
Friday, March 15, 2019

HEBREWS; an introduction...

     The book of Hebrews shows changes in the Law of God,
that came to pass because of the birth, life, death and resu-
rection of  the Lord God, Jesus Christ.   An important prin-
ciple is; the law was annulled or changed because of weak-
ness of the flesh and not for any shortcoming of the Law as
recorded in the Old Testament, or covenant.  Since not one
of the Patriarchs kept the law perfectly, there must be ano-
ther person who had the ability within  himself to keep per-
fectly, the Law of God.  He  was the author of the Law and 
is He who is also named  the "Word of God."   In Scripture
we find this; "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among
us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begot-
ten of the Father,  full of grace and truth."  John 1:14, This
came to pass to establish change in the covenant, since the 
old covenant with God's Chosen People,  did not make per-
fect the people as in Hebrews 8:7-9, "For if that first cove-
nant  had  been faultless,  then should no  place have  been 
sought for the second. For finding fault with them, he saith
Behold, the days come,  saith the Lord,  when I will make a
new covenant with the house of Is'ra-el and  with the house
of Ju'dah:  Not according to the covenant  that I made with
their fathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out
of the land of Egypt;because they continued not in my cove-
nant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. 

This post is an  unfinished work in progress...

     In the mean  time there is  a comment to be made concer- 
ning the people of Is'ra-el, God's chosen, and the church of
Jesus Christ,  "God the Son."  First,  the Lord God  has not,
in any sense, deserted his people, Is'ra-el. They are yet, His
Chosen people.  The followers of, believers in,Yeshua, have
been  grafted into the tree that is God's people , but the fol-
lowers of the Law of  Moses, see Exodus chapter 20 for the
commandments in the Law,  are still God's chosen.  They're
in unbelief in their Messiah, and are not in "fellowship with
God, the Father, nor God, the Son. They will regain fellow-
ship,  and be grafted back into their natural and inevitable 
return to faith in their God, when  they recognize, and sub-
mit to God the Son, Yeshua, Jesus Christ.

     Followers of Jesus are sometimes accused of being poly-
thiest, and regarded as having three Gods.  The followers of
Jesus believe God is a Spirit.  The Holy Spirit and the Lord,
Jesus Christ emanates from God the Father. since God is in
no way confined to  a body, "God is a Spirit,"  He is present
everywhere as God the Son, God the Holy Spirit or Spirit of
God.   These are terms identifying the three persons of God,
one God, sometimes referred to as Triune, of Trinity. Those
two terms do not appear in Scripture. 

donporter,sr 3.15.19 (9:55 pm)  ed, 3.25.19 (8:12 am)  


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