
Monday, December 22, 2014


    Tonight I ask myself; What have you learned
during the past  few years and has it changed
your life/behavior for the better?
     There  is always  turmoil in  our world.  Some
of it has direct effect on our lives,  the rest gives
us pause as we consider  the  fallout.  Scripture
gives us information as  to what to expect in the
future and  for what we should look as  signs of
the times  and  ways to  prepare for  the closing
of the book of life, as we know it.  There will  be occurrences without apparent precedent,and to
those of us who are uniformed, we will watch in  
disbelief and  in  dismay.  Scripture  relates  the
things  that happened in  "prehistory."  Much of 
it is mystery; some discussed with specifics.
 One must search the Bible for this information,
since it  is not laid out neatly  and cleanly.  It is
there, none-the-less.  The first seven chapters
of  the  Bible, Genesis 1 through 7, are prehis-
toric according to secular theorist. We, as con- 
servative  followers  of  our  Lord Jesus Christ,
    Those who believe the Scripture is infallible,
consider this  to be the first  seven chapters of
history.  It is the only reliable source of the era.  

    So, now it  is time to  inform ourselves of the
preparation needed for this future and to begin
seriously working  toward  that  end. There has
been much  talk during  the  past  few years on 
preparation needed for  emergency,  economic
collapse and political changes for the worse.  

   There  are some who go to seeming extreme; 
stockpiling  foodstuffs, medical  supplies, water,
weaponry, and  other necessities in case of the
seeming  inevitability of  various  failures in our 

     Without getting into details of  these factors, preparing for
them in a reasonable manner would seem advisable. We are
advised  in  Scripture;  if  one does not  provide for his family
he is worse than an infidel.  This must  mean we  prepare for
every contingency.   (Infidel:  Without faith, untrustworthy,)

     Since we have mentioned the inevitable changes  above,
spiritual, social, cultural and  political, let's consider the first 
of these, since it is most important: 
     Our future on  this planet is finite  and time is  most likely 
short in comparison to  the 6,000+ year  history of  the earth. 
Prior to  those  years, nothing  can  be known  from  secular 
knowledge that is  not uneducated  guesses, speculation or
myth.  In  spite of  the  "fact,"  this  is  taught in  the  halls of 
academia  today , as  facts  of  "pre-history."  This "pseudo-
doctrine"  which  cannot  be "questioned,"  is  a  theory, The
Evolution of the Species."  This theory  cannot  be substan-
tiated, but must  be taught  as fact by  all educators who are
approved to teach in  our universities,  colleges, secondary
schools and even in some elementary schools.

    This is  not our topic of  our discussion here, since I am
no  more  qualified to discuss  it,  in depth, than are  those 
who teach it in our schools and write books on the subject.  
It  simply will not  stand  objective consideration.  If  one is
convinced as to the accuracy of one of these  theories that
are  promoted for  the existence of  mankind on this planet,
he  must  be of  the  opinion that all  the other  theories are
outside  the  realm  of  possibility.  A  property  of  Entropy
indicates that without  some force interrupting  the process,
everything degrades over time. This principle of physics is
irrefutable and flies in  the face of millions of years of  earth
"history" In my understanding, Darwinian Evolution  contra-
dicts this undeniable principle of physics.  

     Recognizing the future of life on this planet to be finite 
   might be construed as  a belief in "Global Warming," or 
   "Climate Change."   While  we stipulate  the  planet has
   warmed over centuries, this warming has had miniscule
   effect on  the atmosphere or climate.  The cause of  this
   warming probably comes from a multitude of factors. 
   That is another discussion.  See link below...

   Getting back to our thought. If we accept Scripture to be
true and dependable, there is no basis for the belief in the
myth that mankind  arrived here  after millions of years of 
evolution on the part of some "primordial soup" or pre-life
form.  What now?  I  believe in a  person with intelligence,
power and personality who created it all.  As the Scripture 
says, the event took about 6 days. Well, you might say, it 
could not have happened in such a short time. To that, we 
say; One who has  power, intelligence and  forethought to 
create something that had not been, out  of nothing, could 
well get it done in His own good time. Time was not in evi-
dence  prior to this event, and  came about, as  part of the 
first step of that creative act of God.  (Genesis 1: 1-5)

    If  you cannot bring yourself to accept facts as recorded   
in the Word of God, you cannot  know God.  (The only way  
to a  life without end.)  If you will begin to honestly read the 
Bible on a consistent basis with a mind toward learning the 
truth, you will  be moved  by it  and come to  be a  believer.  
Many who say they do not believe Scripture to be from the 
all powerful God of  the Universe, have  never even read it
with an open mind, or without preconceived notions. 

                In Romans 10:17, "Faith cometh by
      Hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

I subscribe to the Biblical account of creation, not
only  the creation of  mankind, but of  all we know 
in this vast universe. There is a person in  a place 
beyond  our  experience, who is all powerful, wise 
and  "omnipresent."  The  belief in  Biblical crea-
tion is  the only option open me, since every other 
explanation to which I have been exposed is quite
faciful, impossible and  does not give  account for 
origins of anything.  There is a Prime Mover and
creator of  all who exists outside of time or space  
as we  know it.  When one reads the Bible there is
a  ring  of  authority  unlike other literature.  The
only way to know the Lord God is by  faith in His
Word, Jesus Christ, God the Son.

The only way to know and experience the True and
Living  God is by faith.  ("Faith is the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.")

    The only way men (mankind) are approved of
God and accepted in his family is through a con-
fession of  faith in  the Son of  God, Jesus Christ, 
and the proof of this is through subsequent righ-
teous behavior as the Lord has His hand on him
or  her.  See the Law of God given Moses on Mt.    
Sinai. Moses recorded the Law, the first five divi-
sions  of  the Old Testament,  and delivered  it to 
the people of God. (Exodus 33:11)  Reading this
account of Moses' extended "face to face"  with
the Lord God, Jehovah, you will see how Moses'
countenance changed. His face shone so brightly,
he had to cover it to communicate God's Word to
his people. 

     During this period of time Moses became the
most humble man on the face of the planet. Face
to  face with the Most High God would  produce

      Now we have the "obstacle" of  religion in the
mix. True religion  may be  defined as, "Pure reli-
gion and undefiled before God and  the  Father is 
this,  to visit the  fatherless  and  widows in  their
affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the
world."  James 1: 27)  The  result of  true or pure
religion, is to lift one from a  degraded and hope-
less existence into the presence of the Living God.
This is explained in  many places in  the 27 books 
of  the New Testament  or  Covenant.  In  the Old 
Covenant, principle, precept, law and command-
ment is given along with examples of mankind of 
the era showing their  struggles and successes as 
they lived out the Law of God.
       (The Word of God sugar coats nothing.)
                   We find in Ephesians 2:4-7,  
    "But God, who is rich in mercy,  for his great love 
    wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead 
    in sins,  hath quickened  us  together  with  Christ,  
    (by  grace  ye  are saved;)  and hath raised us up 
    together,  and made  us sit  together  in  heavenly 
    places in Christ Jesus."

      In the New Testament  the Lord God comes to  earth,
born of a virgin, without  the sin-curse  that mankind had 
brought  upon himself. This one, Jesus Christ came, not 
only to show us a more perfect way to live, but to enable 
us to  receive  his Spirit  within, as a guide and power to 
live that true religion.  He was God in flesh. If you do not
have faith to  believe this, as  it is  recorded in  Scripture, 
you cannot please God...
   "...But, without faith it is impossible to please Him..."
     (God  the Father, God  the Son, God  the Holy Spirit,
     the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, King of Kings
     and Lord of Lords.)  One God many descriptions...

Just what have I learned over the 50+ years as a believer;
This  blog is my  answer to  the question.  I  do not do this
with any other motive than to get the message of the Love
of God to  as  many  persons as possible.  I trust  you find 
HIM faithful as have I. Psalms 136 "...and his mercy endu-
reth  forever."   His love is extended to all who will "...con-
fess  with thy  mouth the  Lord Jesus, and  believe in thine
heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be
saved.  For  with the  heart man  believeth unto  righteous-
ness, and with the  mouth confession  is made  unto salva-
tion."    "For  whosoever  shall  call  upon the  name of  the 
Lord shall be saved."  (Romans 10: 9-10,13) kjv

Thanks for looking;    donporter,sr 12.22.15

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