Have there been times when you wanted to know
a Scriptural principle concerning a matter and
were unaware of the location in the Bible? There
is no reason for one to continue in ignorance of
a principal or incident contained in Holy Scrip-
There are many editions of the Word of God
containing an index called a "concordance."
An exhaustive concordance lists each word con-
tained in Scripture showing book, chapter and
verse in which it is found. I "srongly" recom-
mend the one volume, "Strongs Exhaustive."
Many English copies of Scriture have a limited
concordance; not all words are listed due to
spatial limitations. From this point, Scripture
passages are listed having to do with the Lord's
work on the earth. Where it is possible, we must
take God's Word literally. It is obvious, as we
read the Word, passages which have figurative
meanings... the rest must be taken literally. In
this introduction we are covering early Genesis,
or beginnings.
Genesis (beginnings) 1: 1, God created heavens and the earth.
Genesis (beginnings) 1: 1, God created heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:27-28, God created Adam and Eve, man and woman.
Genesis 2:17, God gave the man a limitation.
Genesis 3, The Fall of man and the disasterous consequences
Genesis 4, The first births of sons and events surrounding the events, with the restora-
tion of the Spiritual seed.
Genesis 5, The birth of Enoch, who was trans-
lated because of his righteous life. He
did not see death.
Genesis 6-7, Noah builds an ark to preserve
God's creation from a world-wide
flood no one survived outside the ark.
Genesis 9: 8-18. Promise given to mankind that
the Lord would never again destroy
civilization by flood. His "Bow" in
the sky is His token.
Genesis 9:20-27, Noah curses canaan from the act
of Ham. Canaan was reduced to
servant, to serve Shem and Japeth.
Genesis 9:28-29 The death of Noah.
(This project is a work in progress for me. Who
knows if I will live long enough to complete it?)
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