"Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our Father, to whom be glory forever and ever, Amen." Galatians 1: 3-5
After this greeting from the Apostle, A Word from the Lord God
to a fledgling group of Believers, he writes, "I marvel that you
are turning, so soon, from Him who called you in the grace of
Any deviation within a group of believers, from the pure, unadul-
After this greeting from the Apostle, A Word from the Lord God
to a fledgling group of Believers, he writes, "I marvel that you
are turning, so soon, from Him who called you in the grace of
Christ,to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ."
Galatians 1: 6-8
Any deviation within a group of believers, from the pure, unadul-
terated gospel, (inspired truth) of Jesus Christ is unacceptable to
the Lord God, and must be confronted immediately. Otherwise,
the body will be tainted by the apostasy, and it will take the whole
congregation with it. Truth and false doctrine cannot exist side by
side, lest the falsity contaminate the whole. As in baking, if there
is a foreign substance used as part of the process, the whole will
be ruined. I am convinced sectarianism, or denominations have
succeeded in causing divisions among "brothers," and God will
judge that. There may be some differences in interpretation from
Scripture that seem inconsequential, and there are supposed areas
of the Word having to do with form and ceremony that are not to
be divisive. We must, however; encourage a return to fundamen-
tal truth. Proclaim that, and overcome our differences with prayer
and love for a brother. Let's refuse to engage in disputes over any
part of Scripture that may not be fully understood, and build up faith in Jesus Christ, his Word and grace, accorded every belie- ver, according to his faith. (I believe we may well, even as follo-
wers of Christ, be unable to fully explain "Holy Writ, or attain the
depth of understanding available to us without maturity, leaning
on the wisdom of God the Spirit.
wers of Christ, be unable to fully explain "Holy Writ, or attain the
depth of understanding available to us without maturity, leaning
on the wisdom of God the Spirit.
If one comes into the assembly and is demonstrated to be trouble-
some, we must deal with this one. "as you would that men should
do to you, do ye also to them, likewise." Luke 6: 31 If we keep the
"Golden Rule" of Matthew 7 and Luke 6 predominant in our thin-
king and action/actions toward others, we will do well. If we fail
to keep this "principle" in mind, it is my conviction that we will do
nothing but bring similar actions upon ourselves. I believe this is
a law of our God.
some, we must deal with this one. "as you would that men should
do to you, do ye also to them, likewise." Luke 6: 31 If we keep the
"Golden Rule" of Matthew 7 and Luke 6 predominant in our thin-
king and action/actions toward others, we will do well. If we fail
to keep this "principle" in mind, it is my conviction that we will do
nothing but bring similar actions upon ourselves. I believe this is
a law of our God.
donporter,sr. 9.10.18
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