
Saturday, April 14, 2018


         I have heard  it stated, "The Old Testament is for the people
of that age, implying it is for Israel, specifically.  There is another
application believed by evangelicals. "Scripture is the Lord God's
revelation  to mankind and  we neglect it to  our peril.  "All Scrip-
ture is given by  the inspiration  of God, and is profitable for doc-
trine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all
good work."  II Timothy 3:15-16 Each scholar/believer holds both
the first 39 books and the 27 books to be inspired of God, or to be
Scripture, The Word of God.  In the 39, which we call the Old Tes-
tament, He  laid the basis for the 27, called the New Testament. It
is impossible  to understand  the 27 without the 39 and  we cannot
understand the 39 without the 27.  Both Jew and Gentile alike, fall
short if they neglect either.   The word Testament is the equivalent
to Covenant.  The Covenant of the 39 is updated by the 27 and the
covenant of the 27 is incomplete without the 39.

     It is fascinating, when we read Scripture, to find Jesus Christ
is described as the "Word" made flesh. (man)  "He came to His 
own, and His own did not receive Him.  But as many as received
   Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to
those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, but
   of God.  And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and 
we  beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of 
   grace and truth."  John 1: 11-14

    The Lord God is Triune, but His manifestation is one, the Lord
Jesus Christ, who though equal with God made himself somewhat
lower than angels and became a man through his "virgin" birth to
Mary of Nazareth.  He was born Jewish, lived perfectly the Law of
God, as recorded in the Old Testament (Covenant).  He is the only
man born of woman, who obeyed the commandments of his Father
who is God, creator and sustainer of our world and universe.  He
is one with his Father, co-equal with the Holy Spirit of God, third
person of the "Trinity."  He came, through a miraculous birth, not
to make us equal with God, but to open the door for us to become
the sons and daughters of God.    

     In the Psalms, 119: 89-92 we find, "For ever, O Lord, thy Word
is settled in heaven. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations:  Thou
hast established  the earth,  and it abideth.  They continue this day
according  to thine  ordinances:  for  all are  thy servants.  Unless
thy law had  been my delight,  I should then have perished in mine

                                                      Thanks for looking, donporter,sr                                                                                edited: 4.28.18



1 comment:

Kimberley Fendley Cummings said...

Did you know that the Angels in heaven appointed the number 111 to be the Devine number to The Holy TRINITY? I know this for this reason: the message was sent after my husband, John Marvin Cummings died at exactly 111 in the early morning of 6-12-18. I asked why, 111? The answer was: "THE FATHER, THE SON, & THE HOLY SPIRIT, that is why, Kim".