(This Blogger is a life-long Southern Baptist)
There will, for the foreseeable future, exist a ten-
sion between traditionalists, peacemakers and the
folks who would completely renovate the worship
style of the church. This is a national issue.
Since there is no hierchy in our organization,
it must be addressed at the local church. A better understanding may be gained if we consider each
of our assemblies is autonomous and is linked by
an interest in propagating the Gospel of Jesus
Christ cooperatively through the support of evan-
gelism, training, and missions. No organization,
individual or other body is in authority over the
local church and each is responsible to our Lord
as we understand the Scripture and each is auto-
mous. There are influences from nearby assem-
blies as well as other organizations who furnish
literature and sevice helps, and our denomina-
tion has, over the years established Bible Colle-
ges, universities and charitable organizations.
These entities have some influence; no authority.
No individual or other body is in a position
of authority over the local church. Worship is
planned and carried out by a local leadership.
There are, of course, influences from nearby
assemblies, as well as organizations who are responsible for literature and other helps. Our
denomination, over the years, has started and supported Bible colleges and universities.They
have influence with local assemblies, with no authority.
The most compelling reason for a smaller con-
gregation to begin to cross over from traditio-
nal worship to a more contemporary style may
be the evident success of a neighboring congre-
gation. This may be the poorest reason, but it
is inevitable, given the human nature at work.
This also works out in youth ministry, outreach
emphasis and sports program. At times a con-
gregation will look with envy at the apparent
success of a sister church. Appraisal is made
of the situation and the struggling group tries
to bring theirs into conformity with other suc-
cessful groups. If there is true success in the assembly being copied, it's unlikely the reason
for their success will be apparent to a Confor-
mer. We look on the trappings and organiza-
tion while the true reason may be Spiritual in
nature and not outward. If the assembly, tries
to conform, or even copy the other, comes to a
Scriptural or Spiritual approach to their own
problems it is more likely to succeed. Each of
our congregations is unique, having differing
needs. Would it not be better if there were var-
ied programs in a community rather than for
groups to copy each other?
It is possible, even likely, our Lord would have
local neighboring churches with contrasting or
complimentary styles than identical worship. It
is certainly a truth, that differing styles appeal
to many persons and following the leadership
of the Lord God is better than copying another
local assembly as to worship content and style.
When Jesus Christ is truly worshiped in Spirit
and in truth, success as God sees it, is guaran-
teed. The media, or vehicle of the message, is
important in that it presents the Gospel of our
Lord Jesus Christ in an appealing format and
the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Our
Lord will bless such an effort as it is Christ
centered and actuated by His Holy Spirit. The
music, worship styles and organization within
our assemblies may vary widely, but truth as is
found in God's Eternal Word is not optional.
AMEN...donporter ed. 12.18.14, 7.28.16
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