The Man God Can Use - Romans 12
(The ideas in this post were suggested by the book, "The New
Man for Our Times" by Elton Trueblood, Harper & Row, 1970.)
The Apostle Paul's letter to the church at Rome is said to be unique,
without equal. All I know is; it has truths seemingly essential for an
understanding of who God is, how he relates to mankind and how we
must relate to Him. There are no wasted words. It is certainly a
Divinely inspired and empowered work, as is all of Scripture. See II
Timothy 3: 15-16:
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction for instruction in righteous-
ness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished
unto all good works." (kjv) "Perfect" here is Spiritual maturity.
In the early part of chapter 12 we find this: “...present your bodies a
living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable
The first thought that occurred is one of a bodily sacrifice. Here we
have a concept reminiscent of Isaac’s experience with his father
Abraham. The Lord God told Abraham; "..offer your son, your only
son, Isaac..” as a sacrifice. Abraham was to kill his son. You know
the story how the Lord intervened at the last moment, providing an
alternate. He was testing Abraham’s faith and obedience. We, as
His Children are to reckon ourselves to be dead to self, turning con-
trol of our lives over to Jesus Christ through His indwelling Spirit.
The Lord has never been so interested in dead sacrifices as in the
faithful obedience of His Children. Burnt offering and sacrifice has
never taken the place of obedience to God and His Word. Burnt
offerings becomes ritual and ritual becomes outward manifestation
without the essential inward obedience. As a living sacrifice we not
only, once and for all commit ourselves to our heavenly Father, but
put flesh to death (sacrifice) daily in an on-going effort to be a part
of His plan for our lives and the life of His Church for whom Christ
died. One aside here: God provides the life. He provides the holi-
ness (without which "no man will see God'") In no other way may
we become acceptable to Him. Only things originating in the heart
and mind of Christ are acceptable to Him. If it is our idea (in the
flesh) it is tainted and of no use in His cause. “...lest anyone should
Finally we are told; "...this is your reasonable service." In other
words, we do this as a matter of course. It becomes clear as we
study the Word; learn how our Lord works in the lives of His Chil-
dren; any other path we may take is of the “flesh” and cannot be
pleasing in His sight. “As many as are led by the Spirit...” We are
only sons of God as we daily, follow the Lord Christ, faithfully, in
His power and wisdom with the fruit of the Spirit on our lives.
In verse two we are given a command to be transformed, by having
our minds renewed along with a negative; “ not be conformed
to this world.” We are not here told how to accomplish this, but the
probable reason for the two commands are so we may find His will
for our lives. Continuing here, we have instruction on how to accom-
plish the renewal and how it looks. First, pride must be eliminated
by a better understanding of who God is. When we realize He is the
source of our blessings we find God has given each of us gifts of His
Holy Spirit. These gifts are freely given and never merited. He has
given each of us responsibilities within the Body of Christ (Church)
matching the gifts. He arms us with knowledge from His Word, the
source of our talents, abilities and gifts.
Humility seems only natural and normal for the believer who has
this self-knowledge enlightened by the Spirit of Christ. One who
seems to have the gifts of the Spirit of God, but is proud, is in an
immature state and cannot be used effectively in the Lord’s service.
Each of us have had this experience and must be sympathetic with
one who has not learned the source of his gifts, resulting in humility
and usefulness. This is reminiscent of Proverbs 3, “Trust in the
Lord with all thine heart; and lean not on thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths."
(This might also be rendered; ...He shall make thy paths straight.)
donporter,sr 6/23/12 edited 3.04.17, 12.09.17
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