
Sunday, June 3, 2012


Ecclesiastes 12: 12, "...of making many books there is no end."

Anyone who seeks to understand  Holy Writ has taken upon himself a 
lifelong  task  of  monumental  proportions.  This  may be  behind  the 
text  in Ecclesiastes  written  by the  wisest of  the seed of Adam.   It  is 
impossible for mankind to restate or summarize God’s Word and do it 
justice.  Anything we might write will  be either less  than  the Word or 
possibly  have  precepts  added.  In either case  it will be inferior to the 
original. Why, then do we reason it necessary;  even helpful to attempt
expository work on God’s Word for publication?

In my personal  experience it began as  a summary, not of  God’s  
Word, but of my beliefs and  philosophy of life.  As  writing  began,  it
was  quickly evident  the beliefs and philosophies of my life are largely
based on a personal  knowledge of  the Scripture.  Finding no basis for 
this way of life except  Scripture,  the writing became my exposition of 
Scripture,  not any creation or wisdom of my own.  Looking back, the 
past  six decades,  now seven, anything  good in  life can  be explained 
through study of  God’s Word.  Realization  finally dawned;  anything 
bad or negative could only be explained in the same way.  If  we are to
understand  the  life we live,  wisdom must come from the living Word 
of God.  This raises our next question.  What is  it we learn from Scrip-
ture causing it to stand alone as a literary work without peer. The text-
book  answer to  the  question?  God  is author of  the Book.  He used  
some 40 writers  over  one  thousand-four hundred  years  to complete 
the task.  These men were vessels through whom the living Word,  was
passed through Holy Writ.  If we were to spend our lifetimes, we could 
never explain the Bible to the satisfaction of a skeptic.  We do find,  at 
times, one who accepts it by faith, not requiring a lengthy explanation.
  One reason for this;  The skeptic cannot have faith,  while a  true see-
ker cannot help  but  believe.   It  is evident  from experience;  men of 
good will  are ready to  accept the Divinely  inspired Word as relevant.  
Men with a  motive to cover their sins are unwilling to let the Light of 
God's Word apply to their shabby lives.  The short answer to the ques-
tion,  "why then, does the Word of God stand alone?"   A living book,
the attributes of Deity as content, the Lord God is the ultimate author, 
and Jesus Christ,  "the Word was made flesh..."   John 1: 14 

   In John 1: 14, the statement is made, referring to Christ, “The Word 
 was  made  flesh  and  dwelt  among  us...”   God   identifies  with  His 
 Word.  Where  does  the Word  get  it’s  power?   Some  have said the 
word  “Holy Spirit”  came from the same  word as the word, dynamite. 
It  is  true stated  another way.  The word  dynamite is  from the  word 
“Holy Spirit,” since the Holy Spirit  was a  person   long  before  dyna-
mite was coined. The  word actually means  the ability to do anything.  
The Word of God has the power of  God within,  since it has the  Holy
Spirit  interpreting  it  to each  individual  or  group of believers.  The 
Spirit is only available to the soul who  will  obey the Word,  believing 
the  precepts within that Word.  So, why do we write?

     God  has  given to  us,  His children,  the ministry of  reconciliation 
as in  2 Corinthians 5:18.  You and I  are to take His Word  to a world 
lost without Him,  having no  hope within  themselves or in  any other.
One way we take that Word into the world is through expository  prea-
ching of  the Word.  Do we  claim in  preaching we  always  preach the 
whole counsel of God without error?  Of course not!!  Since we cannot 
make that claim,  should we not quit preaching God's Word?  God for-
bid!  In 1 Corinthians 1:21,  we  read:
"For after that in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not 
    God, it pleased  God by the foolishness of  preaching  to save them 
   that believe."  (An aside here; it does not say "foolish preaching.")  

     Just as in all else,  we may be in error at times,  but we strive to be 
true to  the Word.  To quit the effort because it is not perfect is hardly 
acceptable. Our Lord knows our limitations.  He works through imper-
fect  men to  do  His will.   It is well said,  “We are His  hands  and  his 
His feet.”   He has chosen to use a flawed race  (human race)  to  com-
communicate His will and purpose to others of our race, just as Christ 
became one of us to reveal the Father to us.   (In my understanding of  
Scripture and life, there is but one race, the human race.)  People may
be assigned to groups, according to geographic location, religion, ana-
tomy,  color,  even  shade.  God's Word and  good sense allows for all  
people  being  descendants of  two  persons, Adam and  Eve,  as recor-
ded  in the book of  Genesis.  This makes us to  be brothers and sisters  
according to  the  flesh.  When  we  receive  Jesus Christ  as  Lord and 
Savior, we become brothers and  sisters as the Children of  God.  God  
forbid we build artificial walls to separate  brothers  along  prejudicial 
preconceptions,  engendering  misunderstanding,  distrust;  even hate.

     Of late, it has become anathema for one to refer to persons gender,
or to make reference to same. Since our Lord, in His Word, designates
the first of His creation "male," and His second creation "female," we
recognize and honour what He has done, when we refer to each accor-
dingly.  It is not demeaning to the woman (who was taken out of man)
to be female.  There are  obvious differences.  Praise the Lord God, as
He in His wisdom saw the need for these differences.  This does not in 
any way, lessen the value of the woman.  We, as men, are commanded
to love and care for the woman as we do our own selves,  and to even
prefer her  to ourselves.  In some ways she is the "weaker vessel," but 
as we learn in having a relation with her, she is physically weaker, but
in many ways she  is stronger.  (What man among us would be willing
to give birth to a child?  To many, that is possibly the most importan-
tant function of either and is a holy privilege.)  In Ephesians 5: 33, we
see;  "Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own 
  wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."    

                Did you see indications, anywhere, leading us to only share  
               faith in our Lord with those like ourselves and  neglect those 
               who are somewhat different?    "Again, GOD FORBID!!!
               Who is my neighbor? (Look it up; Matthew 5: 42-48) 

              The great commandment; "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
              with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.
              This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is
              like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  On these
              two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
                                                                                Matthew 22: 37-40
            donporter,sr...6.21.12  edited 3.02.14, 3.03.16, 8.17.16, 10.01.16, 3.2.17,

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