PHILOSOPHY, What Is It? Psalms 1: 1-2
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scorn-
ful: But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law he
meditates day and night." Psalms 1:1-2 nkjv
We all have a philosophy by which we live, but most of us give it little
thought until late in life as we reflect on the past. Our philosophy does
mature as we age, having a strong bearing on how we live. Many have
lived and died without giving thought to the “why,” lived without com-
pass, blown about by every wind to come along.
Whatever your age or situation, it’s not too late to
consider and profit from a thoughtful “why.”
Philosophy is a personal way of thinking, consistent in actions, based
on understanding origins, cause and effect and is learned through an
objective study of observable and invisible phenomena as well as
wisdom literature. A shorter definition of philosophy might be:
“The basic tenets causing one to think, act and react as he does.”
The goal of one who has thoughtfully established a personal philoso-
phy is for his actions to become consistent with that philosophy. If my
philosophy and actions are inconsistent, I will become a hypocrit, a
charlatan or schizophrenic. One who has integrity has life together.
His actions match his philosophy. Be reminded; integrity means to
be whole, or one piece. There is another way of stating this, “live
what you preach.” (teach)
To The Child of God, the only source for wisdom literature is the
Holy Scripture. Since I was placed here by my creator with purpose,
my attitude or philosophy is guided by His as He was on the earth.
The only way I can get this right is to get to Know God through the
diligent study of His Word, enlightened by His Holy Spirit. I am a
student of Holy Scripture and servant of the Lord, properly rela-
ting to those who share this time and space with me. I validate this
service through my faith, live it by my obedience to the Word, and
display it with unshakable faith in God. He reveals His will to His
Children who commit to doing it. He then enables them to do that
will as controlled and empowered by his Spirit. It is not reasonable
to expect our Lord to reveal to his child more than the child needs
to know at a given time. We follow by faith, one step at a time and
as a choice comes our way we learn his will through diligent study
of the Bible, prayer, and obedience to the leadership of His Spirit.
We also learn how to do his will by observing those around us as
they fail or succeed in their individual lives. Jesus Christ stated, if
anyone wills to do His will he will know the doctrine, whether it is
of God. (Paraphrase of John 7: 16-17.)
My philosophy is as follows: Since my faith is in God and not in my-
self, my life is marked by thankfulness to Him and those he has placed
around me. I believe everyone is where they are for a reason and that
reason is the mutual benefit of the Children of God and His Kingdom.
I have a positive attitude that brings light to every situation in which I
find myself. Refusing to worry about what happens, I trust God and
live life free of fear. If I am to have peace in my life, it is essential to
trust God for material possession, health, relationships and my eternal
destiny. My Life in Christ is marked by calm assurance for time and
eternity. Eternal life began when Christ took up residence within and
His living in me offers a lifestyle of serving others, sharing material
possessions with the people I meet who have a need, communicating
faith in Christ as opportunity arises.
I make this philosophy real in my life as I improve mind, body, soul
and spirit as long as I live, Philippians 4:3, study to become a teacher
of the best and become the best teacher I can be. I refuse to appraise
others by this world's standards. In the Spirit of Christ count all men
and women as equals and persons of worth. I hold none in contempt
and look for the good (Christ) in all, and having failed to find Christ in
one, I seek to make Him known to that one. (Psalms 1: 1-2) “Christ
is all and in all.” I will never trust this bodyof death I occupy, nor in
any, but the Lord God as Savior. If God is for us, who can stand
against us?
One way this philosophy is stated; “I am a reverse paranoid. God and
all of His creation is conspiring to do me good.” What a way to live!!!
donporter,sr 1.30.13