
Thursday, June 5, 2014


          Tonight, instead of a strict "Bible Study," let's
consider one subject:  How does one go about reach-
ing out to neighbors in order to present,  in a natural
way, the life giving gospel of  our  Lord Jesus Christ?
Over the  years, (50+) there  have  been  many worthy
"programs" on the subject in which we have involved
ourselves.  (Members of  Southern  Baptist Churches)
Generally, the studies were suited to the day and were
quite effective for a  time.  In  addition  to  books and
courses from our denomination, we also became part
of groups that were interdenominational in scope.  It
seems to me those were more appealing because they
brought  fresh  perspective to our congregations and 
were  not  tied  to  group thought.  One  such study is
the evangelistic philosophy of Dr. Bill Bright's Cam-
pus  Crusade  for  Christ.  The  programs  came  and
went,  since  interest  in a "program"  is  difficult  to
sustain  over  years.  Campus  Crusade  for  Christ is
still active on university campuses. 

   I do not have a study course, book or program to
promote, but a simple idea where  each person will
fill in the details. Depending upon your personality,
schedule and knowledge of Scripture,  each will go
about it in a manner that works for him/her.

           The first recommendation is;  don't talk about
your church or denomination.  Secondly, do not seek
to present the gospel the first time you meet someone,
and definitely, do not press or be repetitive.  Go slow.
Finally, make it known that you are available for any
kind of need.  In other words become a friend.  Since
the concept is new to me, let me give an experience...
       We moved into this neighborhood seven months
ago.  During this time there had been no direct con-
tact with  neighbors,  since we have been  quite busy
getting settled. Still unsettled,  my son's family, next
door planned to  be away from home for a vacation
and asked  us to care  for  their animals.  There are
three dogs,  one cat and six chickens.  We  had been
getting  eggs from  the  hens,  but now there are 5-6
eggs each day. Since it is just my wife and I, we had
a surplus.  We decided to share eggs with neighbors
to keep them from  accumulating and  spoiling.  On
the second day,  we put six eggs in  a basket and my
wife and I took them to a near neighbor. The daugh-
ter of the homeowner and her child came to the door
and we indtroduced ourselves, presented the eggs in
a basket,  and invited  them to use  our pool,  letting
them know we  were open to a personal relationship.
Two days later in the early evening I was in the yard
and heard a voice in the semi-darkness.  To my plea-
sant surprise it was the homeowner.  We had a good
talk and he remarked how sad it is that most  people
never get  to  know each  other.  We parted  with the
commitment to change that and to get together soon.

(This comment is 2 years and 2 surgeries later;   
Judith and I have decided to form a Bible discussion
opportunity for our neighbors in our home.  Today I
called on 4 neighbors to  give them  the information.
We will probably begin in 10 days or so.)
     There are no guarantees with  this approach or any 
 other, but we are looking  forward  to meeting  neigh-
bors  and befriend as many as  we can.  Jesus came  to
give every man opportunity to have new life; and   new 
direction, leading to eternity with Him. This way, each 
individual has opportunity to avoid eternal punishment 
in a place provided for Satan and his  followers, and to 
experience eternal joy in the presence of our Lord and 
His forever family.

     Subsequent to this experience, Judith and I took a
short walk late this afternoon as it began to cool and 
met another  neighbor.  We met a man about our age
who  lives  alone,  since his  mother's death some two
years ago.  He is  disabled  and has  broken  his foot 
recently.  We shared our eggs with him,  had a short 
conversation,  and  noticed  his yard  (grass) has not
been given attention recently. We didn't mention this, 
but  will go to see him monday and take  care of  the
yard work. A later contact with him let us know he is
unsure of his personal relationship with the Lord. 
He plans to  be a  part of our Bible  discussions.  He
in now undergoing treatment of cancer of the throat,
and we are keeping check on his property while he is

     If we are to be followers of Christ we must follow 
His example.  He gave his life for us, expecting us  to
give of ourselves to others. 
                 "This is my commandment,
           that you love one another as I have loved
          you.  Greater love has no one than this,
          than to lay down his life for his friends." 
                                                    John 15: 12-13

Thanks for reading.  Let me know if you consider this
approach to be worthy of your time, effort and means.  
The Lord will bless our efforts made in His name.
Think about ways you might be of help to a neighbor.

                       donporter,sr  6.05.14, edited 10.13.16

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