so we are not unaware 
of those things our Lord has said are coming upon
this world.  We have the responsibility to warn our
families,  loved  ones,  neighbors and  anyone with
whom we have some influence.  The success of our  

efforts will  be in  proportion to our  knowledge of 
the Word of God,  and the work of his Spirit in our
lives.  One other element is our integrity with these
same persons. We must live above reproach in this
     The  race is not to the swift, but to the  faithful.
It is not to those who are gifted with intellect as
it is to the one who will spend time with his Lord
in prayerful, faithful study of God's Word.

           "And the Word was made flesh and
            dwelt among us; (and we beheld his 
            glory; the glory as of the only begot-
            ten of the Father,) full of grace and
            truth." John 1: 14 

    So, the Word is also a person, and in order to
    avoid the sense that His Word is a "sealed
    book," the Lord Jesus Christ, made the mes-
    sage to be Himself; available to anyone who
    would receive His as Savior and Lord.  I
    trust this introduction to the prophetic Word
    of God offers motivation for you to look into
   it, if you are not already so engaged. 

                                See the link below...

Thanks for looking, donporter,sr  5.05.15, edited 3.02.17