2 Corinthians 5: 1-7: 6 12.08.12
"For we must all appear before the judge-
ment seat of Christ that every one may
receive the things done in his body, accor-
ding to that he hath done, whether it be
good or bad." 1 Corinthians 5: 10
As a fallen race we find ourselves; Children of
God to be temporarily clothed in mortal flesh
subject to struggles and temptations as are others.
We have our hope in Christ and guarantee of the
Holy Spirit, since our confidence is not in self,but
in Christ Jesus.
Having received Jesus Christ, we now live according to the Spirit
and know we are judged according to truth, not appearance. As
Christ has died for us, we are dead in Christ. Since He arose from
the dead, we have eternal life in Him. He is with the Father and we
know where He is we shall be. Our Lord is interceding for us, thus
we have fellowship with the Father by faith in the person and the
work of his Son, Jesus Christ. Old things are passing away, and
everything is being renewed in Christ Jesus our Lord. We are said
to be seated with Him in the Heavenly places, Ephesians 2.
Not only have we been reconciled to God in Christ; he has given to
us the ministry of reconciliation. In Christ's stead, we call on men
to become rightly related or reconciled to the Father. Since Christ
took our place, we stand in His place, alive in Him. We also stand
as new creatures, righteous before God through the Son, with no
righteousness of our own to claim.
The coming into the world, as a human child, by the Lord Jesus was
for the express purpose of redemption for mankind. Christ fulfilled
His mission and left a cadre of Apostles* through whom His Holy
Spirit could live and work to accomplish the further mission of esta-
blishing His Church or Bride. To get this underway, He died for
each who would accept Him, then returned to the Father where he
intercedes on our behalf. The work is being carried out by these
"New Creatures," something unclear in Old Testament times. They
are given the Spirit of Jesus Christ and they can do nothing except
through reliance on that Spirit. By the Power of God they are given
unique and specific Spiritual gifts enabling each to do his own pecu-
liar work assigned by that Spirit. Since the "vessels" used for these
tasks had to be free from guilt of sin, which separates from a Holy
God, Christ's blood shed on the cross for their sin, actually cleanses
them and makes them to be righteous. "Husband's love your wives
even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. That
He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the
Word, that he might present it to himself, a glorious church, with-
out spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and
without blemish." ( Ephesians 5: 25-27)
This righteousness is not a righteousness of their own. It is the
righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to each because of a per-
sonal faith in God the son. We are only limited in the endeavor by
our flesh or physical bodies. God's Word states in 1 Corinthians
15:50, "...flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God..."
Therefore, we know this body of flesh cannot enter into God's eternal presence except it be changed to a Spiritual body. (God is
a Spirit) In the mind of Christ we are in His Holy presence now,
("...seated with Him in Heavenly places..." Ephesians 2:4-10)
The guilt of sin has been expunged from our records in Christ, by
his blood and our life in christ is cleansed through the "washing of
the water of the Word..." (Word of God) Ephesians 5
APOSTLE: One who is sent. (to represent another)
donporter,sr 11.25.12
"For we must all appear before the judge-
ment seat of Christ that every one may
receive the things done in his body, accor-
ding to that he hath done, whether it be
good or bad." 1 Corinthians 5: 10
As a fallen race we find ourselves; Children of
God to be temporarily clothed in mortal flesh
subject to struggles and temptations as are others.
We have our hope in Christ and guarantee of the
Holy Spirit, since our confidence is not in self,but
in Christ Jesus.
Our goal is to be well pleasing to our Lord since
at the end of our earthly existence we will stand
before Him to give account for the deeds of our
flesh, receiving reward or loss according to our
works here.
at the end of our earthly existence we will stand
before Him to give account for the deeds of our
flesh, receiving reward or loss according to our
works here.
Having received Jesus Christ, we now live according to the Spirit
and know we are judged according to truth, not appearance. As
Christ has died for us, we are dead in Christ. Since He arose from
the dead, we have eternal life in Him. He is with the Father and we
know where He is we shall be. Our Lord is interceding for us, thus
we have fellowship with the Father by faith in the person and the
work of his Son, Jesus Christ. Old things are passing away, and
everything is being renewed in Christ Jesus our Lord. We are said
to be seated with Him in the Heavenly places, Ephesians 2.
Not only have we been reconciled to God in Christ; he has given to
us the ministry of reconciliation. In Christ's stead, we call on men
to become rightly related or reconciled to the Father. Since Christ
took our place, we stand in His place, alive in Him. We also stand
as new creatures, righteous before God through the Son, with no
righteousness of our own to claim.
The coming into the world, as a human child, by the Lord Jesus was
for the express purpose of redemption for mankind. Christ fulfilled
His mission and left a cadre of Apostles* through whom His Holy
Spirit could live and work to accomplish the further mission of esta-
blishing His Church or Bride. To get this underway, He died for
each who would accept Him, then returned to the Father where he
intercedes on our behalf. The work is being carried out by these
"New Creatures," something unclear in Old Testament times. They
are given the Spirit of Jesus Christ and they can do nothing except
through reliance on that Spirit. By the Power of God they are given
unique and specific Spiritual gifts enabling each to do his own pecu-
liar work assigned by that Spirit. Since the "vessels" used for these
tasks had to be free from guilt of sin, which separates from a Holy
God, Christ's blood shed on the cross for their sin, actually cleanses
them and makes them to be righteous. "Husband's love your wives
even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. That
He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the
Word, that he might present it to himself, a glorious church, with-
out spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and
without blemish." ( Ephesians 5: 25-27)
This righteousness is not a righteousness of their own. It is the
righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to each because of a per-
sonal faith in God the son. We are only limited in the endeavor by
our flesh or physical bodies. God's Word states in 1 Corinthians
15:50, "...flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God..."
Therefore, we know this body of flesh cannot enter into God's eternal presence except it be changed to a Spiritual body. (God is
a Spirit) In the mind of Christ we are in His Holy presence now,
("...seated with Him in Heavenly places..." Ephesians 2:4-10)
The guilt of sin has been expunged from our records in Christ, by
his blood and our life in christ is cleansed through the "washing of
the water of the Word..." (Word of God) Ephesians 5
APOSTLE: One who is sent. (to represent another)
donporter,sr 11.25.12
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