How to Study God’s Word 2 Timothy 2: 14-19
(The following post is practical common sense suggestions
concerning the study and application of the Word of God.)
"Of these things put them into remembrance, charging
them before the Lord that they strive not about words to
no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.
Study to shew theyself approved unto God, a workman
that needeth not to be ashamed. rightly dividing the
Word of Truth. But shun profane and vain babblings;
for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing
that they do gender (engender) strifes.
2 Timothy 2: 14-16, 23.
The first order of business when beginning a study of the Bible
is to purchase a sound, understandable cop of the Scripture in your
native tongue. You need both the Old and New Testaments. As you
begin your study, you might choose to use only the Word of God as
your text and one might choose “Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance.”
This is a work listing every word of the Scripture in context, chapter
and verse. A good Bible Dictionary gives Biblical meanings of words
in Scripture. There is also a Bible Encyclopedia which explains the
environment of Bible times. For assistance in finding Scripture rela-
ting to certain topics, a Nave’s Topical Bible will come in handy and
you will also want to get the oldest version of Webster’s Collegiate
Dictionary available. The new versions have changed the meanings
of some words that occur in the Bible. In addition, a sound commen-
tary on God’s word, and one or more recent translations of Scripture
as companion to the King James Version, the most widely accepted
English translation.
On beginning your study, remember the Bible was written to ordi-
nary people, and is meant for our understanding. It's possible to com-
prehend the message God has for us. (2 Timothy 2: 14-19 ,23) In our
search we will find allegory, mystery, prophecy, miracles and philoso-
phy; a mortal man is unable to plumb it’s depths. (Romans 11:33-36.)
This is a supernatural book, directed to mortal men but we must seek
assistance from the author, if we are to understand it. (John 16:13-15)
According to Hebrews 4: 12, the Bible is a living book and the more we
learn the more there is to learn. It seems we begin to build, laying the
foundation, spending the rest of our lives building on it. Remember,
Scripture does not contradict itself but there will be apparent contra-
dictions. They are just that. We must wait on the Lord and as we con-
tinue, He will make it clear. If there are apparent discrepancies we
can not justify, we have an opportunity to exercise faith in God and
His Word.
The best understanding of Scripture is in light of Scripture. One way
to put it is, appraise God’s Word using God’s Word. Judge other wri-
ting using God’s Word, but never judge God’s Word using other wri-
ting.” "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction in righteousness, that the
man of God may be perfect, (complete) throughly equipped for every
good work." (2 Timothy 3: 16-17)
If we are to understand the true message of God’s Word, we must
come to it with humility and without preconceived ideas. Romans 12:
1-2, As the church at Berea, we must search the Scriptures daily to
see if a pastor or teacher is accurate as they teach. (They had the Old
Testament) Because of this trait, the church at Berea was said to be
more honorable than others. (Acts 17: 10-11 and 2 Timothy 4: 1-4)
Another failure in Bible study is that of using a fragment of Scripture
to build or support doctrine. On the other hand, we do not discount
a passage of Scripture as being without merit just because it seems
to be without support. Keep digging and you will unearth treasures
only available to the serious student.
We come now to the question of how to know the will of God in a
given situation. In John 7: 16-17 we read that " if anyone wills to do
His will, he shall know the doctrine..." Although this was in the con-
text of persons challenging the Deity of Christ, the principle is still
true. It would seem the truth is hidden only to those who are enmity
with Christ, blinded by the the deception they think is in self-interest,
as we all are at times, or those who would not do the will of God were
the doctrine known. With this in mind we are reminded that study of
the Word of God must be with a goal or purpose. Our desire is to be
passionate about promoting his Kingdom. “Seek first the Kingdom
of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added...”
Matthew 6: 33; Our goal must be to know the creator and bring Him
honor. There was a time when men studied God's Word for debate,
to show expertise. Men of that stripe never knew God, but knew of
Him and His Word. There are things in the Word hidden to the pride-
ful but revealed to the humble seeker. (Romans 12: 1-3) The Lord
always honors a broken and contrite heart in repentance of sin, as In
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
James 5:16
Since we are frail and prone to slackness when it comes to positive
things, we must support our consistent, faithful study of God’s Word
with a plan that will keep us on track. So, what do we look for when
we study the Scripture? A few things to start; from the Psalms 119
below. We must first seek wisdom or lessons to learn, for our clean-
sing of evil and find a righteous path. We look for a message concer-
ning future events with an attitude of submission to what we find.
Here we have Bread of Life, Water of cleansing, and breath, recogni-
zing that God’s Word is our only source for life’s Spiritual sustenance.
If we are to get the most out of our study, we approach the Word
with the heart of a teacher. We become wise through the Word as in
John 6: 67-69, and disciple others, Matthew 28: 19-20. We learn to be
soul winners from the Word, Proverbs 11: 30 and 2 Timothy 3: 15.
(This passage also teaches us to apply ourselves to the whole Bible.
When we limit our study to one or two areas of study, we can never
be what we were meant to be in God’s plan.)
Our whole lives must be brought under scrutiny of the Word of God,
holding nothing back. Partial obedience is disobedience. Always keep
in mind the God to whom we are relating, realizing just what study of
His Word can do in us. The Word gives confidence as in Psalms 119:
46. It cleanses in Psalms 119:9. In Psalms 119: 89-90 we find it faith-
ful, does not change and is thus, in verse 91, the basis for all law and
in 92-93 keeps us from death, makes us wise, verse 98. We could
continue along this vein indefinitely; just two more in this same pas-
sage, verses 104 and 105, the Word of God teaches us to hate false-
hood and is a light to our pathway. Since “men love darkness, rather
than light,” we will be forced to go against our nature. "And this is the
condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved dark-
ness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." John 3: 19
Our study of the Scripture must be with an eye to the soon return of
our Lord Jesus Christ for His church. As indicated in the epistle to the
church at Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul looked forward to that day as
did Peter, recorded in his second epistle. Old Testament books are
replete with references to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The Gos-
pel, (first 4 NT books) also refer to it. The Book of The Revelation of
of Jesus Christ is, of course, about the return of Jesus Christ. There is
a special reward to one who becomes a student of prophecy.
One must approach the Scripture with a high degree of respect and
reverence, since the ultimate author, through 40 writers, is none less
than the Lord God. Since we consider the Bible the words of God, it
demands a degree of awe no other book in history warrants. In addi-
tion, this book requires our faith in the God of this book as well as
careful attention to the carrying out of commands and avoiding prohi-
in the book. Since God is author, wisdom fills the book; in it we find
the information needed as creatures of God, to succeed in this world
He created for us, and make it home to Him, successfully. Although
there are practical helps in Scripture, the main thrust is finding the
Lord in life, err it's too late; preparing for eternity in His glorious pre-
sence. That is wisdom for which there is no other source.
When you embark on a serious study of God’s Word, you have quite
a task. You are also beginning an exciting adventure and there is no
way you can see where it will lead. The study of Deity is the most eye
opening you can make and it will change your life in ways you cannot
foresee. You will be forever glad you made the study if you stay with
it for a lifetime, for you can do justice to God’s Word with no less a
EDITED 10.21.14, 3.14.17 donporter 11.05.12
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