Thinking as the People of God... Ephesians 1 11.30.12
When we think of those who have made a mark for the Lord in
this life, some things are consistent about their experience. The
first that occurs to me is; they, without exception, lived with no
concern for what other men might think or say. It seems they,
having assurance from God of their goals, and the authenticity of
their relationship with the Father, refused to be stopped, slowed or
distracted by the things that blew others off course. Being students
of the Word of God, their thoughts and actions ran counter to the
culture. Another attribute was humility. Although they were, at
times thrown into the limelight, it did not throw them off course.
they did not seem take notice of their status. Their goals were stra-
tegic and the press, positive or negative, had no noticeable affect on
their performance.
Going back to the Old Testament, we find the history of great men
of God who had feet of clay, as do all men. They did not let their
imperfections keep them from the business of serving the Lord and
His people. King David, a “man after God’s own heart.” His fail-
ures did not keep him from getting business done for the Lord. Each
of the patriarchs in turn, men created from the dust of the earth, fal-
lible and failing miserably at times, completed the task assigned him.
Even though their histories were tainted by failure and sin, they were
approved of God. It would be less than honest not to note the fact
that the sins of these men did scar their lives in some ways and had
disastrous personal and familial consequence. Their confidence was
not in self, but in the Lord God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and of
One favorite Bible character, Enoch, was an exception. It is said;
“...Enoch was not, for God took him.” Apparently, the man Enoch
was such a Godly man that he never experienced death. It is said in
God’s Word, “Enoch walked with God.” That is the key to serving
our lord. It is uncomplicated; it is within the reach of every child
of God and there will be no excuse when we stand before the Lord
to give account of the deeds done in the flesh if we did not exercise
this discipline. We know His desire for us to have a close daily walk
with Him. The book, “Knowing God,” by J. I. Packer, has taught me
the concept of “knowing God,” rather than just knowing about the
Lord God. There is a quote by Pastor C. H. Spurgeon, on the very
first page which elevates the acquisition of first hand knowledge of
God above every pursuit in which a man may spend his life.
(This book is available on Ebay and I highly recommend it.)
From Enoch, Abraham, Moses, etc. to John the beloved, Peter, the
impetuous, and the Apostle Paul, down to our present time, the great
men are those who made it a lifestyle and habit to be in the pursuit of
getting to know the Lord God. How else will one have any idea of
what He has for us to do with the life with which He has entrusted us?
In order to serve our Lord, we must first know Him:
Getting to know Him is as plain as getting into His word, finding His
revealed will and getting to the business of practicing that will. Why
would our Lord reveal anything to one who is not already in obedient
to available light. The key, faith in God; “Without faith it is impossi-
ble to please God.” All of the above comes of an unquestioning faith,
and subsequent obedience to things we learn as we get to know Him.
In the Word of God we read, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of
God, these are the son’s of God.” It leaves little room for a child of
God to live a life that does not feature a personal walk with the Lord
God, the only true and living God. All other "gods" are creations of
mankind with perverted or overactive imaginations. (Vain Imagina-
Having discussed, briefly, some things in God’s Word about walking
with Him, we now look into how this works out everyday. In order to
know how to walk with God we look to the one who gave the perfect
example. Jesus Christ (God in the flesh) humbled Himself becoming
a man although He was God. (This can only be addressed in a lengthy
discussion of God’s omnipresence, at another time.) Being God, He
took the form of a man separated Himself from God the Father and
became an entity apart. (Although in form of man, He was God in the
the flesh. He shed His glory in order to be incarnate and fulfill the mis-
sion to which He was born.) Eternal ramifications of this to the Son
are staggering to consider. He then walked in submission to God, His
Father, serving the Father through his deeds of service to mankind.
After his rejection by the very people He came to save, paid the price
for the sins of the world by His sacrificial death on the cross. He was
put to death by those He came to serve and save. As we study the life
of Christ, in depth, we have answers on how to walk with God; A life-
long commitment, reaping eternal rewards; AMEN!!
Characteristics of the Man of God:
1. Listens to God rather than man. Acts 5:27-29
2. Student of the Word of God resulting in obedience to revelation.
Acts 26:19-20
3. Personal humility of spirit. Ephesians 3:7-8, 4:1-3
4. Does not focus on personal faults. Ephesians 2:1-9
5. Focuses on Christ and His perfection. Ephesians 1
6. Experience a close walk with his Heavenly Father.(Prayer)
Colossians 4:2-3,
7. Personal knowledge of and relationship to God.(God’s Word)
Romans 16:25-27
8. Awareness of coming day when he shall stand before his creator to
give account for the deeds of the flesh and opportunities of service.
Romans 14:12, Matthew 12:36,
9. Reliance on God and no confidence in the flesh. Romans 12:3
10.Realizes the invisible is permanent and material is temporary.
Luke 17:20-21
(All of the above could be summarized, “a man of faith in God.”)
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