
Monday, February 24, 2020


OLD   OR  NEW  COVENANT?   (2.20.20)

     In my last post I raised the question about whether we might
consider the Old Testament and New Testament to be "equally"
inspired of God, or whether we should discount the Old in favor
of the New.  Of course, the Old Covenant was written to the Jews
and the New Covenant was intended to show a new way in which
our Lord deals with His followers.  The latter does not, however;
replace the former, but enlightens believers as to the new relation-
ship God has with his people in Jesus Christ, God the Son.  There
are many references we might point out that blend the Scriptures,
One of my favorites,  "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and
lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknow-
ledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3: 5-6) 
This passage of Scripture, along with verses 7 - 10 would seem to
fit nicely in the New Testament.

   To believe the New has replaced the old, would be foolish and 
would cause  one to neglect  the wisdom found there.  We ignore
history to  our peril,  or loss.  There is  wisdom in the  Old Testa-
ment showing the history of God's chosen people and their place
in the  greater scheme of things.  It shows they have  a unique, or 
special place in the heart of God.  That has NOT  changed!!! 


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