Satan; A Bad Example Proverbs 6: 16, 19
(You might be following him without realizing it.)
16 "These six things doth the Lord hate, yea seven are an abomina-
tion unto him..
17. A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.
18. An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in
in running to mischief,
19. A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord
among brethren." (kjv)
One of the characteristics of Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, and Prince
of Darkness is a trait you and I exhibit at times. Although we do not
want to admit the possibility, we must understand it, if we will not be
caught up in it. Of the sins we may be guilty, with little shame is gos-
sip. We know Satan to be the “Accuser of the brethren,” and when
we reduce that to it’s lowest common denominator, we find him a gos-
sip or slanderer. These words are synonyms, and could be used inter-
changeably at times. Also, the “Seven things the Lord hates” in Pro-
verbs includes; “He who sows discord among brethren.” As we look
into slander or gossip in this light it has an ominous feel. Is gossip in
truth, slander? Does gossip or slander sow discord among brethren?
If we gossip, slander or sow discord among brethren, does it make us
ton be like Satan? These questions must be answered in the affirma-
tive if we are honest with ourselves before Holy God who hates such
as this. We might go a step further and state; most gossip is spread
by persons who do not have first hand knowledge of the "facts" and
may be spreading false statements (lies) as well as true. Let’s put
ourselves in the theoretical position of spreading a hurtful story of
one who is not guilty of the "lie." Where then does that leave us?
When we are guilty of gossip, we are included as being performers
from the list of deeds God hates. We are in the position to commit
the crime of slander and we become a fellow-traveler with the enemy
of God, Satan, who, according to God’s Word, is the father of liars.
To avoid alienation from our Lord and alignment with Satan, prac-
cing gossip, here are some practical steps we must take:
1. Never repeat a negative or damaging story.
2. Never repeat anything you have not proved true.
3. Upon hearing any story, ask for the source.
4. Before telling anything, consider your reaction
if you were the subject.
5. In everything you say always make sure it glorifies
our Heavenly Father.
6. Never betray a person who shares a confidence.
7. Become a person gossips avoid.
8. If you hear slander on anyone, ask the purveyor to
accompany you to inform the object of the gossip.
There are other positive steps we may take to avoid becoming
caught up in the practice of retelling negative or offensive tales.
The most important is to make a habit of thinking on things that
are, in the Apostle Paul’s Divinely inspired words, “true, noble,
just, pure, lovely, good report ,” as well as “virtuous and praise-
worthy.” If you and I practice this discipline it will keep us
from considering the act of passing along stories unworthy of a
disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ. The best way to defeat negative
is to saturate with positive. As we practice living in the presence
of our Lord, Christ, the mundane or common will lose it's appeal
to us. We will find joy communicating treasure from the Word
of God instead of trash from word of mouth. (Philippians 4: 8)
edited 11.22.14, 2.21.15 donporter 10.29.12
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