Why Write; Why Publish? update 11.01.16 12.12..12
Why Write?
Every Child of God has a story. Our story, called a testimony of faith,
must be told in the first person. Were that not enough reason to write,
every Child of God having sons or daughters, is responsible to the
next generation to build bridges relating to his progeny his philosophy
of life. If one believes he has failed to leave a proper legacy for his
family, there are warnings to deliver and forgiveness to ask. Most
of us have mixed emotions about the legacy we have left; some good;
some, not so good. The writer must make sure the message in his
written “legacy,” does not consist mainly of an apology or some lame
excuse for his manner of life, but a positive affirmation of truth and
faith in God, even if that faith came late in life.
Those who truly know a man are his family and very close friends. It
is also possible, even to them, some of the issues of his life are still hid-
den. Even a Spiritual man has issues he is not courageous enough to
discuss during his lifetime and the written word is an excellent vehicle
for things he cannot express verbally. After this is on paper, sharing it
might not be as uncomfortable as thought. This will result in passing
along life principles from the author to his/her loved ones; a blessing
indeed... In addition to the potential blessing for the family, there is
a clearing of the air, when one puts thoughts on paper. This benefits
the writer more than he/she may know until it’s done.
Why Publish?
There are many reasons to publish a manuscript. The overriding rea-
son for publication is, every Child of God has a story. Since each story,
or testimony of faith is unique, each has an audience, a particular set of
circumstances will impact. There is set before us a work to accomplish
during our time on earth and by writing and publishing the story, I may
accomplish the work. Persons affected by reading your story may be
miles or years separated from the author and publication is the only way
to reach the audience. Consider the impact 40 authors of Holy Scripture,
who wrote over a 1,000 year span, have had over the past 2,000 years.
We must take care to acknowledge nothing we publish may in any way
compares to Scripture. Every Word of Scripture is Divinely inspired,
but the pen, or word processor is still mighty as led of the Spirit of God.
“I am not articulate enough to put my thoughts on paper.” By perusing
the internet, one is able to find publishing companies, who will correct the
grammar and do light editing of a manuscript for as little as $100 for up to
225 pages. It is unlikely our pages would exceed that and $100 spent on a
legacy for family and potential benefit to people in the future is well spent
money. There are also Godly teachers in your local schools who will assist.
As will be evident to all, this author has not as yet taken advantage of this resource.
Something to remember: Give our Lord Jesus Christ the honor due Him
Him for the benefit of a well lived or changed life. Mention of a human
instruments He used to bring this about in us is always secondary and
possibly unwise.
It is rare for a book written by an unknown author to be financially
rewarding. If that is the reason for writing, it must be the poorest pos-
sible motive. Any book, when the motive is financial, cannot be a true
success. Writing and publishing is like anything else in the life of the
Child of God. The idea must have been born in the heart of God and so
empowered. May the Lord God give u s wisdom as we set our hand to
pen and ink (Word Processor) or to do anything in Kingdom service,
must be our prayer.
There is also this; A blog is a pretty simple means of getting the word
out with little expense. Just a word about my experience; I have been
blogging since June, 2012. There have been over 11,000 occasions of peo-
ple I may or may not know who have read posts from the blog with about
one-fourth of the readers outside the US of A, 372 from Russian and 276
from Germany, 84 from Serbia, 32 from the UK. A number of others have
a lesser number of hits. There have been comments that were humbling
and gratifying. Since I am not that literate, it is nothing short of a miracle.
The Lord is in it and he gets all the praise. Thanks for reading...
(In the Proverbs of Solomon, 10: 19 we read; In the multitude of words
sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise.) With this in mind,
I trust we remember to use economy of words as we communicate truth.
Why don't I just create a blog and post the results of my Bible study on
donporter 12.12.12 Updated 12.01.14
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