
Saturday, July 7, 2012


(1 Peter 4:  8 - 11)

As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one 
  to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." vs 10

In the four verses  referenced  above,  faith  is  not mentioned, as such.  
It is implied  and is  the very basis of  the  passage.   In verse  8;  "And
above all  things  have fervent  charity  among yourselves:  for  charity 
covers the multitude of sins,"  we see a principle of  sharing resources 
because of the love between believers, and the cleansing that comes as 
we give of ourselves sacrificially. If we hold things loosely, are quick to 
give ourselves and our means, it shows we are, in that respect, like the
Savior.   In  the verses  9-10,  "Use  hospitality one to  another  without 
grudging.  As every  man hath received  the  gift, even so  minister  the 
same one to another, as good stewards of  the manifold grace of God," 
We see the grace of  hospitality offered, freely, as though our personal 
possessions were held in common. There is the sense of joy in the sha-
ring,  since it is without compulsion and the idea: that all we have is a 
gift.   Whether it  is material or  Spiritual  blessing from the  Lord God, 
we are merely channels  through whom it  flows to  those who  have a
need.  The implication here;  people who follow Christ live with hands
stretched out to  assist,  comfort and encourage others whether or not 
these “others” are  in the faith .  The first  responsibility is  family and
brothers  and sisters in Christ.  The word “stewards,” indicates,  those 
of  us who are  blessed,  are not owners of  those blessings or gifts. We 
are merely vessels our  Lord uses to bless others.  Is  it  not  sad to wit-
ness  one who is  “called as  a minister” who has  hands out to  receive 
of others more than stretched out to give. 
     Finally we see the purpose of the matter.  Since we take no credit to 
self for   our gifts or blessings,  there is one who gets  glory, praise and 
dominion.   As we begin to understand these principles there is a deep 
sense of humility as  we are aware of  our unworthiness of  the  gift or 
the  praise.   The  Child of  God is  privileged  to  be  used  as a conduit 
of  blessing to others.  When we  become cognizant of  the fact that the 
Creator of  it all deigns to take mind of us and use us in His great plan, 
we must  fall on our faces with the Psalmist,  giving Him thanksgiving 
and praise.

 “If  any man  speak,  let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man 
 minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth; that God in 
 all  things may be glorified  through Jesus Christ, to whom  be praise 
 and dominion for ever and ever, Amen.”  1 Peter 4: 11
                                                                               donporter 7/7/12

    One other thing that occurred to me upon reflection of the blessings 
passing  through us as representatives of Jesus Christ is quite critical.
Timely forgiveness of any who would offend,  even sin against  us, can
be an important  blessing and a testimony as well as cleansing to us as 
believers,  and a positive testimony to the offender.    See:

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