
Thursday, January 24, 2019


     From Scripture, there is information we need on the
"New Birth," that is, given Spiritual Life from the Lord.
It may also be  described as "Born of the Spirit,"  to be 
"In Christ," and others, describing our condition  after 
we  receive Jesus Christ as Savior and  Lord.  There is
also debate on whether one may have Christ as Savior
without him being Lord of Life.  (It is inconceivable to
me that he will be Savior and not Lord of Life.)  In the
following  we will see from the Scripture how one may
be "Saved," and briefly discuss how to be sure of one's
     The new birth,  Spiritual  life from the Lord God,  is
also described as "Born of the Spirit," to be "In Christ,"
to be "Saved," and other terms. There is also the debate
as to whether one may be "in Christ," but fail to accept
Jesus as Lord of life.  (I,  for one,  have difficulty belie-
ving one who does not have Jesus Christ as Lord of his
life, can be sure of Salvation.  There is also a method
called "The Roman Road," showing a seeker how to 
come to know God the Son as Savior and Lord. Scrip-
ture references are taken from the Apostle Pauls epis-
tle to believers in Rome aptly called "Romans."  Go to 
Romans, the New Testament, chapter 10:9-10 and 13 
and follow the clear instruction.  It plainly states in 
verse 9, "...if you confess with  your mouth  the Lord 
Jesus , and believe in  your heart that God has raised  
Him from the dead, you will be saved." Here, one is to
confess before others, a belief  in Jesus Christ  is Lord, 
in response to your "heart felt" belief that God  raised
him from the dead.  The term "heart," does not  refer
to a bodily organ, of course, but to your innermost 
being, or consciousness. 

     What about the prospect of doubting Salvation? 
The passage referenced has the solution for this con-
dition, as  well.  If one comes to  doubt his Salvation,
he  must return to Scripture and find how it happens.
If we openly profess to be a believer,  but fail to fol-
low  Jesus Christ as Savior and  Lord, we have  then,
taken  that  "Holy"  name  in vain,  and  Scripture  is
clear.   Exodus 20: 7, Thou shalt not take the name 
of the Lord thy God in vain: for the  Lord  will not
hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."   If
there is anything accounted as 'taking his name is 
vain, it would be claiming to be a disciple and fail-
ing to follow up on that profession by serving Him
in the proclaimation of the message of Scripture. 
     Returning to self-doubt;  the solution for doubt is
the  same as  receiving Jesus Christ  as Savior and 
Lord.  We must confess our healtfelt belief in Him 
to a person or persons.  In so doing we have again,
fulfilled the basic  step to the "New Birth" in Jesus
Christ and restored confidence in our relationship
with him.  Again, however; we must follow him in
order to  make  our confession an "Election sure."
by regularly reading Scripture, applying it to our
lives and assembling rdegularly with other belie-
vers in Christ. This must be coupled with  consis- 
tent prayer life. One may learn the form and sub-
stance of prayer in the Gospel recorded according
to  the Apostle Matthew in  chapter 6: 9-13.  The
explanation at close of the prayer, verse 14 - 15
is critical and must be followed for a continued
walk with God.  For if ye forgive men their tres-
passes, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if ye forgive not men their traspasses, neither
will your Father forgive your trespasses."

    The "Roman Road" has variations as to which
passages in Scripture are used tdo bring others to
Christ.  Here is the long list, giving options to use
as a situation suggests.
Romans 3: 10
Romans 3: 23
Romans 4: 3
Romans 5: 6-8
Romans 5: 12
Romans 5: 19-20
Romans 6: 1-2
Romans 6: 14-15
Romans 6: 23
Romans 8: 1
Romans 8:14-16
Romans 10: 8-10, 13 

May the Lord God bless your efforts on behalf of
mankind as led by His Spirit.  donporter,sr 1.30.19


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