
Friday, December 28, 2018


     I must at this time edit some of my previous thoughts and
comments in my life and in this blog.  At times I have failed
to consider or remember life in Christ is not only a learned
lifestyle, but one must "grow" into the life.  It is clear to me
my words and actions at times have seemed curiously harsh
or very strict, rather than considerate and kind.  I have had
a lack of humility and have required more of others than of
myself.  Clearly a  lack of  Christ-likeness and  a  self-righ-
teous  spirit influenced  my attitude  toward  others  caused
this, exacerbated by immaturity.  The apparent cure for the
condition must, of  necessity, be a careful, diligent study of 
the Word of God (Scripture) and adherence thereto.  

     We need only to live life the way our Lord lived among
"us" during his incarnation.  He was humble, but of strong
character with standards, unimpeachable.  There were the 
times of joy, times of sorrow and finally the ultimate appa-
rent  failure and death,  that  turned  out to be his ultimate
triumph according to the plan of  his Father in heaven.  It
is significant; he lived, knowing his life would be this way,
and  although He prayed at one time,  "...let this cup pass
from me,"  (Luke 23:42) his desire was to do the will of his 
Father, with whom He was "One."   ("I and my Father are 
One." ) John 10: 30

     It will take a strong commitment, Divine help and  the
fellowship of other believers to live a life pleasing to  our
Lord.  The end of a life so lived will be rewarding beyond
our imagination and to state it to be worthwhile, is under-
statement, to say the least.  May the Lord God bless your
efforts and faith as we serve the only entity worthy of our
faith, who is our only  hope for eternal life and a  calling
to service here and for eternity.

     There is a passage in Matthew, Chapter 12, verse 36
that has always given me pause.  "...That every idle word
that man  shall speak,  they shall  give account thereof in 
the day of judgment."  That is heavy.

donporter,sr  (12.28.18)