
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT       (ed. 3.1.13)          July 4, 2012

To say the Holy Spirit is ignored  in many evangelical settings today

is an understatement,  but this is plainly the case.   We give lip service 
to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as  we assemble,   regularly,
but since the Holy Spirit is by His very nature mysterious,  there is no 
understanding of  His work.  This seems to  be the cause  for  the reti-
icence on the part of believers to share in His  unlimited  potential.  If 
we do not understand a process or principle, we tend to avoid use of it.
So, we are limited  in our relationship to this third person of  God.

     What  makes  the Spirit’s  work  among us  so vital  is; when  Jesus 
returned  to the Father,  He sent His Spirit to do  His work among us? 
He is not a different God, but the same God as is God the Son,  (Jesus 
Christ) and God the Father.   In one place in Scripture,  Christ  makes 
this statement, “God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must wor-
ship Him in  Spirit and in truth.”  (John 4: 24)  He was explaining to a
woman at the well in  Samaria about a  change coming in the  worship 
of God.  God is Spirit.  He cannot be contained in buildings made with 
hands, or confined  in any way.  Further aspect  of this is; the Spirit is 
God  without  the limitations placed  upon  Jesus Christ as He  walked  
among  men.   Because of  the  incarnate  state,  His  humanity,  Jesus
could be in only one place at a time.  He was subject to the bodily pro-
cesses, temptations and  requirements as are we.  In order  to identify
with  mankind,  bear our sin and remain in a sinless state, Christ  was
was housed in a human  body.  His work has been done here;  we now 
deal with the same God, but without those limitations.  (A clarification
to this fact, would be:  There is mystery  about  this incarnation,  since
Jesus Christ  did  supersede  these  limitations  at  times.  He displayed
the  ability to do  miracles and had a unique  relationship to the Father
unknown to  humanity.  Is it possible He was showing us the potential 
we also have, with the Father?  Do we limit ourselves by our failure to
exercise the  faith and power  He had  through "prayer and fasting?"  
Read Matthew 17: 14-23.  

       Let’s look into advantages we now have  since ourn lives are guided 
by the God of the universe, The Spirit of God.  (Remember Jesus stated
as above,  “God  is  Spirit...”)  Is the essence of  God the Father  that of
Spirit?   The question came to mind the first time it registered with me 
that  Christ  had said,  God is Spirit.  This  might be answered by some-
one more knowledgeable than I and possibly deferred to the hereafter. 
One thing  we can clarify is the fact;  God the Father, God the Son and 
God  the  Spirit are one.  There is  only one God.  The other  fact is,  at 
times,  in Scripture,  God is stated as  plural;  “Let us make man in our
image...” Genesis 1: 26.  This is  apparently  a reference  to God, three 
in one. 

The word “Trinity” is not used in Scripture.   It is  the invention of one 
who has  studied the Scripture, thinking a term  needed  to  be created 
describing three persons in one.  The term is widely  accepted by Bible 
scholars, but is not stated, per say, in Scripture.  Because of this, some
refuse to accept the doctrine of the Trinity. That will have to be settled 
in eternity.  (Since I am not a "Scholar," by any stretch, my view is not

Jesus Christ, prior to His ascension,  was able to influence his  hea-
rers. Now, the Holy Spirit of Christ indwells believers.  He, from inside,
inspires and empowers.  He stated, believers  would  do greater works
than He did.  (John 14: 12) The only way  that could be possible is  the 
limitless power of the Spirit of the same Christ following his Ascension

     What then,  is the work of  this one called  God the Spirit?  Staying 
with Scripture, we find God’s Holy Spirit convicts sinners, John 16: 8,  
comforts the saints, John 16: 7, shows  us  truth, John 16:13, reminds 
us of what we have in the Scripture, John 14:25, and at times gives us
words  to say in defense of our life of  faith in Jesus Christ.  (Mark 13: 
11) The Spirit knows us and helps with our inabilities, offering gifts to 
be  used in service to our God, Acts 2:4 and empowers our words. 
Romans 15:19 

    All of this work of the Spirit is contingent upon our being in the will 
of God  revealed in  Scripture.  There is also the work of  the  Spirit in 
prayer.  He is said to come along side as we pray when we do not know 
for  what to pray or are  without  words,  "He  prays  the Father  in our 
stead."  Romans 8: 26-27.  One word of caution:  The Berean  Church 
in Acts  had a noble  congregation who,  when they heard  the Apostle 
Paul , searched Scripture to see if his teaching were true and in agree-
ment with the Old Testament.  Acts 11:17.  I trust we are of noble cha-
racter and will imitate them.  The only way for one to  make Scripture 
come alive is to search God's Word, personally.  God  has children; no 
grandchildren.  Each of us is to have a personal relationship with God 
the Father in the name of Christ with the enlightenment and power of 
the Spirit.  More information on the "Gifts  of  the Spirit,"  are  seen in 
Chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians.  For  more on  the "Fruit of  the  Spirit" in
the  life  of   believers,  as  opposed  to  the "Works  of  the  flesh,"  see 
Galatians 5: 16-25.  A word of clarification is appropriate at this point. 
Some groups consider the fullness of the Spirit to be synonymous with 
the baptism of the Spirit.  For our purposes here, we consider baptism 
of the Spirit as separate and occurring at the time of regeneration of a 
new believer.  As you will see, the Apostles directed persons who were
born again to be filled with  the Spirit but  no one  was ever  advised in 
Scripture to be baptized of the Spirit.    

In Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians,  he directed the church there to 
be filled, controlled and empowered,  by the Holy Spirit of God rather 
than drunk, (controlled and powered) on  alcoholic  beverages. There 
are passages we may take from here and  there to determine how this 
may be accomplished, but since it is obviously the will of God for us to 
be filled with His  Spirit, we can pray for  this filling and be sure it will 
occur.  As we  look in 1 John 5: 14-15  we see when we ask anything of 
the Father knowing it to be His will,  He hears our prayer and fills our 
 request.  (Sometimes we have to wait for answer.)  These are the first 
parts of the process of being  filled with the Spirit.   He has directed us 
to be  filled with the  Spirit in Ephesians and  in 1 John 5,  He said He 
will  honor our  petition in accordance with His will.  There is another 
part to being filled with the Holy Spirit.  The Lord will not fill unclean  
vessels with the Spirit. This gives us another key; repentance from sin  
or the works of the flesh.  Bill Bright,  founder of Campus Crusade for 
Christ, explained it as “Spiritual breathing.”   By repenting and confes-
 sing our sin,  we exhale the evil.  By asking our God to fill us with  His 
Spirit,  we are inhaling the Lord.  This word picture helps us to under-
stand the process of being filled with the Spirit.  It  is a mystery requi-
ring faith in the one who promised His Spirit to the one who asks.

        Secondly, as in Ephesians, we are directed to walk in the Spirit of 
God.  This is accomplished after the act of “Spiritual Breathing,” as we
take a step of faith,  acting on something we know to be God’s will  for 
our lives.  This step should be taken, immediately after the experience 
of the filling of  the Spirit.  It might be the act of witnessing to a friend, 
giving your personal testimony or by simply making a  gift to the Lord.  
One reason for making a gift to the Lord as our first act of “Walking in 
the Spirit” is, in Malachi we are given a means of trying the Lord. (See 
Malachi 3: 8-12)  In this way we see the result of walking in the Spirit.  
I know of  no other place in Scripture  where we are  directed to  “try”  
God to see Him  fulfill a promise.  There are other disciplines we may 
practice  “in the Spirit,”  unavailable to us before being filled with the 
Spirit.  However;  everything  done in  the  power of  God  is  of  faith.  
"Without  faith it  is impossible to  please  God...,  Hebrews 11: 6.)   A 
believer filled with  the Spirit of  God will, by faith, be able to love the 
unlovely,  believe things that with  men are impossible,  and see good  
things accomplished  in his life;  not possible before.  This is not blind
faith,  but is specifically  faith in  the Lord Jesus Christ.  In  faith,  the 
believer’s  Spiritual eyes will be opened and the mind of  Christ  made 
available  to him.  The list of  acts done,  by  faith in  the  power of  the 
Spirit might read as follows:

                                                Witness by Faith
                                                   Love by faith
                                Walk by faith in the power of the Sprit
                                       Expanded belief in the impossible
                                          Answers to the prayer of faith
                                  Understanding the Word of God by faith
                                             Teaching others by faith
                                         Reception of Gifts of the Spirit
                                  Overcome sinful practices through faith
                                                      New Joy in life
                                            Divine assurance of salvation
                       Living in conformity to God’s plan and purpose for life.

      As you can see by this short  list of blessings received through being 
filled by the  Spirit of God;  there are many things we expected to come
through faith in Christ that were not happening prior to  being  filled 
by His Holy Spirit.  If we are attempting to  live the Christ  life without 
the fullness of His Spirit, we are still in the flesh and can have no assu-
rance of  our salvation.  Everything we do as  Children of God  is  by 
faith, Christ in us.  Our prayer to be filled with the Spirit  might entail  
the act of confession and repentance of our known sins, in agreement 
with God, and believe He has forgiven our sins. 1 John 1:9 "If we  con-
fess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us
 from all unrighteousness," and  petition the Lord  to Fill us with  His 
Spirit.  We might then,  give thanks to  the Lord  for forgiving  our sin  
 for filling us with His Spirit.  Afterwards,  will  come the  act  of faith;  
the  important first  step in "Walking in  the Spirit of  God.”   “For  as 
many as are led  by the Spirit of God,  they are  the sons of God.” See 
Romans 8:14.  The implication is clear,  if one is not  being led  by the  
Holy Spirit  there  can be no assurance he is a son, or in Christ.  

        Reading  the verses following,  points out  this very thing.  “The 
Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” 
(Romans 8:16)  This is the calm  assurance from within of our salva-
tion in our Lord Jesus Christ and we can  confidently face any situa-
tion in life knowing our eternal destination has been secured in Him 
and does not rest in anything we are, we do; have done. As we grow 
in our walk with the Savior,  we may or may not become scholars or  
Bible teachers.  We will become disciples of Christ and in turn begin 
to  disciple  others.  (Matthew 28: 19-20)   This  is not  a suggestion, 
 but a commission, or command.
For further study on the Work of the Holy Spirit:
Ephesians 5: 18, We are to be filled with the Spirit.
John 7: 37-39, The Spirit Gives life.
John 16: 12-14, The Spirit glorifies the Son and reveals truth.
Romans 15: 16, The Holy Spirit sets believers apart for service.
Hebrews 13: 1-6, The Holy Spirit will never forsake the believer.
Luke 11: 13, God gives His Spirit to those who ask...
       (We must never think of the Holy Spirit as  being anyone
           but the Lord God.  God Is a Spirit, The Spirit of Jesus
            Christ and God the Holy Spirit.  One entity or person)

donporter July 4,2012  (edited 11.11.14, 3.09.17

Psalms 19: 1, "The heavens declare the glory of God, And the
                             firmament shows His handiwork." (NKJV)

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