
Wednesday, June 27, 2018



     I have heard it stated, "The Old Testament is  for  
people of that age," implying it  is for Israel, specifi-
cally. There is another application believed by evan-
gelicals.  Scripture is  the Lord God's  revelation  to 
mankind and we neglect it to our peril. 
"All Scripture is given by  the inspiration  of God, 
   and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for 
correction, for instruction in righteousness: 
  that the man of God may be perfect, throughly 
furnished unto all good work."  II Timothy 3: 15-16
(I believe the word "perfect," might well be rendered
mature or sound.)
  Every scholar/believer holds both the first 39 books 
and the 27 books to be equally inspired of God, to be 
Scripture, The Word of  God.  In the 39, referring to 
the  Old  Testament,  He  laid  the  basis  for  the 27, 
called  the New Testament.  It is  impossible  for one
to  understand the 27 without  the 39;  nor to under-
stand  the 39 without  the 27.  Both  Jew and Gentile 
alike,  fall short when they neglect either.  The word 
Testament is  equivalent to  Covenant. The Covenant 
of  39 is updated by the 27 and the  covenant of 27 is 
incomplete without the 39.  There are no less than  8
covenants from God to man.  Some were with indivi-
duals, other were for certain people groups , and the
remaining were with the world at large.  A covenant
may be described as a "solemn, binding agreement."  

    It is fascinating, when we read  Scripture, to find 
Jesus Christ called  the "Word made  flesh."  (man)  
"He came  to His own, and His own did not receive 
Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave
  the right to become children of God, to those who  
  believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, 
 but  of God.  And the Word became flesh and dwelt 
  among us, and we  beheld His glory as of the only 
 as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace 
   and truth."  John 1: 11-14

    The Lord God is Triune, but His manifestation is 
one, the Lord Jesus Christ, who though equal with 
God made himself somewhat lower than angels and 
became a man through his virgin birth to Mary of 
Nazareth.  He was born Jewish, lived perfectly the 
Law of God, as recorded in the Old Testament, or
Covenant.  He is the only man born of woman, who
 obeyed perfectly, the commandments of his Father 
who is God, creator and sustainer of our world, or 
universe.  He is one with his Father, co-equal with 
the  Holy Spirit of  God, who is the third  person of 
that we call  "Trinity."  He came, through a  mira-
culous birth, not to make us equal with God, but to
 open the door  through which we may  become the 
children of God.  Christ is the unique Son of God.     

     In the Psalms, 119: 89-92 we find, "For ever, O 
Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven. Thy faithfulness 
  is unto all generations:  Thou hast established  the 
earth, and it abideth.  They continue this day accor-
 ding to  thine  ordinances:  for  all are thy servants. 
Unless thy law had been my delight, I should, then 
have perished in mine affliction."   

(There can be no authority for the Child of God out-
side the Holy Scripture; Old and New Testaments;
One Divinely inspired work. Personified by the Son.) 

donporter, sr 8.06.2018

                                                donporter,sr 6.08.18, 6.27.18