How Then Shall I Live? (Philippians 4:13) 11.25.12
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
Having been a member of a local congregation of baptized believers,
known as a Baptist Church, for most of my life, I have a question. Are
there differences in my life, one is led to expect, from the lives of those
around me who do not name the name of Jesus Christ? I do believe
there is a difference in our eternal destinies. There are also philosophi-
cal difference having to do with our hope of life after death our neigh-
bors do not have. The question remaining has to do with the mundane
or practical. What is it every day, distinguishing my life from the lives
of those we see every day who do not possess this New Birth in Jesus
Christ taught in the Word of God?
If there is no visible or discernible difference between my manner of
life and the manner of life of those around me, is there reason to
believe our eternal destinies not the same. According to our only guide
for information on this subject, we are without basis for such a belief.
There must be a gap, if you please, between a life lived for Christ
and life, lived for self and the now. Everything the Child of God does
is tempered with this knowledge; things we see are temporary and
only the invisible are lasting. If this one belief does not make a dif-
ference in our lives, we have little basis to believe there is an inner,
or heart difference. Understanding the phrase, “...led by the Spirit of
God,” our lives are 180 degrees opposed to the lives of those who do
not know Christ.
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."
(Romans 8: 14)
If there is a difference, how will it show itself? I believe the prin-
ciple difference may be that of attitude. One who is filled with Christ,
having died to self, is led by the Spirit of God. He will be a work in pro-
gress. He or she will be growing to be more like the Christ he serves,
ie. gentle, caring, a helper of the underprivileged, slow to anger, quick
to forgive. One whose life is not changed, is still bound by poor habits.
He/she may grow in some ways, but will be growing more as per his
nature. Persons having a tendency to be bitter, will become more so
as they age. A person who tends to be self absorbed may become a
recluse. A person who has a substance abuse problem; excessive use
of alcohol or drugs, will become more dependent upon these crutches.
The Bible says that sin leads to death and these lifestyles are sure
"examples" of this truth. The question of immorality seems to take
care of itself with age, but is only changed into inner turmoil. Burned
out men or women is the result. Have you noticed persons with these
kinds of issues age differently from a Child of God, who ages with
apparent contentment.
Another observation; the Children of God are able to contend with the
setbacks and reversals of life and seem to accept illness, when it comes,
differently from others. This does not mean we as His Children enjoy ill-
ness, setbacks, deprivation or any of the difficulties occurring in the lives
of everyone from time to time. We see a greater purpose with a limitless
reservoir from which to draw, not our own. When Christ takes up resi-
dence in our lives, He brings His nature and makes it available to us as
a resource, as we choose to exercise it. This is not automatic. We still
have a "will" He may not choose to override. This "will," at times, causes
us to act as mere men and to fail to make the most of the supernatural
element available to us in Christ. I have even heard this quality described
as happiness, ie. Christians are a "happy people." It must go far deeper
than mere happiness. It is a sense of settled contentment that supersedes
this. Happiness is largely dependent upon issues and situations. Accor-
ding to natural thinking, one is happy who has everything going his way.
In the life of a Child of God, the sense of contentment is not so limited.
How then shall I live? In Hebrews chapter 11 there is a recounting of
faith of Old Testament Patriarchs. This shows how they overcame the
greatest of obstacles with which they were challenged, through faith in
God and the Coming One. Chapter 12, shows how we should live since
we are surrounded by so great “cloud of witnesses.” Read these two
chapters and find our initial salvation, is not the end of our struggles on
this earth. We can overcome our trials through reliance upon our God for
everything necessary for success in our walk with Him.
Reference again Philippians 4: 13. The same Lord, who is a 'consuming
fire' in Hebrews 12: 29 is He who "strengthens" us as in Philippians 4:
12-13, as the Apostle Paul says:
"I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere
and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry,
both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through
Christ which strengthens me."
How then shall we live? INDEED!!! donporter 9.25.12 ed. 10.27.14
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