
Saturday, March 23, 2013


Notes taken on 9/19/02 at Anchor Baptist Church, Penrose, NC
A fascinating look into the symbolism around the Lord, His Church
and the World. (earth)

Opening Remark:  Scripture says that after Christ’s departure from
the earth, that the world would be plunged into darkness.
(I immediately thought of the “Dark Ages” of "church" rule
 over religious and political life of the known world.)

Genesis 1: 16:  “Then God made two great lights; the greater light
to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night.  He made the
stars also.”

Speaker stated that the term “atha”  actually used in the original
text, related to “things to come.”  His premise was that Jesus the
Christ is actually involved in this verse.  (hidden, mystery)

Three entities:  Sun, Moon and Earth.

                             Sun - Jesus Christ
                             Moon - Church of Jesus Christ
                             Earth -  the world system

1. The sun, represented by Christ, is the brightest object in the sky,
 rules during the day.

2. The moon, representing the church, reflecting the light of the sun,
 has no light, power of it’s own and is clearly seen only at night or in
times of darkness.  (Church seen during times of Spiritual Darkness)

3. The church (moon) did not appear until the time Christ returned to
the Father and the church  (through the power of the Holy Spirit who
must have a host  in order to  function on the earth) is here,  God the
Spirit, so God has a presence on the earth.

4. The church is God’s instrument in the world. (The Lord has chosen
to reach out to this darkened world through His church.)

5. The moon is feminine, Sun is masculine.  God/Christ is referred to
in the masculine gender and the church is referred to in the feminine
gender.  (A spiritual thing, not physical.)  Bride of Christ.

6. The moon follows the sun around in the sky on a predictable and
straight path.  Astronomers  predict  where the Moon will  be at  a 
given time.   (The church must be predictable and follow the path, 
but the visible church strays when influenced by the world system.)

7. The moon/church is both global and local.  The moon  is physically
seen locally, but it is also seen in all corners of the earth. The church
is both local and universal.

8. The moon/church has evident marks of turbulent past. Some of
the craters on the moon were made by outside elements, but some
of the marks on the moon were made from inside, volcanic, forces
causing sink holes.  The church also has  had scars  from the  past, 
due to outside forces and  scars from  the past also due to internal 
eruptions.  Acts 20: 29 - 30

9. The moon and the church are still in their place and still reflect
light from the light source.

12. How many men have walked on the moon in history?  (12)
      All that come after them must walk in their footsteps.
      How many men first walked with Christ as his disciples?
      All that come after them must walk in their footsteps.

13. Moon has bright and dark parts caused by mountains (bright)
and valleys (dark).
John 16, Tribulation
Ecclesiastes 11: 8  remember
In Peter’s writings he talks about firey trials.

14. Every culture on earth refers to a man in the moon caused by the
contrasts of dark/bright, and if it weren’t for the dark areas, we would
never see the “man in the moon,” generally thought by some Bible
scholars to represent Jesus Christ.

16. The moon (church) makes burdens lighter, since the moons gar-
vity is about 1/6th of the earth’s gravity.  1 Peter 5: 17

17. Prior to the gathering of “moon rock,” evolutionist taught that
the moon had broken off from the earth during the “Big Bang” and
had actually been flung into space from the Pacific ocean.
(These “scientists” were hot to get the moon rock back to earth and
to analyze it.)  The material brought back from the moon was found, 
by true scientists, to be unlike anything from the Pacific ocean or any-
where else on the earth.  (You don’t hear that theory so much now.)

18. The moon shows only one side to the earth (bright side heated
by  sunlight) and  never shows the other side which is cold.  So the
moon is either hot or cold, never luke warm.  Remember what the
Lord said about a person being luke warm and neither hot or cold?

19. The temperature is said to be fervent or about 212 degrees
Farenheit on the visible surface of the moon.  On the back side
of the moon, the temperature can be -180 degrees F.

20. Lunar Eclipse:  This is caused when the earth is positioned
between the sun and the moon.  When the world gets between
the Lord and the church, there is an eclipse of the light of  the

21. The moon always shows the light side to the earth. Just as,
the earth does  not see the dark side of the church.  Imperfect 
as the church is, we must always let them see Christ in us.

22. Also, we note that the moon is never less than full to the
sun, meaning that when God looks at the church he sees the
reflected light that is Jesus Christ, His Son.  He does not see
the dark side of the church, since he has separated our sin from
us as far as the east is from the west, never to remember them
against us.....

“their sins and iniquities I will remember no more......”

23. When the sun looks at the moon, he sees himself........

24. What keeps the moon in balance.  The gravitational pull of
the earth and the gravitational pull of the sun keeps that balance.
If the pull of the sun were not effective, then the moon would
head straight for the earth and destruction.  If the pull of the
earth were not effective then the moon would head straight for
the sun.   To the church, this principle means the pull of the "Sun"
(representing God,) were not a factor, the Church would be pulled
to destruction on the earth.  If the pull of the "earth" were not a 
factor, the church would be pulled into the Lord God, Amen.


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