With all of the teaching and preaching available to us today, there is
a doctrine that seems to be a source of confusion in the life of believers.
The belief that a person may be born again, baptized of the Holy Spirit,
then somehow, make Jesus Lord of life. It has been discounted from the
pulpit as long as I can remember, but the belief still persists. Because of
this erroneous doctrine, some Christians think they must "make" Jesus
Christ Lord of their lives. The following seems to be the truth of the mat-
ter, along with the clear passage, " ...as many as are led by the Spirit of
God, these are Sons of God." (Romans 8: 14) Does not a person who is
"Led by the Spirit of God," have Jesus Christ as Lord of His Life? He
does not have to “make” Jesus Lord of His Life.
Where did the phrase, "Make Jesus Lord of your life" originate? If we
give the concept some serious consideration, we may find that it is foreign
to a proper understanding of Scriptural principle. As we read the epistles,
or letters of apostles, there is overwhelming evidence supporting the abso-
lute sovereignty of God. In the Old Testament He was shown to move peo-
ple around at will. Therefore; the very idea of a mere mortal "making"
God anything borders on the ridiculous. The only authority for doctrine,
and this would qualify as doctrine, is the Holy Scripture. When we look
into God's Word we find evidence of God working His will upon whom He
chose. The way in which God worked His will upon believers was to bring
things into the life of the believer, causing him to react in a way consistent
with His will. Reading in Philippians 2: 13, "...for it is God who works in
you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." In Hebrews 13: 20-21
we find the author's prayer was for God to work His will in the life of those
who had believed. In the Old Testament, He worked in the lives of kings
in and around Judah to accomplish His purpose. I challenge anyone to
find in Scripture a passage that even suggests we are to "make" God the
Son, God the Father or God the Holy Spirit, Lord of our lives.
We do find; however, in the Proverbs of Solomon, chapter 3 the keys
to understanding the way the Lord works in our lives to get us to do His
will. First in vs. 1 there is a way to enjoy long life with peace, in vs. 2 we
learn how to find favor with God and man, in verse 5 we find how to get
direction from Him and in vs. 7-8 how to obtain good health and strength.
Reducing this counsel to it's lowest common denominator we find; we do
not make God Lord of our lives, but we must acknowledge Him to be that.
Things then falls into place. Counsel goes this way; keep the law, be mer-
ciful and truthful. Trust and acknowledge the Lord and depart from evil.
This same passage goes on to tell how to be prosperous by sharing our
possessions and how to deal with chastening from the Lord, being remin-
ded that parents discipline their children because they love them. Since
our Father in Heaven loves us, he disciplines us as needed to conform us
to His image. In the New Testament, 1 John 1: 5-6, 2: 3-6 we find evidence
suggesting if one is not being perfected by the Holy Spirit, he has no assu-
rance he is in the faith and may well be still in the "flesh."
How do we acknowledge Jesus Christ is Lord? Beginning in the epistle
to the Romans, chapter 10. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the
Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God hath raised Him from the
dead thou shalt be saved... Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall
be saved." So, with our mouths we acknowledge who He is, and begin to
live our lives under His control by finding His will, generally, and living as
it applies to us. Finally, through doing His known will, He reveals details of
His will for our lives, one day at a time. When we study God's Word and put
into practice the lessons of the Word, we find doing His will brings Him plea-
sure. This is the only way for us to find peace, purpose and prosperity in
life on this earth and the promise of eternal life with Him in the Kingdom of
God. Our responsibility is to confess or acknowledge Jesus to be Lord, in
public, to the glory of God the Father, in the power of the Spirit of God.
This brings all three persons of the Godhead into focus as one and clears
the air as to who is in charge of my life.
The Lord God is not just Lord of my life; He is Lord of all, whether
you and I acknowledge it or not. When we read Romans 8: 31-39, would
we have it any other way. Jesus Christ being Lord of life makes all the
difference in the world and acknowledging Him during this lifetime opens
you and me to the protection, leadership and blessing of God as a favored
child. Refusing to bow the knee in submission, or acknowledging Him as
Lord keeps one under the condemnation of Law, reserved for judgment in
the day when "every knee shall bow...and every tongue shall confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord..." The option every man has while on this earth is
whether he will bow the knee in submission, voluntarily, or be forced to
bow in judgment. Those of us who bow in submission, voluntarily will be
saved and those who are forced to bow will be lost. It’s that plain.
donporter 10.20.12
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