
Tuesday, June 9, 2015


      When a man's ways please the Lord, He maketh      
  even his enemies to be at peace with him."  
                                                          Proverbs 16: 7

      "But without faith it is impossible to please him, for
he  that cometh  to God, must  believe that  he is , and
must believe that He is  a rewarder  of them that  dili-
gently seek him.              Hebrews 11: 6                                                                                                

    The passages referenced above are two of many such  
incidents where pleasing the Lord is brought to our atten-
tion in God's Word. The second, from Hebrews is critical:
How do we please Him? We live our lives by faith in God
and His Word. You and I must refrain from bringing atten- 
tion to the depth of our own faith in him, and to fail to give 
faith in God  it's due.  This may be an injustice to persons 
wirh  whom we  might have  influence.  Our faith is not  in
faith, but in God, and  it's depth is  not as important  as is
it's existence.   

      How does one come to faith?  Scripture informs us: 

  "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing  by the Word of
God."  (Romans 10: 17)  I  am  convinced, for what  it's
worth; everything  we have, receive or by which we are
blessed, is a gift from our Lord.  If we had to qualify for 
blessings, they would be few or non-existent. With that
we approach the subject of this post...    
    Some three  weeks  ago, struggling with an inguinal 
hernia, I made an appointment with a general surgeon.
After  listening  to  my heart through a stethoscope, he 
cut  the exam short and  referred me to  a  cardiologist  
who diagnosed stenosis (narrowing) of the aortic valve.
The valve  required  surgery to  replace  it  with bovine
tissue.  This  was critical,  and  I was  directed  to ano-
ther  cardiologist and other tests showed me to be in a
precarious  state  and  surgery  was  performed by the 
"best" cardiovascular surgeon in the area, post-haste.

     Now,  this  was  a new  experience  for me, having
never  experienced  a  medical procedure, outside  of
stitches  from  accidents.  There was  an echo cardio-
gram, another EKG  and  a catheter in my heart.  The
heart, overall, clear of  plaque  or obstructions except 
for this one valve.  The success rate of this surgery is
at ninety-eight percent, but  my inexperience  with the
whole process gave me pause.  My daughter-in-law, a
Registered Nurse, walked my wife and me through the
process and friends  from over  the  years have  been 
awesome in their support, prayers and encouragement.
I trust you have  such  friends  and  family  on which to
rely.  Having  been a music leader in churches for over
50 years, there has been an outpouring of support from
our current and  former  church  fellowships  as well as
former pastors, family, and friends in ministry.

    Every medical professional with  whom we  have spo-
ken have seemed shocked with my failure to take advan-
tage, previously, of the fine medical establishment in our
great land.  I have no medical  history, take  no  perscrip- 
tion  drugs, although  we  have  had  primary  physicians.
The critical part  for me is  the confidence given one who
has such a  background, to  face this surgery without any
panic.  So  far, my  Lord  has  given to my  Wife and  me
everything  we need  to face  each turn of  events and to
look forward to His working in our lives for the future.

     No  one can know for certain, the outcome of  events,
but we know we are in  his  capable hands and whatever
the result of  this, we will be in Christ.  Judith and I have
been married  for fifty-three  years and  He has  been, at 
every turn  in  life, dependable.  Jesus Christ  is my Sav-
ior and Lord, knows the direction and destination of each
of life's twists and turns, and is quite capable of taking us
through this.  God bless you and give you faith in his Son.
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe
in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you
too may experience this salvation, in him.  (See Romans
10: 8-10, and 13.)   


Post Script:  It has now been several months since the surgery and
though retired, I have returned to music ministry, and returned to 
work as a bench jeweler, part-time.  I feel well and do not have any
apparent adverse complications from the surgery. God has blessed...  

Sunday, June 7, 2015


    During his military campaign against Persia, Alexander
took a detour to the south, conquering Tyre and then Egypt
via what is today Israel.  There  is  a fascinating story about
Alexander's  first  encounter  with  the  Jews  of  Israel,  who
were subjects of the Persian Empire.

    The narrative concerning  Alexander's  first interaction
with the Jews is recorded in both the Talmud (Yoma 69a)
and  in the Jewish historian  Josephus's  Book of Antiqui-
ties (XI, 321-47.)  In both accounts  the High Priest of the
Temple at Jerusalem, fearing  that Alexander would des-
troy  the city, went out  to meet him  before  he  arrived at
the city.

     The narrative describes  how  Alexander, upon seeing
the High Priest, dismounted  and  bowed to him.  Alexan-
der rarely, if ever bowed to anyone.) "I did not bow before  
before  him, but  before  that God who has  honored  him 
with the Priesthood; for I saw this very person in a dream,
in this very apparel."

     Alexander interpreted the vision of the High Priest as
a good  omen  and  thus  spared  Jerusalem,  peacefully
absorbing the Land of Israel into his growing empire.  As
a tribute to his benign conquest, the Sages decreed that
the  Jewish firstborn of  that  time be named Alexander--
which  remains a Jewish name to this very day.  And the
date of  the encounter, the 25th of Tevet, was declared a
minor holiday.

donporter,sr 6.07.15

Monday, June 1, 2015


     I have posted, on this blog, a piece concerning the
abortion of  a human child in the womb.  To me this is
the most heinous form  of  child abuse and  is murder;
pure  and  simple.  Just  because  the  legislature and
courts  permit abortion  of a viable  fetus in  the womb, 
does not change  the  fact that it is  a crime and  a sin. 
The book I read, and nature itself, condemns it.   

Read the link below before continuing.  (Each verse in
Psalm 136 closes with; 
              "...And His mercy endureth forever..." )

Since this piece was posted, as mentioned in an edit in 
late May, it   occurred to me the consequences of such 
an act. The life of  that unborn child is forfeit, the life of 
the mother devastated and there is plenty of guilt invol-
ved.  There is another consideration.  How many lives
were actually forfeit at time of the abortion?  When we
are made aware of the possibility of offspring from this
one and any descendants, no one can calculate the
number of lives lost.  This one act becomes genocide,
holocaust, or mass murder. Your view or mine on con-
ception notwithstanding, we consider only abortion for
our purposes in this post.

   There are numerous references as  to the importance
to our Lord, of the "seed" of mankind in Scripture. There
is also the potential births to a female child in the mix.
We will not be labor the point, but this is one more fac-
tor for consideration before an abortion is performed. The
consideration must include the mother, the potential 
father, parents of both as well as the medical professional
who might be involved in such a "procedure."  Each one
is culpable in the results of this "sin," and there will be
consequences from such an action.

Some Scripture to consider:
     Genesis 9: 9; "And as for me, behold I establish my
 covenant with you and with your descendants after you."           
   Genesis 13: 15; "for all the land which you see I give
  to you and your descendants forever."
     Psalm 37: 28, "For the Lord loves justice, And does 
  not forsake His saints;  They are preserved forever, 
    But the wicked shall be cut off."

   Now we see "Planned Parenthood" employees caught
on tape discussing the process of harvesting body parts
of the infants they have aborted.  This is clearly against
laws in this country.  Hopefully, this  revelation will shed
light on the "industry" (Criminal Enterprise) and  get this
unthinkable process stopped.   

God have mercy on us all....Psalms 136   

                                                     donporter,sr 6.01.15