
Sunday, November 4, 2018

AN END TO RACISM? 11.03.18

Today I have finally  gotten around to begin reading "The End 
of Racism," by Dinesh D'souza, published, 1995 by Simon and 
Shuster.  Although he is of eastern Asian descent, he has lived 
around the world.  His background and experience are varied. 
Having read only the information on the jacket of the book, pre-
face, and chapter one. This is not  about his book , as pertinent 
and deep as it is. It appears  to be well worth  reading and will  
be of  assistance to anyone  concerned with  a problem, racism, 
which infects every culture.  Here we do not offer the final end  
to racism, but an offer to create an atmosphere for one person  
at a time, to free himself from the injustice he might perpetrate  
on others, period. Though we may think this simplistic, the goal 
is to  make plain the fault  everyone has, as part of  their being.  
The sin to which I refer is a self serving mindset or inability to 
prefer others to self.  We do not even have the ability to look at
a situation to see a situation through the eyes of another.  If we
were to come to a place where we could settle those issues, we
would, effectively, end racism on our part.  It is on us; you and
me.  We may also develop relationships with part of the family
of God and man, now closed to us, missing  the blessing of fel-
lowship with them.  We have only to turn to Scripture and read 
the "Golden Rule."  "Therefore, all things whatsoever ye would
that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.  for this is the
law and the prophets."   Matthew 7:12  (Scripture quoted from
(Matthew 7:12) Since this is a Word  from the Lord, the follower 
of  Jesus Christ have the privilege, or responsibility to honor this 
great commandment from his God. This is the one command sta--
ted in Scripture, "to fulfill the Law" of God.  If we do not honour
this one commandment, we have all missed the mark and are lost
The sin of Racism will be with us still,  as well as other grevious,
debilitating practices that stain the soul and cause us to be of no
use in the Kingdom of our God...  This leaves us with a mandate 
to be to everyone with  whom we interact as we would they were
to us.  In Romans 12: 9-10, 14:  "Let love be  without dissimula-
lation."   (Hiding under a false appearance)  "Abhor  that which
is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned
one to another with brotherly love, in honour preferring one ano-
ther with brotherly love.  Bless those who peresecute you.   bless 
and curse not." 
     This passage gives us opportunity to build personal  relation-
ships, based on  the way our Lord has dealt  with us.  He is care-     
ful to relate to  his children  with a love that  places the recipient 
of that love above himself. Can we do less and still claim we are 
following  him?  This will require a  lot of  introspection, or soul 
searching,  and is certainly not going  to be easy.  Is anything of  
worth  ever "easy?”  God bless as we live in a way requiring the 
power and wisdom of God in you and me to succeed;  become of 
use in His  Kingdom, with a guarantee of  eternal life with Jesus 
Christ.  "And be not drunk with wine,  wherein is excess;  but be 
be filled with the Spirit."  (Ephesians 5:18) It might be rendered 
"be ye being filled," indicating  a continuous  flow of  His Spirit 
on and in you/me.  
                   ...PRAISE THE LORD GOD IN JESUS CHRIST...   

                       God bless, and thanks for reading.  donporter,sr

1 comment:

Kimberley Fendley Cummings said...

I hope there are no true Christians out there that would ever, following our teachings from our Lord, knowingly hurt one another with any type of action or remark.