
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

WHERE IS MY CITIZENSHIP? ** 2 Corinthians 5

Where Is My Citizenship?       (2 Corinthians 5)     December 8, 2003

      "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that 
     every one may  receive the things done in  his body,  according to 
    that  he hath done, whether it be good or bad."  2 Corinthians 5:10

   Am I a citizen of this world trying to live like a citizen of the Kingdom
   of God,  or a citizen of  the kingdom of God  living as a  pilgrim in the

      As one gets older, having lived well over half of his anticipated life
span, it seems he is less at home in the “...body of this death” Romans 
7:24, having a desire to be clothed fully in that body which is Spiritual.
If we are honest with  God and self,  there  are times  even in  maturity
when we  are too much at  home on this earth and in the world system 
which are at enmity with  the Kingdom of God,  At times we  are migh-
tily  offended  by things around  us  as “righteous  Lot,” in Sodom  we 
seem to take them in stride and  have little if any positive influence or 
effect on those  around us.  We  choose not to  be labeled  prudish nor  
moralist.  We smile at off-color stories,  wincing inside;  accepting pro-
fane practices with  little or  no apparent  reaction.  We become jaded 
and  hardened  by regular  exposure to  “worldly”  entertainment  and  
have generally lost our witness for Christ.   If we have a standard it is 
rarely raised; when raised it is not high enough to be noticed or make 
a  difference.  When  with fellow  believers we sing loudly, say  Amen,
and are generally in  agreement that  something  must  be done  about 
the degradation of our culture.  We are not,  however;  willing to stick 
out our necks nor  do  anything that  might affect adversely, our  com-
fort level  among  unbelieving  friends or  people with whom we work.  
Even  in fellowship with like-minded believers,  Kingdom matters  are 
rarely  discussed and  are  never  the primary topic of conversation.

     There must be a cure for  the malaise currently  keeping born again 
Children of the Kingdom of God out of the warfare into which we are
called.  Since we do not conduct this  warfare against flesh and blood, 
but against unseen and sinister entities,  we must take a wise and  at
times  indirect  paths  into the battle.  There  are  some steps we may 
take to overcome our reticence to do battle and get us off on the right  
foot as we engage the enemy.  First, we must recognize  the enemy as
Satan, not our unbelieving friend,  relative or  co-worker.  Those who
our circle who are not  yet Children of  the Kingdom are casualties of 
war and victims in  every sense of  the word.  They are not the enemy.  
Before engaging an enemy,  preparation must be made.  To the Child 
of God, this means developing plans consistent with the Word of God 
to deliver the victims from a fate we recognize as “worse than death.” 
Eternal  separation from our  creator and  loved ones in Hell; punish-
ment  beyond our  imagination.  The first part of the plan must be for  
each to make an honest appraisal of self.  Do I have a  daily walk,  by 
faith,  with my Lord, Jesus Christ,  in  truth.  Am I consistently in the 
Scripture, fervent  prayer,  worship and  praise?   Am I  prepared  to 
give an answer for the  “hope that is in...”  me to  anyone who might 
inquire?  Do I  have an attitude or spirit in  my  demeanor attracting  
believer  and  unbeliever  alike?  Or,  do  I  just  have an "Attitude?" 
Am I  honestly seeking  help  anyone who  might need a hand,  with-
without thought of repayment or even  thanks?  After we  make this  
honest appraisal of our spiritual condition,  it is time to  identify our 
shortcomings  and in the Spirit of God,  to make correction through 
application of the Word of God. 

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:  old things 
have  passed away;  behold,  all things  are become new....all things 
are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself  by Jesus Christ,  and 
hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;” (2 Corinthians 5: 17-18)

                    donporter                   10.24.12  ed. 4.04.15

                       "If I am not active in the “ministry of reconciliation,
                            of what good am I to the Kingdom of God?"

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