
Tuesday, October 27, 2015


     There seems to be a movement among some in 
 political power in this "Land of the Free" and the  
 "Home of the Brave,"  to change the constitution, 
ie. the First Amendment, Free Speech, Free Exer-
cise  of  Religion,   and  the  Second  Amendment, 
"Right  to  Bear  Arms" without  any  Restrictions;
 Felons  excepted.  There is  also  regular  infringe- 
ment of the Fifth Amendment with respect to con- 
fiscation of private property without  just compen-

  ALERT:  (5.03.16)  As  we  speak,  there  is a move-
ment  to have  a constitutional convention.  Although
this  movement is probably well  intended,  it seems a
bad idea.  We have a  "perfectly" designed document
that has served us well since the founding of the USA
and  if we  change it  at  all, it will be less.  We simply
must  require  elected officials and "bureaucrats"  in
our  home states  and in DC to  adhere  to  the princi-
ples within the present document...  

    There are, of  course, occasional  infringements 
with respect to other constitutional safeguards, but
the  above seem the most violated. There seems to 
be an agenda, by politicians to use our constitution
against us, rather using  that  venerated  document
for the purpose  intended; that  is the protection of 
the  citizens against an  oppressive  federal govern-
ment.  There is no reason to try to make  a case for 
government conspiracy  behind  the violations, but 
there  seems  to be  no  great  hue  and  cry against 
these  inconsistencies  by our elected  officials and 
bureaucrats, be they GOP or Dems.  

     Amendment I:   Congress  shall  make  no  law
respecting an  establishment of  religion, or  prohi-
biting the free exercise  thereof;  or  abridging  the
freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the 
people peaceably  to assemble, and  to petition the
government for a redress of grievances.

    Amendment II:  A well  regulated  militia being 
necessary to the security of a free state, the rights 
of  the people to keep and bear arms,  shall not be

           (Convicted felons lose some rights. 
          most folks have little issue with that.)

Amendment V: No  person shall be  held  to answer 
for a  capital, or  otherwise  infamous  crime, unless 
on a  presentment or  indictment  of  a  Grand Jury, 
except in case arising in  the land or naval forces, or 
 in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War 
or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for 
the same offense  to  be twice put in jeopardy of life 
or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal  case 
to be a witness  against  himself, nor  be deprived of 
 life, liberty, or property, without due process of law: 
nor  shall private  property be taken for public use
without just compensation.

    One aspect comes to mind...  As long as our citizens
are honorable, truly religious, our form of government
will  work.  When  the citizens  become  self-centered,
less  than  "honorable,"  it  will  cease  to work  as  the 
Founders intended.  God be  praised  for such  insight-
ful and Godly men

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if you like.  Please feel free to  take  issue, by email, 
with anything on this blog.

donporter,sr 10.27.15, edit 12.05.15 (